21238409? ago

No. I quit watching tv. But I have noticed the emasculation on men is a common thread.

I’ve also noticed that being fat is ok for a black women but not white women.

When it comes to tv shows or news anchors. If there is a whites women character who is heavy she is a kook or weird character.

21237957? ago

Obama's FCC did this

21237159? ago

I haven't watched TV in 11 yrs and haven't seen or heard a TV commercial since I got a TV with a mute button back in about 1973. I have heard that it's getting pretty bad though.

21236828? ago

My black neighbor pulled out a pamphlet thing for the local school district and asked, "what's wrong with this picture?"

He said none of the pictures the school produces ever have little blonde boys. I said, "you might see a white girl but never a little white boy" and he said, "yup".

His wife was kind of taken aback but the rest of us were like "yeah we notice that too!". I told the wife "once you have eyes to see what's going on, you cannot unsee what they're doing."

21236742? ago

Yes. For a while now.

21236691? ago

All I ever see is Peter Schill selling gold, and that Billy Maze clone selling a pillow.

21235314? ago

It's getting out of balance, it's being pushed so hard.

21235184? ago

Stop watching TV and your emotions will return

Staying on FB is a choice

21234338? ago

Quit watching so much TV

21233858? ago

You have to watch lamestream television to notice such things.

OBSERVE: Turn the insanity machine off. POOF Propoganda disappears!

21233467? ago

Black = strong

White = wrong

Be a good Soy Goy!!

21233326? ago

4 years ago I was fed up with all the garbage on tv, ive unplugged and got rid of my tv and NEVER have looked back ! I suggest you do your sanity a favor and do the same. there is a life out side the walls we live in......it's damnedest thing lol

21233232? ago

Propaganda ,,,to plant! There is a war on ur mind.

21233121? ago

Nope, I don't get ads in my house. I don't expose my family to propaganda.

21232951? ago

To play devil's advocate a white male wouldn't buy any of that shit. Hmm maybe its more nefarious then.

21232624? ago

Who do you think still watches TV?


21232553? ago

You Watch TV? Only Losers Watch TV!

21232467? ago

or a white girl with her ape and the shitskin mystery meat nigglets. If there is a white gut he is usually playing a fool or is a fag.

21232136? ago

I've noticed the commercials that have European Americans in them, are usually being lectured on things they dont know by insert non euro-american race.

Obviously the stuff they are getting lectured on pertains to the product being advertised.. They seem to like the idea of euro-Americans only being displayed on TV commercials while they're being lectured to.

21232114? ago

Commercials, TV shows, Movies. Been happening for quite a while. That's why I no longer consume media intended to diminish me. Cut the cord. You won't believe how much better you will feel inside of 2 weeks. After two months, you won't even miss it.

21233457? ago

I even gave old movies I used to watch as a kid in the 80s a shot. They're even worse. It's all there, just like it is today. Blonde bimbo white bitch, fumbling white male fool or rapist, and the innocent Jewish family/actor who can do no wrong.

21231980? ago

I've noticed all kinds of companies are using the made up fully functional black family dynamic to push their shit.

21231932? ago

After Obama became president, I noticed how many more blacks were cast in commercials. Now the "new" trend is casting mix race couples and even same sex couples. For me, both are a turn off and will sway my spending dollars to another product.

21233485? ago

I generally flip everything I buy over and if it's produced by one of the Big 6, I don't buy it. It's harder to find products made independently, small batch, but it is possible.

21231930? ago

Welcome to the party pal

21231894? ago

Also noticed all (or most) liquor commercials are all black. Are they pushing blacks to consume more liquor?

21231682? ago

ha ha ha ha.

most commercials are out there in zombie land. what in the heck are they trying to do with our minds.

21231643? ago

If you have a keen eye, you’ll notice a lot of same sex couples. It’s fine by me, whatever. What bothers me is that they’re so sneaky and insidious about it. Just come out and say it, stop trying to deceive us.

21231941? ago

tryin to make it seems "normal"...but it aint

21231560? ago

Yes!!!!!! My husband and I joke about it when we see commercials. You especially do not see 2 whites married to each other . As if the majority of couples in America are biracial🙄

21237786? ago

noticed that! glad it's not just me!

21237423? ago

Many recent and current specialty catalogs are full of kids of every color skin , but , the few whites they include are retarded.

21237412? ago

...and rarely, if ever, is the female black and the male white. Its a black dude with his trophy.

21231544? ago

Television is an intelligence test. If you're still watching it, you've failed.

21231540? ago

Not an accident. Never an accident.

21231530? ago

Every couple in every ad is mixed race, and almost always a white woman with non-white partner. Every white man shown is portrayed as a bumbling fool, a loser or just incompetent. It's amazing once you recognize what's going on...

21231957? ago

Notice that's the same formula Hallmark uses. Powerful bitchy female, and the male role is too stupid to breathe.

21231860? ago

If you think the commercials are bad, wait till you actually watch a show! Parents are clueless, while the kids are super-intelligent and always save the day. It's not My Three Sons or The Brady Bunch anymore... When we were a TV family, there were some shows I wouldn't let the kids watch because the way parents were portrayed. I didn't want MY kids thinking they could treat me like TV kids treated their parents. I don't imagine much has changed in the years since we quit TV watching. And, since the commercials have gotten more in-your-face with this bs, I would think the shows have, too.

21231967? ago

We rarely watch ANY network TV anymore. If I had my way, we'd NEVER turn the damn thing on!

21231331? ago

Dont forget all the Home Security commercials where EVERY ONE OF THE CRIMINALS were white. National statistics be damned.

21231184? ago

Isn't it amazing how 110lb models soaking wet can beat up 300lb walls of muscle. Apparently physics in movies don't apply. Most real men have stopped going to movies or watching tv as it is all women and minorities. The tough white hero is a thing of the past!

21253577? ago

Real Wakanda? https://voat.co/v/Wakanda/3503200/21225278 What in the hell is going on there

21231150? ago

Yeah, I've noticed that and all the same sex and mixed race couples in EVERY commercial.

21233608? ago

Except for Zales commercials

21231099? ago

Nope, i got off that crack years ago.

It is all about divide and conquer. Separate us by colors, alphabets, etc. Program us to hate each other, swoop in and save the day.

Love each other, and stop watching TV.

21231021? ago

Erectile disfunction commercials will never have a non-white

21230953? ago

Even the voice overs are blacks, women and men, even heard a faggot with a lisp the other day, normies are like what the fuck

21230937? ago

Yup. And we need to stop calling our selves "white men". It is an assault on our identity. African-American, Latin-American, Asian-American, etc. What is a "white man"? Oh yeah. We are European-Americans. Why are European American men under attack? Because Christianity flourished for 1500 years in Europe and it was the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in European Christian men that brought about the inventions and understanding of the laws of science that prospered us. It is our Christian roots that is under attack.

And as to the question, Why Jews hate European American men is because they hate Christ.

21234120? ago

Best answer !

21231609? ago

You know how we know they hate Christ?

They killed him.

21240501? ago

Technically the romans killed him. Jews however did betray.

21242091? ago

The Romans didn’t even want to kill him, until the Jews protested in the streets for Jesus’ blood. Then the Romans were like, ok

21230844? ago

Why? Because jews, that's why.

21230794? ago

Who still watches TV? They call it "programming" for a reason.

21230701? ago

This just isn't true faggot. Watch tv tonight. It's still mostly white. I am starting to see many more intentionally placed minorities in ads though, so I'll give you that.

Fun exercise - try watching tv for a while imagining you're a black person. Most of the commercials or shows have white characters. Now, imagining yourself as a black person, think how isolated you'd feel as an American when everything is white.

Funny thing, I'm not even shilling, just spitting facts, but I'm sure there will be some knee jerk reactions to this.

I think it's fine that it's mostly white - I mean whites have really built much of modern society as we know it, and advanced civilizations are mostly white, so of course the ads are going to appeal to the majority and those with spending power. Still think it'd be interesting to be a minority in a world built magnificently by whites.

21233507? ago

spending power

21232539? ago

I dreamed I was a black once, I knocked up a chick and took off to rob a 7-11 but on the way there I popped a cap in a cop eating a doughnut in his car and then I car jacked a white dude and shot him for fun, Then I robbed the 7-11 and bought some drugs. and freaked out while watching TV as everyone was white. Then I woke up.

21231511? ago

You ARE a cuck shill, try as you might to disguise your trolling

21230700? ago

tHe DaY thE niGGaZ ToOk oVEr

21230592? ago

Communist media pretending that the end result of globalist migration is normal.

21230590? ago

Stop watching TV

21233383? ago

Love Jesus

21230588? ago

So people are waking up to the white genocide, glad to hear it.

21230569? ago

Awesome post OP, God bless you!

21230254? ago

That's just so depressed wypipo will hire Blacks to clean their houses.

21230226? ago

Most are mixed race. Coal burning is what they want.

Only the purest DNA moves on to the next round.

Sorry folks.

21230670? ago

Rakel from Britbongistan arranged to meet manager the following event, told she had been banned for being racist, which she denies. She said: 'I'm not a racist, I had an ex-boyfriend who was black.' https://voat.co/v/MUDSHARKMadness/3500252

21230902? ago

The world is waking up. The world has had enough of ((THEIR)) control.

They are fucking done.

21230643? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3495727/21160551 single mothers club photo shoot

21230365? ago

It's hard to find a news crew that isn't a Black guy and a White woman these days.....

21233362? ago

But muh Seacrest...

21233503? ago

News crew.....

21230223? ago

This may have been going on for decades but it was in a very subtle way. Now it is overt and in your face. There is no mistaking their agenda and war on white people especially white males.

21229989? ago

Its been going on for decades. You are just noticing it now? Jews hate white people and want to genocide us, turn our kids into trannies and they think its funny.

21230656? ago

https://voat.co/v/Wakanda/3503200 Real Africa .... medieval? These guys are in the prehistoric age still

21230622? ago

Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/195129248/

21230268? ago

But WHY do Jews hate whites so much is the real question.

The very existence of White people refutes their bullshit claim that they're the smartest, chosen people, etc. when they're nothing more than "special" - as in they all belong in the special ed class at school.

21237634? ago

Because we are intelligent and they want to rule over everyone. So they dumb down the smart people if they don't kill them off completely.

21235339? ago

Once you leave FB this is no longer an issue

Stop chasing distractions,you are playing the hand THEY DEAL YOU.

21240221? ago

Except I've never even been on faceberg

21234094? ago

Answer: cuz most are Christians. They weren't satisfied with executing Jesus Christ. Try as they might, they lose in the end.

21233376? ago

They are still pissed the Romans destroyed Israel 2,000 years ago.

21232579? ago

Nordic race IS Superior! I am more Celtic, but I understand reality. Tall, chiseled features, High Intelligence. Jews are FAR BELOW THEM! It hurts/KILLS their "Chosen' Meme.

21235387? ago

You have a porn addiction,what else is new?

21232368? ago

Because the rope is coming.

21232152? ago

21231704? ago

Jews do not hate white people, good grief.

there are normies and are evil people, race has nothing to do with it. its hard to see the difference sometimes,

their symbolism will be their down fall.

21231661? ago

We've always been enemies.

jews remember and teach their children to plot revenge from an early age, gentiles think life is one big barbecue.

21233316? ago

If we don't play our cards right, we're all going to the same hell. Gentiles: get baptized in Jesus Name. Go out and teach the others about Jesus. Jews: accept Christ as the One who has already saved you, get baptized and tell the others the same thing. It's really quite simple, the Christian gentiles are way ahead of the game.

21231132? ago

Our culture isn't compatible with the new serfdom.

We hold on to the old ways too dearly. Family, church, personal property.

21235370? ago

Not even fuckin close,this culture is 25yrs fucked.

Dont even try that shit again.

I dont care how right you think you are.

Factly far to many also think they are right.

21232012? ago

Meet the new serfdom, same as the old serfdom ... as in back in early 1600s

21230579? ago

jews hate being UGLY

21230528? ago

Demoralizing their enemy. That is what its for.

21230664? ago

That's basically what all their mind control is about - whether coming from media, academia, finance or government.