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21260937? ago

The mason members on the low levels, pay dues, just to fund the highest pricks. Lower level members, don't even know they serve satan. If they were not doing anything wrong, why do they meet is secret? They need to be de-funded. The lower level members, have to wise up, stop handing over cash, and START THEIR OWN BENEVOLENT GROUPS, who truly do help the poor and sick. Free mason means brother knight.

21350417? ago The Civil War, its power, its roots, it started because .... You are told 'Slavery' but what else happens ... old Industry vs. new Farming, new Law and old Law ... the new States' Rights...World Expansion the New Banks new trade routes. ...Bleeding Kansas. ...Secession. Missouri Compromise of 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe. After the Mexican–American War of 1846 to 1848, European powers were seeing colonies collapse some of their islands would revolt, there were already mixed and negro free men in the French colony in the US South. The Christian ideas of freedom and soul and such other ideas preached, an attack a U.S. fort in South Carolina in April 1861.