22085371? ago

Joe? For the second time he posts false crap defending the smut kike porno merchant? https://voat.co/v/OccidentalEnclave/3603965

22085382? ago

That guy @Joe_McCarthy /u/Joe_McCarthy did he sell his account to pornography spammers

22088723? ago

He has decided to submit porno to /v/whatever without NSFW tag with the excuse that Voat is all NSFW and no tag is necessary. But when someone else did the exact same thing to his subverse, that account got banned with submission removed, LOLs.

22085169? ago

Near the end of Babylon... The great porn wars upon us ? .... https://voat.co/v/whatever/3603935

21246241? ago

Weimar Republic, we're living it.

21898765? ago

I will assume Minnesota is full of (((them))) https://voat.co/v/technology/3581790/21898303 do you think @Rellik88 would pay his 'models' or sounds more like an 'Uncle Terry'? @hollywood2020

21245827? ago


You forgot two parenthesis.

21245798? ago

Pornography didn’t ruin America. Stupid parents with cellphones and stupid kids are ruining things right now.

21245042? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=a4mISL49wkE :

How Pornographers DESTROYED the Patriarchy and the West - YouTube

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