21265971? ago

Let's not wait another 78

21264417? ago

He sucks.

21261285? ago

It all matters. All the false flags must be used to wake up the sheep. Can't wait for the new true history books to be written. When Q said, WE HAVE IT ALL, that includes, all the records of real history, all the cures, all the ancient knowledge, all the highest tech., everything you have ever wanted to know. BRING IT ON!!

21260371? ago

Bring up the Lavon Affair, more recent.

21258533? ago


21258177? ago

Thanks, christcuck kikespawn.

21254558? ago

The holocaust also didn't even happen so

21255414? ago

White men are too faggoty to ever do something that great for themselves.

21254322? ago

Any white person who listens to anything kike Shapiro has to say should get their heads examined by a pajeet psychiatrist.

Ben despises Jesus and white christians. The little jew has the nerve to sell bible insurance to zionist goys.

21253900? ago

This is just one example out of six million that every jew who you think is your ally, is ready to backstab you at the drop of a hat.

21253821? ago

Fuck that kike

21253764? ago

Damn! I thought the holocaust was last week the way Jews carry on about it. Every fucking day, holocaust this and holocaust that, you can't go thru a single day without hearing the word.

21253690? ago

No longer matters? The fuck...

They tried sinking our vessel, killing our men, all in an attempt to draw us into their conflict. But it doesn't matter and it's just a "theory"? I wasnt a fan before by any stretch but -wow- has he ever shown his true colors.

21253667? ago

Of course the jew would just dismiss our Navy getting attacked by Israel.

21253391? ago

Contrived crisis. Shapiro is from the same group that pays the SBBH trolls here. He pushes this narrative so the shills can come here and try and make it an issue for us.

No one here listens to Shapiro or cares what he says.

21255081? ago


21253121? ago

I despise that little creepy fuck. He is not one of us.

21252867? ago

I wonder how much $upport and viewership Shapiro has lost. He lost me.

21252966? ago

U actually watched him? I thought he’s always been controlled opposition?

21252850? ago

how much longer are you bitch ass cucked citizens going to sit idle while Israel destroys thr world.

21252894? ago

What do you suggest? How do we combat the rogue nukes and DEWs?

21255411? ago

Chickens can't be choosers.

21255417? ago

They don't have the brain for it. How do you suggest the brave execute a plan? What would your plan be hero?

21255459? ago

Post your badge number

21255507? ago

Hey man, we survivors are 80,000 strong and our numbers are growing every day even though it was 78 years ago. Don't underestimate us and give us your plan to fight against DEWs and nukes.

21255558? ago

Since you're an agent and a jew, there's no need for you to fight against your own weapons.

21255577? ago

You're projecting now, and avoiding the question because you don't have an answer. Take another bong hit and pretend you're not the coward here.

21255614? ago

Don't need a bong or need to pretend.

21255662? ago

Then what's your brave plan to deal with nukes and DEWs? How would you execute it?

Another politician's not-an-answer proves me right, not you.

21255681? ago

What were you right about, that you're a stupid fed? lol

21255937? ago

Are you a bot, yes or no?

I'm right that you're an armchair warrior hitting the bong and projecting your own loser-cowardice outward on to random strangers on the internet.

Otherwise you would provide a clear, verifiably executable plan to protect ourselves from the rogue nukes and DEWs that keep the planet under threat of blackmail like you've been asked numerous times in this thread.

This is Ark of the Covenant stuff.

You have no answer, hit the bong or take another tab.

21256033? ago

Is it cold in Quantico today?

21256064? ago

Still proving you're a hoax projecting your own cowardice outward?

Or, are you a bot? Aren't you programmed to answer that question with a yes or no?

21256211? ago


21256828? ago


21258133? ago


21258244? ago


21254110? ago

oy vey! use iodine pills to stop the nukes and mirrors to reflect the lasers back up to space to destroy the dew. it works in the movies, so it must be real like the holocaust.

21252953? ago

they cant destroy everything and everyone. there would be nothing and nobody left to control. so nukes and dews wont be used.

21252971? ago

What do you think all of the underground warfare (that we can actually hear, at least in CA) is about? As long as they have underground bunkers with tunnel networks to escape into, no one is safe. There is NO other reason anyone would be doing the bidding of Israel.

21259369? ago

all of the underground warfare

This subset of Qtardism is amazing. This is the bizarre fringe (like furries, roadkill rapists, et al) that Metokur loves to mock, but this is too ridiculous, even for him.

21259447? ago

Ridicule isn't an argument, but it does show us who you are.

21259601? ago

A person who divides himself from cult members, and the cognitively inept.

21265935? ago

Or just another chosen one lazily posting ridicule instead of valid arguments from a troll kibbutz over in Tel Aviv

21253007? ago

Are you telling me that millions of people are outnumbered by a few thousand. Are you saying millions of people can't overtake those bunkers? You sound like a defeated cunt. dont be a cunt. be a fighter. dont be a joo.

21253213? ago

Have you been down there?

What I'm telling you is that there's a war going on under our feet, while you're up here playing armchair warrior calling people doing a whole lot more than you defeated cunts.

21253645? ago

have YOU been down there. Have you seen what you claim? nope. So what are you on about. Fight tangible wars faggot. Not your made up nonsense.

21255358? ago

Haven't been down there but in my neighborhood we can all hear the gun fights and about two weeks ago there were a series of "earthquakes" after a bunch of booms that went on and on, as if tunnels were collapsing beneath our feet.

21257804? ago

link to article?

21258235? ago

What article? It's personal experience and talking to neighbors.

21260479? ago

such events would be documented somewhere

21265916? ago

Tons of forums where every day people report hearing the gun fights, if you're expecting a MSM article then you're probably hanging around the wrong subs here on Voat.

21267806? ago

There's gotta be alt media about it. Otherwise you're full of shiiiiiieeeeeeeet

21259427? ago

In our area, it's the Leprechauns. They've been fighting underground battles for years, and have tunnel networks under most peoples homes. Yes, those "people are secretly living in my house with us" stories are really about the Leprechauns. Deep state? How deep are we talking?

What do you think? Could I be one of you?

21252837? ago

This creature is gross.

21252817? ago

Another cryptokike confirmed.

21253493? ago

Ben Shapiro isn't a cryptokike, he's a straight up kike, supporter of a jew ethnostate and all.

21252811? ago

Mossad is a problem. Israel (the government) is a problem. Any who interfere with the US to influence politics or gain an advantage at the expense of the US should be treated as enemy combatants and dealt with harshly.

That being said, enough with the Nazifaggots who take the guilt that belongs directed at Mossad and Israel and try to misdirect it to the entire Jewish population. There are 6+ million American Jews and 99.9% of them had absolutely nothing to do with it.

21253623? ago

I refuse to believe you until the "good" jews stand up and speak out loudly against Mossad, Israel, and dual citizenship.

Until then they are no better than Muslims who don't speak out against Islamic extremism.

21252938? ago

Rot in hell you kikelover.

21252884? ago

This is the kind of attitude that will leave your grandchildren cursing you as they will have to deal with the same shit because these "good" jews your talking give cover to the bad ones. The issue is jews period.

21253122? ago

Fuck off, nazi.

21259184? ago

OK boomer.

21256996? ago

you first, antifa

21252913? ago

Only because they remain cloaked. Only because they've been poisoned by words by their fellow jews, the ashkenazi, the pharisees.

21255440? ago

Bullshit, it's the sephardi too and it's been going on 3000 fucking years now.

21259209? ago

The only ones I would not gas out of hand are the Ethiopians lol.

21252749? ago

Holohoax was 78 years ago.

21253790? ago

My 85 yr old conservative Trump supporting grandfather asked if I was a holocaust denier the other day...in a really emotional and angry tone simply because I said that I believe the holocaust has been blown out of proportion. I told him I didn't believe as many Jews died as is currently believed. So sad. Love him dearly but I had to bite my tongue.

21260944? ago

My father callled me a Nazi because I didn't believe in the holohoax and my Aunt disowned me for the same reason.

21259317? ago

"Are you a holohoax claimer?"

21252890? ago

All the survivors (new ones being born every day) make it seem like "surviving" the big holohoax is a formula for guaranteed longevity. And the miraculous ability to time travel to the future as a survivor at 35 or 40 years old. Just wait. It's coming.

21252744? ago

https://archive.ph/kASdF :

Macks on Twitter: "The USS Liberty attack doesn't matter because it's 52 years old… "

This has been an automated message.

21252723? ago

What matters is the truth. We have been lied to forever & it's abuse. How does a group of people, that we pay, decide what to tell us? Our entire lives based on lies - cruel - sick.

21255046? ago

yep, I've always know the world was corrupt, but I didn't know our politicians HATED US the way they do.

just frightening to think about.

21259298? ago

Would you respect someone who takes any abuse you dish out, no matter how egregious?

21253624? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/NiggersAnonymous comment.

Posted automatically (#72437) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21252879? ago

It certainly IS abuse, of the most insidious form.

21252948? ago

Think of all of the innovation that never happened due to their control of reality and their nudging of events that are unnatural.

21253683? ago

Think of the children whom would have been saved. Ok Q let's get this show on the road!

21252983? ago

Truly the Synagogue of Satan in every way imaginable and unimaginable.

21252699? ago

Future proves past - that's why - and it will prove the holo-hoax too!

21252632? ago

Instead of "BOO!" the crowd should "joo!"

21255865? ago

"Jooooooooooo liar! Joooooo!"

21256132? ago

I am not religious, loser.

21252630? ago

The Holocaust was not a theory. It is part of history. This Liberty incident I don't know enough to comment on it, but Shapiro is right that a certain group is obsessed with it. It is about the only event less than friendly that those that hate Jews and Israel can point to that was a negative action. Compare to the treatment we get from some other nations and it is no wonder that event gets lost in the noise of history.

21252976? ago

The holocaust is iffy at best. The uss liberty is on tape. With 100% certainty, jews committed an act of war to false flag America into warring for jews in the middle east. Just like 9/11.

Meaning Israel has officially declared war against America. There are no terms ending it.

Whereas we scientifically know most or all of the holocaust is yet another Jewish lie. A lie they've been pushing since the mid 1800s. A lie which didn't gain acceptance until the late 1960s.

21252933? ago




It's not the only event we can point to but it is one of the most heinous. While they are not links to liberty stuff these are still good things for you to research.

21252845? ago

There was no holocaust, you idiot.

21252741? ago

This reads like a template for a canned "Talking Points USA" type of non-answer.

21252704? ago

Americans saved the Jews from the Holocaust. Jews deliberately attacked the USS Liberty. Your priorities, loyalties and sympathies obviously lean more to Jews than Americans.

21252642? ago

The Holocaust story we've been fed is no better than a theory.

21252674? ago

Worse. Theories are at least plausible.

21252561? ago

Holocaust was 78 years ago but US taxpayers (we already lost so many of our own at Normandy!) are expected to pay for free IN HOME elder care for 80,000 survivors in the USA alone? The holocaust was so horrible that nearly 80 years later there are 80,000 survivors just in the USA? Hardly seems traumatic - more like surviving the holocaust = a formula for longevity.

21266675? ago

Even a Jew herself, writer Rachel bloom made a parody song in her TV show "crazy ex girlfriend" called "remember how we suffered" lol I couldn't believe it, it was amazing

21268660? ago

Because they're all laughing at us as they talk about their suffering. Every single one of them knows it's a lie.

21253083? ago

Assuming 99% of the people that survived the holocaust have since died of old age, this means there were at least 8 million people in camps. Assuming the Germans were as efficient as their reputation suggests they and they finished executing 87% of their prisoners,, this means Germany executed 60 million Jews! Oy vey!

21255148? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i always use 60 gorrilion as an exagerstion but using your math im going to have to jump my game up... 600 gorllion hook nosed kikes where killed and vanished in ovens by the evil nazi germans!

it really could have been 60 gorrlion the tragedy is so tragic poor hook nosed parasite/virus people

21254016? ago

You are forgetting to count all of the holocaust survivors who are living outside of the US. So the real number of jews executed by the evil nazi of evil is 600 million. Oy vey! 600 million jews murdered! whadda shoah!

21253779? ago

or it was a complete fabrication, the world's biggest lie.

21253815? ago

Oy vey, antisemitism!

21253864? ago

I can't wait until the term changes to 'Oy vey, ovens!'.

21253236? ago

Good job, but you're forgetting about all the poor victim "survivors" living outside of the USA.

It really is closer to a gorillion. At the very least.

21256628? ago

Also forgetting about all the Holocaust survivors who weren't even in Europe during WWII.



An additional 108,900 lived under Nazi rule outside of Europe. Of those, 55% were born in North Africa, primarily Morocco, Tunisia, and Libya. Some 30,200 were refugees, of which 75% were born in the former Soviet Union.

These three groups have been defined by various official government and private entities as “Holocaust survivors,” according to the report, and as such are entitled to receive the rights and benefits due to them for their experiences and exposure to the Nazi regime.

“A Holocaust survivor is a person who lived in one of the countries occupied by or under the direct influence of the Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945 and/or refugees who were forced to leave their homes due to the Nazi regime,” the report stated.


21256808? ago

“A Holocaust survivor is a person who lived in one of the countries occupied by or under the direct influence of the Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945 and/or refugees who were forced to leave their homes due to the Nazi regime,” the report stated.

Plus anyone who identifies as a holocaust survivor.

21253644? ago

Let's say 20% went to the US, 60% went to israel, and 20% went elsewhere. That's 300 million Jews executed! Not quite a gorillion, but close.

21253761? ago
