21271766? ago

The Murdochs are dirty. Hang em in public.

21271414? ago

Fox adds up to 666. F is the 6th letter in the alphabet, o the 15th, x the 24th. go figure.

21267424? ago

Are you kidding me? They never were.

21266659? ago

Fox was always FAUX

wake the fuck up

21266491? ago

I never thought Murdoch was a good guy and I never thought Fox News was fair and balanced. Just Controlled opposition and OK I wonder how Tucker Carlson and few others still have a job on this network

21266016? ago

Because.... DISNEY

21264624? ago

Fox News fair and balanced? Boomer much?

Aside from Tucker, Stossel and Sarah every one is either a shill or a DS puppet. Even Hannity.

Here is a video where he actually tries to shut down James Trafficant, a congressman who openly questioned Israel's influence in the US. This was back in 2009.


As a sidenote, Congressman Trafficant was ousted out of Congress by an almost unanimous vote. The only person who voted for him to stay was Ron Paul. He later died in a mysterious accident.

21264593? ago

Never were.

21264406? ago

Bought by Disney in March.

21264241? ago

The only reason Fox has been somewhat supporting Trump was for ratings and to gain credibility...and as we get closer to the elections their true colors will shine...and really to anyone paying close attention Fox has been stabbing Trump in the back all along by repeating all the BS out of the other fake news media when they could have ignored it or reported on it differently...

21264060? ago

That's the man who ruined MySpace.

destroy him...

21264029? ago

They were never fair and balanced. Cable news has been nothing but propaganda since its inception. Fox is no better than CNN.

21263861? ago

Murdoch and Maxwell were old rivals in the UK news biz. Maybe Rupert is Ghislaine's Godfather?

21263316? ago

Fox has always been controlled opposition.

21262875? ago

OK, just to keep a perspective...we can gather only so much from a pic. Important people/celebs are often in a pic that is really innocent. People will ask them to pose etc. While many of these people are really evil skanks....some pic's may be just innocent poses for the camera. Just saying.

21263697? ago

too many coincidences for me.

21262795? ago

At least Fox is making money again....Shepherd Smiths make up budget was alarming.

21262545? ago

Why is she still walking around free???

21262521? ago

Fox was better when he was the one controlling it though.

21262432? ago

Because they were controlled opposition...now they are just plain bought and paid for by Satan via ABC

21262286? ago

Cos FOX was sold to Disney back in May. The infiltration has begun in earnest.


21262349? ago

They did not buy Fox News. However, Paul Ryan (Rino) now sits on Fox Corp board of directors.

21262241? ago

They were never fair & balanced.

21262538? ago

Who is in your opinion?

21265855? ago

Fair & balanced MSM? I scoff at the notion of any televised news media being honest or trustworthy.

21270561? ago

My strategy has always been to get news from several different sources to try to average out the natural biases that will exist within the staff producing a particular outlet's coverage. Also use foreign outlets. They too are subject to bias, but with not as much at stake in US politics, the coverage of our politics is more objective. I have found various Asian sources as well as British sources to be good for this, although they sometimes use American wire sources such as the AP or NYT for articles that do reflect American MSM biases.

21262149? ago

Murdouch gave control over to one of his sons. Both sons are flaming libs. Hence, that answers your question

21263683? ago

Oh I am sure the sons dont like fucking kids like their Dad. They are all pedos.

21262131? ago

Christcucks are neither.

That's what I love about them. They burn everything down themselves.

No one's coming to help.

21261966? ago

When were they ever fair and balanced? (Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, Marsha McCallum, ...) They tell Hannity he can't say that Eric Ciaramella is the whistle blower. FOX sucks.

21261859? ago

Look at the names of the people hosting it or whatever.

What the fuck has happened to USA/Canada?

These people (luciferians, not muh joos) have really destroyed our countries.

So many goddamn mudshits everywhere (they are the worst).

And I'm not the fucking racist.. THEY ARE.

They are here to take over with their SILENT JIHAD, after all. Not all but many.

They've been doing this for centuries, after all.

It's warfare tactics... They want to outbreed us ... the Luciferians know caucasians are having much smaller families (they made us poor and the cost of living insane) while surely all the FAHEED-AL MUHAMMADS get all the best jobs and oppurtunities when the choice is given between an American/Canadian versus MAHA BIN-FAGGOT ... they choose the smelly faggot.

If you are on the train and its packed and it smells like really bad body odour, like someone has not bathed in days... no.. its MONTHS...

Then you know its a muslim man somewhere in the crowd, crowded in with all the hooded women staring at the ground.

Fucking canada is being overrun by these people, they are goddamn everywhere in the cities now.

I hate the Luciferians SO FUCKING MUCH.

And you know what?

I LOVE ME A GREAT JEW. Such as Daniel Lee on youtube.

When I see a MUH JEWZZZZZ shill, I get fucking pissed off by their lies, when I think about Daniel Lee.

They basketcase ALL JEWS into "ITS THA JOOS!@!!!11" and its fucking ridiculous.

The massive upvotes on mah joo shill posts is insane on QRV.

I miss my filters on 8ch

21261591? ago

Cuz they never were from the get go?

21261341? ago

Those two go way back.

21261157? ago

'Cause that's what controlled opposition does, when the truth comes out they can't handle.

21262041? ago

FBI document reveals that CIA employee Isabel Petty was the wife of the founding leader of the Finders Cult? an Epstein style Satanic Lucifer cult exploited abused, for politics & blackmail, https://voat.co/v/QRV/3507037/21259453 A whole lot of digging on this remains to be done into the Finders, but the video is a good start for folks looking to get informed on things the CIA has been involved with on American soil.

21261125? ago

That bitch took more photos with people than Mickey Mouse. And he’s a kid fucker too!

21261093? ago

big tit's always win

21262408? ago

Ugly saggy mediums you mean?

21262561? ago

She always looks middle aged, manly, and saggy no matter how old or recent the pics are.

21261898? ago
