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21260575? ago

Interesting to relate that hitlers crackdown on Freemasonry and Fortune tellers was apparently precipitated in part by the “defection” of his chief of staff, Rudolf Hess, to the U.K. Hess was convinced he could arrange a peace agreement between German and the U.K., which would mean that Germany could focus on the Eastern front, and which also implied that the U.K. wouldn’t be used as a staging ground for bombing raids or invasions against the continent. But though it was reported as a defection on both sides of the war (Hess disobeyed direct orders when he took it upon himself to broker the price agreement), he was actually held as a high-value prisoner of war by the British, and was brutally interrogated via torture, administration of drugs, and terrorization.

Because the the British secret service operative Aleister Crowley was involved in Hess’s interrogation and torture, it is alleged by some that Hess’a belief in and susceptibility to the occult was actually used to lure him to England on his peace mission, since he had been seeking tarot card readings and dream interpretations from a fortune teller in Germany prior to his flight.

At any rate, these events immediately preceded Hitler outlawing Freemasonry, Fortune Telling and Occult practices, and placing a price on Crowley’s head.

Don’t misconstrue what I say to mean that I think the Nazis were the good guys. But it is a matter of record that very evil people were in the service of the British Crown, so make what you will of that information.

21260775? ago

A Dutch cult but it once connetced to the Jewish Occult, Arabia and the Templar once stuck behind enemy lines and made to convert to an alien religion, ask long long agao who burned London to the ground in 1666 ? Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children? ... Different names over time but the same Mystery Babylon religion...