21245245? ago

"CNN's lights will go out real soon." -DJT

21245637? ago

All hell is about to come crashing down into their world.

Everything has been planned.

21244280? ago

Battle mode initiated!

21244510? ago

Watching him was like watching my mother when she got mad. Not saying he's a woman...no. my mother was mostly jovial, calm fun loving, but when she was pissed, which was rare to ever see, she could scare demons. That's what I saw was a man pissed off, at his wits end and tired of being badgered relentlessly. He's had enough, and let me tell you because I know the type, when they have had enough, shit starts happening to end the problem.

DJT is in full Battle Mode, he is now a Hammer and most of DC are beginning to look like nails to him.

To that I say turn him lose upon the demons....they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning now.

21242539? ago

I've noticed his demeanor really soured around just before the impeachment announcement of Pelosi. He is pissed, and there is a palpable difference in the atmosphere. It feels as though he is done with any preparation, and he is an all-out war footing, ready to kick ass. We can only be a short while from John Durham indictments, the IG Report, and DECLAS and I hope they are ordered in close succession.

21242582? ago

There will be no trickle of arrests. It will be the largest coordinated effort the US Marshall's service has ever undertaken.

It will all happen at once, no chances of them alerting each other.

21239642? ago

With all we have learned from Q my conclusion is the whole damn world is run by pedophiles. POTUS is angry and so are millions of us. The coup will fail just as all the crap thrown at all of us and POTUS has failed.

21240442? ago

What you really don't grasp, and it's not just you, is that Qteam are God's protectors, the away team so to speak. Making sure the Earth is set for His Return.

Yes, on the surface it sounds crazy. But logically, it just makes good sense.

The coup will be destroyed along with those committing Treason and Sedition.

Now it's our turn to fire back.

21246002? ago

You know,I have to say your reply opened my eyes thank you.iam a believer and understand the Lord's return is right at the door. Q team ,God's protectors does make sense in so many ways.the veil is being lifted for us to see the evil that has been working in the dark now coming into the light!

21238545? ago

Real painful offense can start now.

21238459? ago

(Why does voat state that my “vote has already been registered” for this post when I just got on here today and did not see it yesterday? Not the first time this has happened. )

21238418? ago

This is where Lawrence of Arabia shouts to his men, "No Prisoners," as they tear into a Turkish column of soldiers just as they are leaving behind the complete destruction of a village and the rape and murder of everyone in it. This is the kind of justice that is coming - every dog has its day.

21238296? ago

More shekels for israel? More gun control laws? More red flag laws? More jewish criminals pardoned?

21238293? ago

Looks pretty composed to me. Just because he's using strong words doesn't mean he's losing it.

21238175? ago

Twitter is Wojciech Pawelczyk

Manages Jack Piece-of-shit's facebook account.

Jack is Mossad. Jack actually was specifically called out by Q on numerous occasions.

21238151? ago

When one falls two more will take their place ? Sounds like an admission by the sleazeball that they are HYDRA. So that makes them a stupid sleazeball because DJT and company are Capt America and the Avengers. Didn't dirtball lawyer see the movie, spoiler alert Hydra loses.

21238088? ago

Something doesn’t seem right? Why would he get mad, he could always just drop the declass on them? It brings the whole house down right? Sooo?

21237856? ago

He is Pissed and He is Letting the World Know It.

IMPOSSIBLE! DJT doesn't drink alcohol you lying scab.

21238888? ago

Ahhh, we have a Scot among us.

21237640? ago

Here is whistle blower lawyers youtube page, look at his like list. If you are looking from a mobile device it will be under playlists. The sleaze ball is a pedophile.


21237618? ago

The little glance to the camera when he said, a cnn light will go out.

I hate the fact that my father still thinks Trump is racist. The media is strong and mockingbird and cointel are still infiltrated.

21237506? ago

I noticed his tone too. He is angry about something, maybe bcs of the delay. That said, I am guessing they wont release IG report during a grand jury so as not to prejudice the jury. They have only released stuff in which DOJ declined prosecution.

21237502? ago

Still waiting for him to become as pissed off as I am. It can’t come soon enough.

21237474? ago

The Dems are in open treason, alongside the deep state.

Law and order is losing all meaning.

Show trials and kangaroo courts.

Elections are fraudulent and corrupt.

The country is on the edge of civil war as a result.

I hope the military is ready. America is under attack - it's not just Trump.

Just like in the old days of Rome.

This is how you get to a Caesar in a republic.

If this goes much further Trump may indeed be America's last president.

It has happened before.

It can happen again.

The time of feeding the lions rapidly approaches.

21243051? ago

Yours is the smartest comment yet. Declass=vaporware. Civil war or bust, 'cause that's the only solution now.

21237083? ago

I don't think he's ready to blow it all up just yet. Needs to be closer to election next year. But yeah, of course he is pissed.

21236941? ago

Where was this level of anger on 9/11, Dubya??

This is what Americans want. A guy who looks at the state of this country and gets PISSED.

21236896? ago

He's one of us and we're in a war and WE'RE passed, so yep, he would be too!

21236875? ago

Agreed. It doesn't matter WTH Trump says, it's in the bag. Game over for the fucking media.

As soon as they fall, we'll see that the country is already overwhelmingly pro-Trump.

I wouldn't be surprised Trump runs unopposed in 2020.

21238077? ago

How can u say that they’re game over?

21236835? ago

If he's feeling threatened, there's a reason. Shit's about to hit the fan. He's going to resign before he gets officially impeached. Everything's going bad. Nobody cares about epstein or the bidens. The quid pro quo with Ukraine was just plain dumb. It's over. We lost. They won just like they've been winning for the last 200+ years

21236977? ago

Dude, how fucking stupid are you? If you are going to attempt propaganda at least try to be subtle you little nigger dick sucking faggot.

21238145? ago

Staffanon is claiming potus will resign in February.

21236850? ago


go away jew

21236773? ago

It's still remarkable to me that the coup leaders openly admit to it and freakin' DOCUMENT it in Twitter, chats, voicemails, google docs (yeah, even the google drafts), or "secret" 3rd party emails. Q has said it a number of times. These people are stupid and we have it all.

21237168? ago

That's all the inbreeding = Idiots

21236506? ago

He is fucking awesome. IDGAF what anyone else says or thinks!!

21238928? ago

(He is a man of God, yes he is fucking awesome)

21236489? ago

That could only mean one thing: Iran is about to be attacked and Syria finished off. Greater Israel loves their boy Trump. All while the trustfund retard uses the office to make himself richer by building towers in multiple countries. He lied on most of his campaign promises and laughs about how stupid American goyim are. That's why he said he could shoot people in the street and still get elected.

21236985? ago

Good one libtard.

21236487? ago

He should bring in some of the Patriots from the heartland to work in White House and make the Deep State train them.

21237112? ago

Deep state training only works on souless psychopaths.

21236469? ago

He should send that to Durham and the DOJ.

21236463? ago

It's time to go Medieval on their buttocks!

21236816? ago

I read that as Forrest Gump saying it.

21238130? ago

Weird al

21237122? ago

I read it as weird al schecklevik

21236459? ago

Trump must have shit a couple of chickens throughout these years. And we are all witnesses.

If Trump said the word, he would raise an entire army, worldwide, something that has never, ever been seen.

And I’m in.

I’m watching it all, unwillingly just watching, because I’m mad as hell too!

21238966? ago

Trump works for God.

Just wait until you find out who has been talking to you on QRV.

You'll spend hours crying once you know!

21251803? ago

rosy o'd?

21245102? ago

I’ve been crying my entire life, hard, very painful to acknowledge that, also here in front of everyone... if I have been addressed by Trump himself, as you imply, I would only feel honoured. I don’t think I’d want to cry. It wouldn’t surprise me, either, as I’ve enjoyed a number of inspirational conversations with different anons every now and then... are you telling me some of these were with Trump hmself!? Which ones?

21245200? ago

Think someone higher than Trump. His boss.

21236311? ago

He needs to fucking cut the head off the fucking snake. He knows we will back him. People are sick and fucking tired of trust muh plan. Wake the fuck up, jackasses! Fucking end it or STFU!

21236295? ago

I don't think this is out of the ordinary for him. Sure, he's showing more frustration than usual today, but I don't see it indicating some kind of 'finally happening' status.

21237014? ago

He's just ramping up speed

21238526? ago

Rig for Red

21238578? ago

Target aquired, plot a firing solution !

21236292? ago

I'd say [[[they]]] are in big trouble. Get'm Mr. President.

21236263? ago

This is normal potus. But I do wish he’ll would break loose. I just don’t see it happening soon though. The fact that Lou Dobbs was talking to diGenova asking him if he thinks the IG report will be released by thanksgiving is a hint that it won’t be released soon. Why? Because Durham is working hard. But so is the deep state. Let us continue to show support but let’s not get our hopes up.

21246255? ago

The longer it takes, the better....slowly but surely!

21236227? ago

I thought it was just me imagining it. Yup..POTUS was Pissed off big time tonight. You could hear it in his voice, and by what he said. He went "all out" tonight, and I get the feeling this is just the start. Hang on Anons!! DS is going down!!

21236187? ago

sleazeball. that's like one of the biggest slaps in the face of an attorney you can send.

the douchebag has the nutsack to put "Non-Partisan" in his profile lol

21236164? ago

That you're going to post this anonymously?

21236155? ago

Love the Q hand gesture towards the end. Did you catch it?

21236153? ago

STFU boomer

21236240? ago

Go to bed.

21236102? ago

They've threatened his presidency.

They've threatened his children.

They've threatened anyone who has worked with him.

They've threatened his freedom.

They've threatened the business he spent a lifetime building.

They've allegedly threatened his life.

They've threatened good American citizens.

What would ANYONE do in response?

What if you had the power of the presidency of the most powerful country on the planet?

What if you had the temperament of a streetfighter?

They have asked for it.

He'll give it to them.

21245945? ago

ready and fucking waiting. God Bless Donald Trump.

21238797? ago

Trump them.

21237818? ago

^^^^^^^ This

21237006? ago

A friend was looking on the Trump website for a hotel room in Toronto. He found out that the Trump Hotel in downtown Toronto is closed, permanently, according to the website. That's fucked!!!

21236689? ago

And when they threaten Trump, they threaten every patriot that voted for him.

21236552? ago

They threatened. They are seditious. The time has come. No more talking.

21237320? ago

Excuse me while I giggle at your empty threat

21240095? ago

wow the other commenter is right, what a fucking faggot you sound like. You can always tell a fag by the words he chooses to use.

21238120? ago

giggle away xir

21237872? ago

Only faggots giggle.

21236445? ago

If you shoot at the king, you'd best not miss. Especially this particular "king."

21237905? ago

Trump's coming...

21236341? ago

...and millions of Americans standing behind him.

21240119? ago

Damn right.

21236033? ago

Daddy’s pissed.

21235877? ago


21235855? ago

https://archive.ph/Vczvx :

Wojciech Pawelczyk 🇵🇱🇺🇸 on Twitter: ".@realDonaldTrump is reading whistleblower lawyer's tweets… "

This has been an automated message.

21235826? ago

POTUS is about to go full WWE.


21236968? ago

Video of the twitter clip saved in case twitte shoahs Trumps words!



21254622? ago

Yup. The left still can't meme.

21240105? ago

Can't see the forest through the trees, you are a fucking retard.

21236046? ago

lost wrestlemania footage? Jesus there as fake as CNN

21235891? ago

one of my favorites, thanks for sharing🇺🇸

21235825? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz what zzzzzzzzzzzz

21236250? ago

With all the human trafficking scum being rounded up by the hundreds in the last 6 months, why are you sleepy? Maybe lack of paying attention??

21237266? ago

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz nobody gives a shit zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxzzz

21236264? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz what zzzzzzzzzzzzz what zzzzzzzzzzzzz

21235886? ago

Was that you being castrated ? Nothing left ? So sorry

21235916? ago

Me waiting for indictments.

21246237? ago

Approx. 135,000 now.

21247204? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz who zzzzzzzzzz

21235942? ago

I really enjoy the show and the process. I love when he pointed out CNN's light going off. LOL

21236036? ago

Would love to see CNN’s coverage right then.

21235936? ago

Seems like we will see more unexplained DEATHS before indictments. That is OK. the indictments are there. JUST need to be opened.

21235968? ago

Zzzzzzzzzz what zzzzzzzzzzzzz

21235663? ago

He was a reality show star that had Twitter fueds with fans of LOST approximately 4 years ago

21236049? ago

Your shill is showing.

21235944? ago

Before that a self made billionaire in cut throat NYC real estate, faggot.

21237296? ago

Just to be clear, a New York real estate agent is leading the greatest revolution of the past century,?

21238211? ago

He’s not a realtor, he’s a real estate developer.

21235917? ago

Q said they are STUPID, here is the proof.

21237304? ago

Just stated a fact, sorry if it hurts your feelings

21235661? ago

I went to get popcorn! is this where we are in the plot? whazzat called. the peak?

21235726? ago


21237082? ago

Pretty sure its called the cervix

21235872? ago

That’s when they are swinging from ropes.

21235852? ago
