21233060? ago

Great link. Absolutely, God crested man in his own image, male and female he created them, but The Adversary (Satan) is attempting to recreate humanity in its own image (androgynous). Doing a pretty damn good job at it if you ask me, just look around you...

21235978? ago

Yes, it’s an inversion of God’s perfect design.

21232979? ago


21232479? ago

The Talmud has three creation stories. The one they don't tell Christians is the one where Adam and Eve are one singular androgynous mass. One side is Adam, the other half/backside is Eve. That's where all this degeneracy and tranny bullshit comes from. Kikes working overtime to bring their Anti-Christ.

21232205? ago

Demonic forces cannot incarnate into a human body because they are in the image of Baphomet ... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet

21231891? ago

Baphomet is another name for Satan

I'm not sure this is actually true. Baphomet is strongly connected to Transgenderism, though.

DC comics hero Rebis is a divine intersex being who gives powers to DC heroine Coagula by fucking her. Coagula has the ability to dissolve and coagulate liquids. Baphomet's arms say "Solve" and "Coagula". And of course Rebis is the result of the Great Work in Alchemy.



Coagula (real name Kate Godwin) is a fictional character and former member of DC Comic's Doom Patrol. Kate is a trans woman, one of the first transgender characters in comics, and remains one of the only transgender superheroines.[1] The character was created by transgender science fiction writer Rachel Pollack. According to the Comics Journal[citation needed], Rachel Pollack based the character's civilian name on two friends of hers, transgender writer and actress Kate Bornstein and the transsexual activist Chelsea Goodwin.[2] Rachel wanted to create a positive portrayal of a lesbian transgender lady.

21232351? ago

Anon made this: Underground tunnels map (comet ping pong, pegasus museum) https://voat.co/v/QRV/3503254/21226555

21231862? ago

All this transgender crap comes straight from satan himself

Anon is wise to the ways of Satan.

21230615? ago

It's my belief its connected to vaccines, remember they use tissue from aborted babies.

What actually happens when a young boy is vaccinated with a vaccine containing tissue (dna) from a female fetus?

This fuckery is by design, mark my words!

21233093? ago

It’s a full-court press: the vaccines, processed foods, BPAs from the plastics, soy products, etc etc etc. it’s almost impossible for a person to keep themselves clean.

21230892? ago

The Arbia rituals, Rome, British Royals, what British Prime Minister put his penis into a dead pig ... a golden bull, a transexual goat creature they pray to .... https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/cca0co/they_hide_in_plain_sight_swirl_logo/ the voat logo You haven't figured out voat is a honeypot? interview with Alan Dershowitz he says he was introduced to Epstein by LDR LDR= Lynn De Rothschild ...The Island Religion? I hear its a Babylon or Baal ammon place, "Synagogue of Satan" ...are they praying to the Masonic Sabbati? Is it the Pyramid Eye or Temple of Lucifer? ... the Jewish Occult, do the Christ killers also connect

21230363? ago

So when you see the Dems promoting transgenderism rights, you know that they are shoving satan down our throats again. Look at all the trannies in Hollywood, music industry, politics and everywhere. This is just the tip of their satanic agenda. It started with homosexuality, abortion and transgenderism. It will continue with lowering the age of consent, decriminalizing pedophilia and decriminalizing bestiality. This people are sick and they keeping imposing their evilness on us because we do nothing about it. Time to call your Congressman and Senator and tell them to put an end to this madness or be voted out of office.It is estimated that 75% of Congress is compromised and controlled by the DS NWO puppet masters. It is past time to drain the swamp.

21232972? ago

Bestiality as already been legalized in Canada by our beloved Justin Turdeau...

21230839? ago

mystery babylon?