21242083? ago

The Las Vegas massacre.

21241156? ago

I was seeking the truth.

21240909? ago

Wikileaks, pizzagate, trump election, Q

Been a rough ride, but worth it so far.

21239053? ago

Reddit great awakening page brought me here

21238443? ago

The illuminati, the medical industry, 9/11, the fact that "the ominous they" always seemed to get heir way and that hollyweird flashed it in our faces all these years. Then Q popped up and called them out by their real names...

21238177? ago


21237937? ago

I am 67 yr old retired Lutheran Pastor. I was in Trump's corner before Q. The Q thing has been brilliant. When I read the Wikileaks drops about Pizzagate I knew that DC, Hollywood and Media were infested with Satan worshippers. Child sacrifice is as prevalent today as it was in the time of Moses. The Trump thing is more than Trump. God has raised up a warrior to directly confront Satan and his evil minions.The Awakening is not just in the U.S. but worldwide. Even I could not imagine the levels of depravity that have been exposed. When you study Trump's life you will see God's hand in the raising up of this warrior. He will not be defeated with the help of our Prayers, support and God's intervention. The evil of many will be their undoing. I know many here are weary---weary from restraint to the point of bursting. Two words I dislike; patience and endurance. But I have seen many of the wicked fall under God's Hand and it far exceeds any thing I could do and is far more satisfying than human vengeance. This movement is unstoppable and soon as warriors we will revel in the fruits of this battle--JUSTICE. Many of our brothers and sisters have already fallen in this Great Battle and some of us may be called up to the front lines to replace the dead and the wounded. Keep your eyes on the ultimate prize--eternal life and love. In Christ.

21244103? ago

Well said my frien, UK supporter here and known for a long time that trump would transform the world to a better place.


21238009? ago

❤️☺️ thank you. Inspiring read. He seems to be the one who brings balance to the force☺️

Love and light my friend

21237636? ago

Las Vegas shooting

21237463? ago

I was seeing comments on The Gateway Pundit articles - people saying "Q predicted this" or "Q said..."

So I went in search of Q - ended up on a YT channel that explained it all. I haven't looked back since.

21237186? ago

French MSM having a communication operation against Q out of nowhere. I guess no french people or just a very few were aware of Q before that... Since I had no idea what it was, I looked for it and found it. I was already repilled since a while but was hopeless which changed !

21237173? ago

JFK. Then, Iran Contra. It really all got my attention from then forward.

21236998? ago

9/11 | Law Of One | Franklin Coverup | JFK | Wikileaks > HRC/Podesta | Pizzagate | Qanon | Q > WWG1WGA > QProofs > Q+ | MAGA > KAG > MEGA > KEG

21236860? ago

Mega Anon. She's my friend. She knew who Q was. It's not real, folks. Q has been several people playing the same limited hangout role. Btw, the first Q was killed, by guess who. No, not her. Your favorite pedo. Btw, Trump has been Q at times. Just a few posts.

21236674? ago

I think for me it was Julian assange and through research I found CBST on cuckit, which became the awakening if I recall then those were shut down. Then came here :)

21236447? ago

I had a friend who supported Bernie Sanders. I wanted to know more about this guy I'd never heard of, only to find the needing manipulation was unbelievable. That was my start to watching alternative media and getting sucked into different red pill rabbit holes. I saw the WikiLeaks info which lead to pizzagate, and found Q early on.

I'm pretty woke now but have many reboot holes yet to go down. there's never enough time

21236488? ago

Yeah. That effin white rabbit is on speed. Digging holes all day

21236132? ago

I first heard of Q through Jerome Corsi, who Q later discredited LOL but he did some good I guess, getting the word about Qanon out there

21235955? ago

This all started for me by researching the South African farm murders....one truth leads to another.

21235903? ago

I was always a conspiracy nut.

21235807? ago

Feb 2018, a wisp of a comment made on Seeking Alpha of all places about Q. So, so grateful. The attacks against Trump would have been unbearable if not for knowing the good guys had his back and there was a plan. God bless them and all Patriots!

21235738? ago

wikileaks drops - spirit cooking - skippy molesta - pizzagate - Q

21235654? ago

I said... "Roland of Gilead is not a nigger" and was banned from Reddit.

21235527? ago


21235418? ago

Stumbled upon The Great Awakening video on YouTube. What it described rang true and gave me hope for our Great Country!

I started sharing it immediately after watching it.

21235323? ago

A similar route for me:

Pizzagate>>LV Massacre BS>> Q

21235274? ago

I already believed a lot of what Q tells us. I just didn’t know how BIG the evil was. One day I saw a comment that said”anyone who follows Q knows the truth.” That was 2 yrs ago, back in the Reddit days. I was so glad to find an online community of like mind. The community as I knew it in Reddit hasn’t been the same here. I can’t even make a post and sometimes can’t comment. But the spirit is still there.

21235257? ago

My desire to end Judaism once and for all. A final solution as they say.

21235145? ago

Pizzagate. And I hope Q is legit.

21235101? ago

I still dont understand all the suffering and why.

The catch-phrase of anyone who falls back on religion and spirituality.

Only in the movies that your enemies create, do the good guys win despite not knowing or understanding anything that's happening.

21235077? ago

I didn't hear about Q till y'all fuckers came here.

21235004? ago

Was researching the Vegas shooting shortly after it happened.

Came across Q about a week after the first drop.

21234934? ago

Not even joking it went like this for me:

UFOs > Delonge > Wikileaks > Podesta > Pizzagate (wtf?!) > Q

21234867? ago

Benghazi. They abandoned our own. Then 'she' said "what difference, at this point does it make". Well, you evil thing, to Me it makes ALL the difference.

21234858? ago

1st Q post, I refreshed the page and yep still digging.

21234850? ago

What brought me here? Stumbled on Q shortly after seeing the posts on 4chan years ago, and made it a point of checking it out. Good to see what I have been looking for after watching the United States Congress whitewash the JFK assassination in 1966.

21234820? ago

I was asleep. I kept seeing Q references on the FB page of #Walkaway. I was nervous about DJT until Hillary called people deplorables - she was so vile and disgusting at the debates that I couldn't support her or the democratic party. I have never looked back since discovering Q and these boards while looking for"the storm". Thank you anons for saving our country by waking us up. Your work is appreciated.

21237505? ago

You're welcome. <

21234886? ago

it's nice to get a thank you sometimes. thanks fren.

21234818? ago

I was researching the coup against Trump and dug deep enough to find Q. Now I can't talk to anyone about world happenings without bringing up the satanic pedo cabal. Normies sure give you a funny look when you start with the coup and jump to sick pedos within 2 minutes.

21236234? ago

Yeah, pedos always unseats people.

And then i bring up canibal pedos🙈

Guiding others is sometimes a rough job

21234777? ago

I was on a bitcoin telegram channel when someone posted a random link about Q supporters at a Trump rally in Tampa. I spent the next week, 2+ hours a day getting as caught up as possible and haven’t looked back.

I’m pilled like a mug. Sometimes I regret it, but mostly I have found much deeper meaning in life- for better or worse.

I was meant to find Q.

21236121? ago

Hi fellow crypto investor! I just bought some LOKI and this article is very bullish for it https://www.coindesk.com/93-days-dark-8chan-coder-explains-how-blockchain-saved-his-troll-forum

I guess it would be a competitor for telegram, so I bought GRAM too

21234905? ago

Thank Q, MSM for screwing yourselves royally with those QAnon hit pieces. hahaha

21234646? ago

An old Ben Garrison picture with Q on it posted to TheDonald.

21234598? ago

The first ViceNews Qanon hit piece. Thanks Vice. You've done more to help me get woke than any other entity!

21234585? ago

911-Alex Jones half way woke me up

WL/pizzagate- one week of never ending emails and dot connecting. After that, 100% awoken. Once you fully engulf how sick and evil these people are, there is no turning back. You can't unsee the fake, phony nonsense placating the normies by a separate elite class who does whatever they want to whoever they want.

Then along came Q. Who tied everything into a perfect little package making things crystal clear. I still remember the day I first saw Qanon, November 4 2017. I believe it was a Tracy Beanz video. Popped up randomly in my suggestion on YouTube. Before the days of only fox new YouTube suggestions. Google constantly trying to pull me back into the mainstream.

21236256? ago

Love and respect patriot.

21234570? ago

The Holocaust never happened

Gas Chambers are fake as fuck

Less than 300k died


I had the biggest and hardest red pill first. Q was relatively easy, logic and proofs. Till the storm has come and gone it could still be a controlled revolution. The proof of that will be who ends up in control of the lying press and if there is still Mass immigration into European countries. If it's still a Jewish supremacy monopoly and ethnic cleansing is still happening, then war is still coming only it will be worse.

21236275? ago

Ww2 was a real zinger for me. Of course dey twisted it all. Same playbook against Saddam and gadaffi i presume

21236362? ago

Hitler Saddam and Gaddafi had no Jewish Central bank and they had gold to steal.

21236430? ago

Going against the JewWorldOrder was fround uppon

21234550? ago

Living on the US -MX border. JFK. Air America. South America. A trip to The Vatican. Soros. Arkansas. The Bush Cartel. 9/11. WTC7. Irag / Afghanistan --> Opioids. Big Pharma. MGO's. Benghazi. Sandy Hook. Obama's EO's. Obama's BC and other sealed docs. I've been reading, digging, traveling & following this shit longer than I can remember. Q was a no brainer. He (they) helped to connect dots, fill in blanks & validate long term suspicions. Brought all the most curious diggers and free thinkers together. Not to mention...Patriots who love their country.

21237030? ago

It was always obvious something wasn’t as good as it should be in this world. On the long road of seeking to find it was worse than you thought, the Law of One material, subsequent 11:11 experiences, and Q have been the most interesting. Feeling distorted from it all though. Need to meditate more.

21236290? ago

U been around. Thank u. Glad to finally be aboard ur train. Il hold light ❤️

21234529? ago

One guy holding up a red, white, and blue Q. He didn't seem insane but was passionate about this whole Q thing. Initially, I thought it was crazy, but the proofs kept stacking up. The bonus conspiracy theories muddy the water and give lots of reasons to leave the rabbit hole. As more pieces fit together, it gets easier to go deeper.

21234475? ago

fuck you CIA glowfag.

I came here because your mother's pussy is dry and reaks of death.

21236306? ago

I would not speak il against mother right now 🙏

21234464? ago

it really kills you, to type YOU?

21236326? ago

A got it. Nvrmnd. Yeah, im economywritn

21236314? ago


21234448? ago

Searching for answers and truth about Las Vegas on 4Chan. I was lucky enough to be around for the first Q posts.

21234441? ago

August 2018: a Q sign at a rally on TV (Florida, I think)

21234419? ago

Lord Jesus

21234922? ago

really probably covers it

21234326? ago


Before that it all started w Waco

21238576? ago

21234304? ago

Knew someone who died on TWA Flight 800. Been woke since.

21236150? ago

Definitely shot down, possible MIL accident they didn't want to own up to. 5 witnesses were reported the next day but after that no mention in the papers. Sorry for your loss

21236963? ago

The story of her and the synchronicity around it all the way up to 9-11 is pretty amazing. Enough so that when I saw the buildings fall I knew thst shit was an inside job. I had been guided all along by my spirit guide to know that day so that I could try and wake up others and teach my own kids the truth.

These days I'm done waking up others though. I don't give a fuck about any of them anymore. After losing all your friends and family and being considered a lunatic in your professional life for that one tends to say fuck em.

When the shit goes down those basic bitches and bros will never have seen it coming while I'm sitting at home eating a steak because we were prepared and they weren't.

21234269? ago

The first mentioning of Q, to me, were my in-laws. They asked me if I had any knowledge of Q, or what my opinion on the matter was. I was intrigued but I didn't think much of it at the time. So I decided to look into it. Through the course time, while I lightly researched Q, I began to notice something very peculiar...

There were a LOT of anti-Qanon articles written.

I would read these, and I found that every article I read was written with the intent to stir an emotional response, and they never backed anything that they claimed up with evidence (for example, calling things 'debunked' without proving how). To me, this was a huge red flag and it plainly looked like an attempted cover-up, as if people were trying to shun and/or prevent anyone from even considering the possibility of Q. And, personally, I hate when articles are written that way. They are designed to be manipulative and to shunt critical thought.

So naturally I decided to go to the source, to see and weigh it all for myself and to try to develop my thoughts independent of what others were saying about it.

Fast forward two years and here I am, a Qanon 'conspiracy theorist'.Glad to be a part of this movement, though.

21237091? ago

Hell, watching Adam Schiff state on record he had evidence proving Trump was colluding with Russia (but somehow never gave it to Mueller . . . For 2 years . . .). It was like watching WTC7 standing behind the BBC reporter reporting LIVE that it collapsed, but in slow motion, falling slowly like my IQ if I were to believe that nonsense. And now Schiff reminds me of the Wizard waving his bottles of snake oil before hopping into the balloon out of Oz. In my version the balloon makes it to Gitmo.

21238206? ago


21234255? ago

Roseanne Barr tweet asking “who is Q?”

I research it and never looked back.

21234193? ago

I started noticing that Israel seems to be in control of our government and jews own and control everything and then Q said "saving israel for last", so here I am. I've learned a lot about jews since being here. Thanks to all the goats who awakened me.

21234110? ago

David Wilcock articles

21234096? ago

The suffering is because the war is real, and sin is real, and there are consequences to sin whether it's your sin or not. But Jesus overcame the world! :-)

21234123? ago


21234058? ago

8chan/qresearch /CBTS

21234029? ago

“midterms are safe”

21234001? ago

Crazy talk on BB, MIRC channels and early search engines back in the day led me to some declassified Project Blue Book files I spent all night downloading on a 14.4 if I remember correctly. Regardless of opinion, the fact that Blue Book existed just gave me an excuse to dive down rabbit holes for the rest of my life, that's who I am. I fucking question everything and the search for answers is my purpose above all else.

Love you faggots no homo.

21234065? ago

Love faggot❤️

21233957? ago


21233937? ago

Wikileaks > pizzagate > censored on every platform (Instagram, Facebook, Reddit) for talking about pizzagate > 4chan > Q > voat

21233883? ago

The bits in the ether spoke of a place where truth could sung and heard.

21233864? ago

Corruption affecting personal life, concurrent to corruption at state level, concurrent to those "damn emails", "Lock her up" signs in seemingly normal people's yards, looked into Clinton Cash, the body count, then pizzagate dropped and joined here, waiting for Justice. Still have not been to Reddit.

21233855? ago

I was already researching and searching for truth....but learned of Q from Praying Medic shortly after the drops began.

21233838? ago

Q brought me here

21233825? ago

Pizzagate/Podesta emails fascinated me - but it was how the press and law enforcement swept it all under the rug that completely freaked me out...gave me an obnoxiously loud voice...and ultimately got me targeted by these monsters.

21233935? ago

The squashing of the darkroom case in norway also was pivotal for me.

The largest chilldporn database ever discovered. Prominent public people implicated, police, editors, lawyers etc.

The suddenly dissapeared as if it never happened.

The same happened during the 22juli shooting/bombing in Norway.

Kids reporting of multiple shooters on the island. Along with alot of otherfuckery never ever to be mentioned, or explained.

21233730? ago

Vegas shooting.

21234584? ago

yes the 4chan warning just prior to Q drops

21233662? ago

the "official" version of the vegas shooting made no sense. i was searching for info on that & luckily caught Q early

21236178? ago

Not to mention 9/11. The official version is complete horseshit, beyond the magic bullet theory even

21233646? ago

I called people stupid for believing in pizzagate ... then I did the research ... I haven’t been the same since. Q and you surely goats here woke me up

21233609? ago

Cheesy Bay to 4 to 8

21233965? ago

Cheesy Bay?

21236215? ago

4 Chan thread from Hawaii that was super sketchy. Someone linked the pizzagate sub.

21236394? ago

Oh! I wasn't aware of that one. Thanks!

21233531? ago

Also pizzagate

21233519? ago

Mark Taylor mentioned him once...said he believed Q was legit. Then I heard Stan Johnson say he believed Q was legit. I Googled Q and got nowhere. I don't remember how I finally found it. Maybe it was through Praying Medic. I didn't know enough about what it was to figure out how to Google it. (Now I don't use Google, but I didn't know better then).

21233415? ago

I decided to look into what caused the housing bubble collapse near the end of '08 and that sent me down the rabbit hole. Low info person with no motivation to change prior to that.

21233428? ago

Yeah, i was a moron.

So its hope for all

21233279? ago

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719📁

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381📁

Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

21233259? ago

I can hear the dominos fall now. Free at last. Yay for dobby

21233198? ago

Years of Inquiry.

21233186? ago

I was searching for sealed indictments kek

21233145? ago

Pizzagate for me too. I already knew about Hillary's stuff because of Cathy O’ Brien, but Q brought everything together. Memes and anons' constant red pilling were huge.

21233133? ago

Im tired.

Git then.

21234055? ago

I get the feeling anon is tired from 20-40+ years of this fight, it started a long time ago and noobs probably don't know the half of it.

This shit didn't start with pizzagate, Vegas, or wikileaks... there is some history involved here.

21234241? ago

21233133? / 21234055? Dubz Confirm. Been a hell of a long ass journey. It is very nice to have all the fresh new company on this weird road since Q and the anons came along. Love you faggots very much (still no homo).


21234832? ago

The moment I realized Q was always kind of happening over the years of anons researching for truth... here we all are.

21236388? ago

It probably HAD to habben this way for it ALL to be so "perfect". (Hmmm where have I heard this like a million times recently? kek) Like Q said once "hive mind", all the research never really goes away, it just collects in our collective subconscious. Even the Patriots they took out, we can't ever really be silenced we're all connected. Arkencide doesn't work on eternal beings with Souls, just ruins our current meat suit. They took out a lot of nice meat suits, but the Soul can't be destroyed, it still adds to the collective, even if you only count it as the memories they leave behind. Others said it better...

A man can only live a lifetime but his deeds live on long after he's past.

We all stand on the shoulders of the giants that came before us.

And of course, WWG1WGA.

21234109? ago

God bless you Anon.

21234017? ago

Many of us are tired. That is why we should support each other. What do you support?

21233106? ago

Wikileaks drops - Pizzagate - Q

21244058? ago

Chemtrails and cell (kill) towers.

21234080? ago


21233601? ago

FBI tweets about CIA trafficking children for abuse in the 1990's https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486320/21081260 Did the Finders cult become NXIVM?

21234573? ago

I think that's a real possibility.

21233069? ago

Keeping Trump in the White House.

21233064? ago

The bewbs

21233004? ago

Mainly the shit posts

21233076? ago

Dat too...