21239694? ago

This whole post comes off as deliberately stupid.

You clearly don't know what the difference between civil or criminal is, or even what the word indictment means.

It is not a civil indictment.

There is no such thing as a "civil indictment", even a cursory glance at the tweeted image shows we are not looking at an indictment at all. There is no prosecutor involved, no jurisdiction is prosecuting this.

These are not advanced legal concepts.

21239750? ago

More Panic

21238636? ago

wtf it was jim shut down my loli boards? that faggot.

21238616? ago

You are living on another planet if you think brennan will serve jail time for this. He hasn’t done anything illegal. All he has done is written letters to service providers pointing out that 8kun is a rebranding of 8ch. That is not a crime. This also reveals a lot about the Jim. He’s given us all these lame excuses for why things aren’t working and has never once mentioned brennan even though he is taking him to court and we all know what is really going on from brennan’s twatter feed.

21239124? ago


21238785? ago

How much is Brennan paying you to suck his micro peen?

21238847? ago

What crime has brennan committed, retard?

21239706? ago

Libel. It’s in the criminal complaint document with the evidence.

Dumbass shill can’t even read

21239063? ago

^^^Brennan the traitor.

21238901? ago

Read the indictment

21238465? ago

Crucify the cripple.

21238383? ago

I (with help of some other anons) decoded this from one of Jim's videos a few weeks ago: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3504936

21239945? ago

Quit being a faggot.

21238350? ago

Brrak his legs!!

21238397? ago

No violence. Brennan is his own worse enemy he's doing a good job destroying himself.

21238644? ago

it's a joke: his legs are already broke!

21238334? ago

I don't know how the law works in other countries but a libel lawsuit is not a criminal case. The Government initiates criminal cases, not citizens.

More drama. It is like this is high school. Just stop.

21239001? ago

In Germany, libel can send one to jail. Each country has different civil vs criminal legal standards and definition. So does the Philippines.

21238957? ago

In the Philippines Libel is defamation & carries jail sentences.

21238393? ago

Jim has a right to defend his reputation. This could be how the Q gets asked. Freddy has already been teasing that he will ask about it

21238381? ago

Glad Jim did this. We all know Brennan is hell bent shutting down 8kun. The "Q"uestion is why?

21238725? ago

The guy is a useful idiot to people who want to shut down Q. When he realizes this isn't a joke or game, he will spew his guts in a pathetic attempt to save himself. The question is will he be suicided before that happens?

21238116? ago

https://archive.ph/1X1Xe :

M3thods on Twitter: "For those following the 8kun saga, I highly suggest you check out this Neon Revolt article...

"It is a criminal indictment, with actual jail time attached, if proven guilty."

Cc: @CodeMonkeyZ


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