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21243575? ago

The devil is being portrayed as having had a set of tits and a rosko in ancient texts as a lot have probably seen. The demons/bad entities are making these assholes do this I believe. The MSM pushing this shows us who's in control of this bad projection. Anything to dehumanize us is their goal. Laughing at us all the while as they violate our children. Drag queers laying down with children being promoted? They all need to suffer in the flesh and in the after life for these insidious acts. Thank You POTUS for taking out the garbage.

21244374? ago

More like pseudo-archaeology David Icke and Lizard Green aliens, Alex Jones and Grey or Greys and Zecharia Sitchin wrrote about Anunnaki Some of the conspiracy elite they seem to like this Tarot, Magic or thelema/aleister crowley bullshit. All smoke and mirrors, a crypto new age religion basically