21256890? ago

I disagree, this trans gender bullshit is exactly like the Climate hoax, the racism hoax, the gun hoax. It is blatant indoctrination of children, it is Saul Alinsky tactics, it is removal of decency and morals. Are there any trans republicans?

21247166? ago

from: doglegwarrior

jesus christ reddit is fucking gay... this sub is quarenttined! they should have had that plan a long time ago.. warn people the jew is being exposed then u can go in and read aboutbit if you want. if not fuck off! voat would have never came into exzistance if the fuck tards had done that long ago.

21246519? ago

2 Timothy 3 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, [a]haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of [b]godliness, although they have denied its power

Sure sounds like the fat lady is singing.

21245228? ago

What’s super crazy I that this movement is ancient.

They’re just swooping in for the kill now. POTUS accelerated their timeline, and it’s all falling apart.

21244791? ago

Recent scripture study has revealed Jesus was a transgender so it must be a good thing.

I love Jesus, you should too and have some respect! He wasn’t mental.

21244625? ago

It's not mental illness, it's sin.

21244500? ago

Identity politics is all mental illness.

21244455? ago

Are you trying to prove that r/the_Donald is not full of race mixers, faggots, and trannys? Because it is.

21244075? ago

So is Judaism

21243575? ago

The devil is being portrayed as having had a set of tits and a rosko in ancient texts as a lot have probably seen. The demons/bad entities are making these assholes do this I believe. The MSM pushing this shows us who's in control of this bad projection. Anything to dehumanize us is their goal. Laughing at us all the while as they violate our children. Drag queers laying down with children being promoted? They all need to suffer in the flesh and in the after life for these insidious acts. Thank You POTUS for taking out the garbage.

21244374? ago

More like pseudo-archaeology David Icke and Lizard Green aliens, Alex Jones and Grey or Greys and Zecharia Sitchin wrrote about Anunnaki Some of the conspiracy elite they seem to like this Tarot, Magic or thelema/aleister crowley bullshit. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387334/20213734 All smoke and mirrors, a crypto new age religion basically

21243515? ago

It's an FU to god. An inversion

21242817? ago

Actually it is systematic brainwashing.

21244348? ago

harlize Theron still not sure if she has a 'son or 'daughter', says its possibly sex is transgender like Baphomet or the old Pagan Babylon Shemale Transexual Gods of ancient Egypt Arabia https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799 Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols?

21244684? ago

The forgathers of the USA were all Masons as well. Washington is full of Occult Masonic Symbolism as well as Boston and Philadelphia. Why does the United States have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols in Washington?

The USA is Mystery Babylon. On the back of the Dollar Bill. There is Occult Freemason Imagery along with New World in Latin.


21246487? ago

Baphomet is transgender. Making sense now? Satan is the prince of this world. Jesus spoke in John 14:30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

This country was built on Calvinist principles but is run by the Jesuits and Rome. Georgetown is a Jesuit University and is closely tied to the DC power structure. Every President has kiss the Popes ring (so to speak) when he is elected.

21245929? ago

Not all were Masonic. I think this is a wrong understanding or a mis-conception, yes a lot of Founders were Masons but not all of them were, some people believed in God and Nature, some followed New Age Christian Religion, they were also Reformists and followed Deism or were Diest, some simply wanted to make a new path away from the Empires and wars of religions in Europe and other places. Howvever yes a lot of them did connect with Masonry but today the branches of Masonry are very different to what existed back then, I'm sure if they would see and know of the blackmail, the Jesters, the Eastern Star, the Shriners, some of the founding Fathers would now turn in their graves.

21242489? ago

So is homosexuality and pedophilia, and you are saying what?

Calling them sick isn't necessarily meant to be derogatory.

Ive said it before and I think worth repeating,

if as much money that was spent on aids research was spent on sexual illness, there would be a cure.

21242945? ago

Nobody wants a cure for anything.

21242160? ago

I don't needs to go to plebbet to know this.

21243841? ago

History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse - Camille Paglia https://www.bitchute.com/video/UZyPI4osLOVI/