21251801? ago

11/22/2019 I am sure we will see a major BOOM! Too big a moment in time 1000 Pieces

21261697? ago

There will be a celebration on that day. One way or the other.

21240008? ago

I have noticed over the last year or two the media in my country are reporting way more death/rape/killing/abduction's of children.

I think this is to get people ready and desensitized to what will come so it wont be so much of a shock. A sort of warm up to what will come.

21240396? ago

God is opening the eyes and ears of his children. The world is about to revolt.

Evil has had it's chance.

21235329? ago

People need to wake up a lot faster. California Agenda 2030 is way further ahead than I realized. I live in California and very aware of the agenda. The below interview from Sean at SGT Report blew my socks off. Highly recommend a listen.

Normies at my work are feeling something isn't right in California, but have no clue how bad things really are. California is the testing grounds for the rest of the nation. This is how they are going to accomplish A-2030 and it's working!!


https: // youtu.be/guAN0Mdza6k

21235619? ago

There are a lot of patriots from Kern County and the San Joaquin Valley.

Thanks for being here. Have faith.

They are done

21233615? ago

The Royal UK Palace killed the story. How in the fuk can the British have so much pull to an American broadcasting group? The Cabal.

Speaking of which, remember when I naked man jumped out of a Buckingham Palace window from death defying heights? Must've been pretty spooked to risk his life!


21234407? ago

?That was a fake when last researched. Has it been proven true

21234486? ago

How's so? Are you saying it's CGI or something??

21233589? ago

I literally got woke after getting baptized in 2016. I wasn't even trying, it just happened. I believe it is Christ is the ONLY one who can lift the veil.

21233578? ago

Who pays you boomers to write this trash?

Do you get paid by the word?

21234415? ago

You wouldn't understand. To comprehend why we do it, one must have a soul, you don't qualify.

21235733? ago

Sure thing, boomer.

21234958? ago

You are so delusional.

Here you are, again, claiming to be Jesus.

Every prediction you've put out has failed.

Your EGO is 100% running your mind, check it.

21235179? ago

Prove to me that I have ever called myself Jesus. Never once have I used that name referring to me.

Get off your high horse, before someone takes you off.

21235386? ago

We've had this argument before, I sent you a screen shot of you calling yourself Jesus. You didn't respond.

You also used the EXACT same phrase "never once..." followed by a threat.

You are obvious, anonymity isn't working to hide yourself.

21235628? ago

It wasn't me pal. Have a great day. I know who I am and I'm not Jesus.

Do you know who you are?

21240681? ago

Anonymity works better if you don't use the exact same writing style in all your posts

There is lots more I can dig up about you posting and saying you're the savior, Jesus is here, etc. etc.

21240975? ago

you never know what riting style i have. you see, since the start of qrv i've Always changed it up to aviod just that.

You never no who is talking to you, you can guess, but you'll NEVER know for certain.

Now if you had a soul, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

21241069? ago

Sure thing, whatever lets you sleep at night.

Your EGO is running your show, and you have convinced yourself you are better and more awake as a result.

Now if you had a soul, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

This is not something that would ever be said by someone operating from their heart.

21241125? ago

You're just a bot. Nothing more, nothing less. Input, output.

Your opinion is of little value to me. Perhaps try others?

21241485? ago

Let go of the desire to get even, to get revenge, instead just go love your neighbor as yourself and walk away from the "I told you so" mentality.

If I am a bot, then you are a floppy disk.

21233224? ago

BBC Journalist Exposes The Dark Side Of The Media


21232998? ago

"This November will go down in History as the month the World woke up to truth."

That type of claim would not have to be made if the similar claim about July 2018 (https://qmap.pub/read/1595) was true.

21232933? ago

i thick youre wrong about the christian renaissance , i think its more that people are turning away from every religion in general and adopting a common sense philosophy based on treating each other as well as themselves better . westerners are all whining about muslims coming into their countries yet adopt the same middle eastern sky fairy religions , you wont have one without the other . im sorry but i wont buy into the jesus was the son of god crap and if i end up in hell idgaf my son will be brought up free from the emotional blackmail that religion imposes and will instead be taught to observe others behaviour and identify those who seek to use belief systems on him to manipulate and control him .

21247011? ago

uh, i think you just said "i'm going to hell and i'm taking my son with me"

and dubs prove your intent?

21455690? ago

i'll write a book about my experience lol arent you a bit old to believe in fairy tales ...see you in hell

21250197? ago

ooh i'm so scared , help me GEEZUS , NO ! youre going to hell forever! lol help me the bad guy is eating my soul aaarrrggggghhhhh

21252515? ago

are you posting from that castle?

21234425? ago

Faith. Watch the world change.

Because it must.

21232780? ago

mockingbird Media

100% OWNED


21232607? ago

I love you too.

21232428? ago

Israel saved for last.

21232235? ago

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

21232138? ago

Ex atheist fag here. Now that Jesus and the (Catholic, and others) Church are separate, I have no problem associating with Jesus.

Jesus really should sue to stop fake Christians from turning spiritual people away from Christ using his name.

21234454? ago

Just have faith. Let others sort that out.

21232102? ago

No justice, no redpilling.

Its like 9/11 and Clinton emails- normies go "if these are crimes, why no one is thrown into jail ?" "what difference will it make ? why should I care?"

Slow walking without justice won't wake up people, it desensitizes them.

21234461? ago

Sun Tzu. Get to know it.

21235848? ago

And who can tell whether the DS is not Sun Tzu'ing us with the disguise of some internet anon spoon feeding false hope ?

21236118? ago

Because I have faith.

21236216? ago

And your faith in your internet anon is yours, not mine, not others. By definition, faith is not think logic think for yourself.

21232039? ago

How many dicks did that info bimbo have to suck before she got her job as an ABC teleprompter reader?

She's just mad that she can't have Epstein as a notch on her bed post.

21232274? ago

Epstein: "Ew, consent? GTFO"

21232004? ago

Actually, it’s

“Love thy neighbor as thy self”

Because that IS a part of you, or in other words, wwg1wga

21231985? ago

What are you talking about you fucking idiot? None of this shit is "working" look at all the election fraud yesterday alone. You fucking Q tards are something else. Just as delusional as a typical Democrat.

21232001? ago

Have faith. I have faith in you that someday you'll reach the singularity.

21231869? ago

Beware of Spin Doctors...they will infiltrate everywhere..Peace :)

21231698? ago

Well, 8kun just got its domain pulled, meaning Q is apparently too ineffectual to keep an image board post up. So to answer one of your first question, Yeah, this is crazy.

21232282? ago

Why does it need to be up?

The fact that there is so much heat focused on Q's site is very fine quality proof that there's something to Q's posts.

21246980? ago

Exactly! [93 dk] (sorry about missing spaces) was all the proof we needed!

21231680? ago

Wow Sir, thank you. <

21231888? ago

And who is thanking me?

21232175? ago


21231467? ago

It's nice that you think you did it. We white nationalists have been fighting for over a decade already. Back when you guys still were retarded normies.

21231923? ago

Ahhh, good point. But tell me patriot, when did things start getting exciting?

When I, Q and DJT started posting. The normies are catching up fast.

You did it by providing the knowledge, my job was to broadcast it.

Strange? That's how it works.

21232065? ago

I am happy we got some back up.

21231423? ago

Excellent post, thank you. I have to keep reminding myself, most people haven't been on the edge of their seats like we have been for the past two years. They don't even know, and what little they do hear is dismissed and ridiculed so they ignore it and forget about it. They know what the media feeds them everyday and that's all. We are making progress and the world is waking up.

21231942? ago

Much more important than the normies waking up, it's those that guard the castle...they have been so bamboozled, they are going to be pissed.

When your inner circle, the ones you rely for cover start pointing to you as the culprit, you're fuked.

21232392? ago

You are probably right. But I'm sure there are those (AC) who know they have been being paid well to lie to the public.

21231326? ago

sacrifice children to their God Moloch/Lucifer/Satan.

There's a difference between these three beings, and lumping them together for the sake of simplicity is just ignorant and inaccurate.

We are now in the biggest renaissance of the Christian religion

No, if you want to put a label on this, call it a renaissance of Love.

Outdated dogmatic religious beliefs has nothing to do with the Great Awakening.

21231953? ago

No, It's Christian, I bet my life on it.

The one that came before me did for you.

21232722? ago

Nice numbers in your message

9   666
9   297
9   927
9   324

But the point is, blood sacrifice, especially from Yehoshua, (Jesus was never even his name) was not needed to atone for anyone's sins... It makes for a great religion though.

If you want to be of service to others, how about you lay out some information clearly for the understand of others, rather than speaking in riddles and attempting to seem that you know more than you let on, becoming a cult leader yourself, as you draw attention to yourself for everyone to see.

21234593? ago

When the time is right everything will be known. Until then, never show them your hand.

Faith can move mountains, we can move this planet when united as one.

21246965? ago

planets are wandering stars, which is not what we're standing on

21231412? ago

There's a difference between these three beings, and lumping them together for the sake of simplicity is just ignorant and inaccurate.

agreed. as i understand it, satan and moloch (and various others) are incarnations of marduk who is the son of lucifer.

21231489? ago

As I understand it, Lucifer is a 6th density social memory complex who was tasked with providing the negative catalyst to Earth to aid in the evolution of Humanity as humans would need to make a choice between following the positive path and the negative path.

Satan seems like a metaphor to represent the negatively oriented Draco/Reptilian extraterrestrials who seek to rule and oppress others.

21246952? ago

What is "6th density"?

From this video, it appears there are no more than 10 dimensions. If God exists at the 10th, then I would imagine the "highest adversary" regardless of its name, exists at the 9th. Everything else is in the 8th or lower. But I might also be retarded.


21249655? ago

Density is a different term from dimension. It's a term from The Law of One: https://www.lawofone.info/synopsis.php

7 densities in total with the eighth density also being the first of a new octave, just like on a piano, for instance...

Rocks/Minerals and such things are first density.

Plants and animals are second density.

Humans are third density but now we are transitioning to 4th density

4th density beings are godlike beings who can do telepathy and heal others like Jesus.

5th density - 7th density is progressively more advanced and closer to fully reuniting with the Creator.

21252511? ago

Neat, thanks for the pointer, will read.

21232151? ago

You're partly correct.

Satan stems from Ancient Sumerian actually, "Shatam" which meant Administrator. The Great Shatam, are the Great Administrators.

6D thinking suggests you should already know why Lucifer and Shatam are "Thought of as one and the same" Just wink and nod if you're following brother or sister and it's nice to meet you in the wild, I hope we get the chance to have a more intimate exchange in future.

21232416? ago

† - χριστωι - T

Trump 2020

21231284? ago

That was the daily mass reading today .. to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Prayers offered up for POTUS FLOTIS and my Qanon hero’s.

21231173? ago

Yes!!! Very well said

21231154? ago

"How in the fuk can the British have so much pull to an American broadcasting group? The Cabal."

Because the British Crown owns The United States Inc.

21232919? ago

When POTUS was in London he let them know their reign was over . Their three seats of power London(money) Washington(military)and Rome(religion) were finished. There was no bowing or kneeling by POTUS or FLOTUS only subservient fawning from the queen. Read Jim Hutchinson for a better understanding of the unGodly evil that is the queen and her cousins the bushes http://www.sxolsout.org.uk/zreal1.html . Best wishes all

21234900? ago

He made some kind of deal with the Queen. She was fawning all over him and he, in turn, spoke very kindly about her. It was a bit over the top. She made a deal of some sort, I think, to keep the very worst of it from reigning (no pun intended) down on all of them. Would that I could have been a fly on that wall.

21238589? ago

reigning (no pun intended) down on all of them

Obviously the pun was intended, otherwise you'd have typed "raining". Apart from that, I do agree with your analysis.

21234376? ago

Trump now owns them. He has taken over. Didn't you catch it? He was the new Leader. May gave power to Trump.

21233663? ago

Aren't they all actually Germans anyway?

21240267? ago


21238598? ago

Meh, sort of. But Prince Philip is Greek.

21240255? ago

By birth he was a member of the Greek and Danish royal families. His family name is Schlessweig-Holsteiin-Sondersberg-Glucksburg. German. This is why his sisters all married Nazi's.

21246882? ago

sounds like a cow breed

21247628? ago

Doesn't it?

21231968? ago

They are about to be liquidated patriot.

21231059? ago

Drop 2263

21231991? ago

Funny how that works, isn't it?

God level stuff happening all around the Globe.

And here you are on the 50 yard line for the action.

21230931? ago

Whatever happened with that raid on CNN a couple years back? I thought they were going to be charged with something back then. I have a feeling the "anchors" are going to be taken down hard - Cooper and Maddow especially. I expect we will see RICO charges on them and the "news" corporations.

21230985? ago

Ye need to have faith my dear patriot.

21230868? ago

and yet she immediately put out a statement that she was just temporarily "frustrated" and now understands that her (((media bosses))) were wise to kill her story

21240275? ago

It's being reported that the "leaker' of this footage has been fired by ABC.

21230997? ago

Wait until they band together...swap stories.

Oh, the castle guards might be pissed.

21246859? ago

kek, yeah, Assassin's Creed games definitely taught a thing or two about "police" being "palace guards" and shoving you if you stand too close -- then, attacking you if you don't leave!

21230856? ago

IDK. As long as those asleep keep turning to MSM for news, they'll never know. Plus, reporters don't like red handkerchiefs.

21231047? ago

watch as god does his thing. people will start not watching the news,. if you ask them why, they'll say, i got sick of the lies and turned it off, they lie constantly to sell an untruth or to stretch the truth to pay the bills.

i'm getting my news now from the internet, letting my heart decide the truth, not what they spoon feed me to pay their bills.

21230817? ago

This is why it is important that the "stars" virtue signal--to convince the masses that they are moral, when, in fact, they are nothing but tools of the immoral cabal.

21231096? ago

I'd say a very small percentage entered hollywood knowing what hw was really about.

But, once in and making millions, you are a slave and there is no turning back. They have mounds of blackmail against you.

You want to quit, but you also know you'll be treated like Bourdain was treated. Or how Robin Williams was treated. Get the drift?

Mel Gibson is a good guy. Most of HW are good people surrounded by EVIL. They have weak minds too. Easily swayed.

They thought we would listen to the stars and what they say to us. That's all about to change with God's will. Watch a miracle happen.

you got the best seat in the house too. 50 yardline skybox of the owner.

21230619? ago

Good post, OP. What will be even more critical is when the executives who killed that story (and similar like it) are outed as pedophiles themselves. It will be so obvious to everyone at that point that the real reason for killing the story had nothing at all to do with journalistic integrity, but to continue raping, torturing and killing children.

21230761? ago

When those that keep your castle revolt, there's no one (((willing))) to guard the entrance.

All hell is about to come upon them. That's my job.

We are ending the Age and starting a new one.

Thanks for being here.

21231345? ago

Thanks for exalting yourself above us, insider elite.

21246821? ago

Seems a lot of people here pretend to be something spiritual that they cannot be.

21232025? ago

Obviously you don't think too highly of yourself then.

21230586? ago

And what happend about this time last year? Perhaps the earth rang like a bell? 11 11 2018.

21230792? ago

That's their death knell patriot.

That will render their camouflage null and void.

hehehehehe. It's our secret weapon.

If the public knew what surrounded them right now, they would all literally faint or die from heart failure.

We aren't alone in the Universe by a long shot. We are merely cattle to them.

Hell is coming to pay a visit on Earth.

21232882? ago

Seems to me that Hell is already here, and has been for thousands of years. We are light in a dark world. And, I believe before the fall of man, we actually did shine.

21234519? ago

It's about time we shine once more as children of the Creator.

21232473? ago

How about ?this or that?



Select all^



We have more then we know. Like the hole enchillada.




21236892? ago


21230514? ago

Please pray for Field McConnell. He's a Q warrior and fights against satanic pedophilia. He has been illegally arrested.

21230823? ago

Don't know him, so I can't pray for him, God will sort it. If he is guilty of any crime he needs to face the judgement. Have faith is all I ask.

I will however pray that the truth of these horrid acts that plague humanity come to light. Pray that one day we don't need warriors like Field anymore.

21232772? ago

Why must you KNOW someone before you can pray for them? You asked earlier for us to pray-- I don't personally know any of the patriots on the front lines, and I also don't know any elites. But, I pray for our warrior patriots in earnest, and I pray for God's judgement upon, and the defeat of the evil elites. What you said makes no sense to me.

21246800? ago


21234530? ago

It's just a hang up I have. Sorry.

You get what you get.

21230421? ago

Good post... but...

You're wrong about a Christian revival.

Millenials and most of the generation before them will never trust the church system.

21231134? ago

The new Christian revival will not be the old tax-exempt respectable church system. If it happens it will seek to be true to the spirit of truth. I don’t know what shape if will take but it will too big and vibrant for the “old wine skins” of the church system. Besides, parts of the church system will go down as part of the cabal. The system that Jesus taught is best described in the sermon the mount, Matthew 5. It is pretty much opposite of the world system, based on love and service to others rather than fear and predation.

21230871? ago

Oh ye of little Faith.

Even the high school aged kids are starting to become drawn to something bigger than them.

It's commonsense, if there is a Satan, there must be it's antithesis, God, otherwise there would not be good in the world..

It's not called the Great Awakening for nuttin.

Glad you could be here with me!

21232742? ago

Although you may be correct that "high school kids are starting to become drawn to something bigger than them" who says they go to Christianity and not Paganism or other "Non-religious but spiritual" belief structures? Close friend of mine works in the school system and they say that those kids all want NOTHING to do with the church or Christ - and we are in a predominantly conservative, Christian, area!

I am with you on 90% of your post, things are getting better and we can see it all the time everywhere in the world. But to think this means the whole world will suddenly be turning to Jesus as their savior is totally unrealistic.

As long as you are good in your thoughts and intentions, The Awakening happens regardless as to your thoughts about Jesus.

21234571? ago

Hey, seriously man, all you have to have to be a man or person of God is to realize there is a higher, far more peacful power that Created all of this, this world that surrounds you.

We aren't an accident. This is all by design. Start thinking as a loving human less like a religious zealot and you'll make a ton more friends and help a ton more people.

There is no right way, wrong way, to worship the Creator. This isn't a competition to see who knows the bible line for line.

Relax and have faith, that's all you have to do. Let those that love you take care of the rest. We got this.

21230141? ago

So did Q's reference of "you have more than you know" really refer to the reporters?

21230886? ago

No, I think he was referring to the person they were trying to wake up...He's been sleeping for over 2000 years.

Just reminding him that he has more than he can remember right now, be patient, it will all comeback to focus soon.

But I'm just guessing.

21230087? ago

What did Princess Di know? Guaranteed her death is connected to criminal behavior in the royal family. If they were willing to kill her, know that there is no limit to what they would do to protect themselves.

Remember the movie posters? We are watching "The Guardians of the Ped0philes".

IMO, Trump has already briefed the queen on how this whole thing will go down. She can allow the awakening, and hopefully some society cleansing, or an alternative, more difficult path with a larger social impact.

21231114? ago

She "apparently" never died. Dig and I think someone said there's some royal princess that looks like her. I doubt they allow any commoner blood in their gene pool. I think they even said Harry's wife is really a mtf.

21234403? ago

She died. They killed her. Blood sacrifice. They did the ritual in the tunnel.

They wanted commoner blood because their bloodline was becoming too pure, and needed commoner blood to be a bit more normal.

Harry's wife is a tranny. That's why you didn't see 'her' when Trump was there. 'She's' trained to kill.

21240189? ago

She was an aristocrat not a commoner.

21246471? ago

I guess it depends how you want to look at it.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961, in Sandringham, England. Although she was a member of the British aristocracy, she was technically a commoner, not a royal.

21246867? ago

No doubt I look at it very different than a native Brit.

21247245? ago

My point was that their bloodline was too pure, they were becoming more and more less human.

So they needed to diversify, hence why you see lately lots of 'royals' marrying not pure bloodline.

21247646? ago

Agreed. Those close-set eyes they sport (with the exception of the York line) were in danger of reverting back to cyclopian. No wonder they have a fondness for Malta....

21232096? ago

Why do you assume they would have a "Human" life span?

We know Humans are Non-Terrestrial in Nature, we were designed, no mere "accident" of evolution. Darwin is part of the Cabal's bullshit.

21232567? ago

Darwin's study was on the manner in which animal species differentiate (evolve) over time. He never applied it to humans.

21230066? ago

To damning to those that hold power.. ok, let's make up shit about trump and roll front page 7 days a week!

21230085? ago

That's ending soon. People have looked around, they don't like what they see or hear.

Humans are always curious...That's our advantage.

21230052? ago

Destroy the MSM and the Demorats and Deep State are stripped of their primary means of exerting power and deflecting being held accountable to law and order

These exposures of CNN, ABC, NBC - they are doing that.

21230067? ago

Genius or God's hand?

Maybe a bit of both.

21229981? ago

If she REALLY "had it all," why not punt it to Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, or even Shapiro, under a pseudonym or ghost writer? Why sit on it for 3 yrs, purposely lettin g the horrors continue?! That's tantamount to being an accessory. As a matter of fact, in our current legal system, it is against the law to hide info you "know" or "believe" to incriminate someone else. So, my questions are, WHO really is Amy Robach? WHY did she sit on it (the REAL reason why, not HER reasoning)? WHAT has she done in the past to merit sitting on the story when she could've released it anyway? WHO/WHAT "agency" does she truly work for? HOW could she possibly sit on a story like that while "knowing" or "believing" her interviewee? I'm thinking digging needs to be done into her and all of her previous "reports." I'm betting she was a relative unknown before her interview with Epstain's accuser(s) and it was only commissioned to spike it to keep the accuser quiet longer, u til at least AFTER the 2016/2018 elections. It's the only plausible reason, to me.

21240197? ago

"Had". Past tense. Interesting.

21234923? ago

ABC owns ALL the content their employees curate. So if she took it to another network she would be held liable for intellectual property theft. Career over, no one would hire her.. etc.

21238070? ago

Material facts regarding a crime belong to no one.

21230015? ago

Simple answer is Ego. Plus she had the witness.

Occam's Razor Patriot. Ego is the strongest thing in their minds.

21232829? ago

A simpler answer is: those who gave her the evidence, then, are also guilty in your weird "Good Samaritan laws" world!

Since obviously, they didn't go to the authorities. If they had, they'd be dead, ergo, they did not.

21240218? ago

Virginia Roberts gave her the evidence and she indeed has gone to the authorities.....

21229972? ago

Impeachment will bring this all to a head. Pain is imminent. Patience. Enjoy the show. Nothing can stop it now.

21230030? ago

If I'm here, it's already too late for them.

The wimpy Jesus isn't coming back.

The 6'2" 200lb Sword Carrying Christ will return this time.

21232964? ago

Wimpy Jesus? I think you just outed yourself as NOT one of God's servants. What Jesus did for us -- paying the penalty for our sins through a torturous death, restoring us to fellowship with God the Father and sending the Holy Spirit to live in us-- NONE of that is wimpy. Jesus lived a sinless life which qualified Him to be the perfect sacrifice -- once for all. That is not wimpy.

21234468? ago

Whatever you think patriot.

Don't let me stand in the way of your ego.

21229873? ago

I hope you are right but...

major arrests haven't happened

these networks are still operating

all datefagging had been nothing

most normies still don't give a fuck about anything related

21237500? ago

I understand the frustration. After a while you start to settle on the simple but depressing explanation; the swamp really is that big.

How large could a 10000-year-old satanic death cult be?

We already know we're dealing with industrial-scale child sex trafficking. That's a hint.

21231207? ago

You can't give a fuck about something you don't know about yet. The media has done an astonishing job of distracting people.

21229950? ago

Have Faith Patriot.

That's why you are here.

21230168? ago

My faith is wavering. When is the first happening?

21229795? ago

It sure worked in Virginia and Kentucky

21229963? ago

That will be dealt with shortly.

Watch the news. Local if possible to those cities.

Something might be mentioned shortly.

21230503? ago


21229730? ago

I hope you are right. One can never really tell what was a turning point until hindsight.

21229718? ago

God bless you brother. Pray for the Revival. Jesus is the answer to all of our problems.

21229777? ago

The Christ is the answer. Jesus died for you :-)

New name this time brother.

21232763? ago


Nice get! Christ is the way, and the truth, and the life -- and, as you say, the answer. John 14:6.

21232095? ago

Jesus only died for His sheep. Only the elect people given to Him before the foundation of the world...

Matthew 1:21, (NASB), "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save HIS PEOPLE from their sins."

John 10:15, (NASB), even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life FOR THE SHEEP.

John 17:6-9, (NASB), I have manifested Your name to the men whom YOU GAVE ME OUT OF THE WORLD; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You; for the words which You gave Me I have given to them; and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me. I ask on THEIR behalf; I DO NOT ASK ON BEHALF OF THE WORLD, BUT OF THOSE WHOM YOU'VE GIVEN TO ME; for they are Yours;

John 10:25-30, (NASB), Jesus answered them, "I told you, and YOU DO NOT BELIEVE; the works that I do in My Father's name, these testify of Me. BUT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. "My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. "I and the Father are one."

Acts 16:14, (KJV), And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: WHOSE HEART THE LORD OPENED, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.

Acts 13:48, (KJV), And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and AS MANY AS WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE believed.

Read more at PristineGrace.org

21231400? ago

Jesus martyred himself, and his death was not needed to pay the sins of anyone. Everyone is One with the Father and can heal the way Jesus did if the intelligent energy is able to flow, and your chakras are balanced.

Your vague posts are of no value.

21232021? ago

Your lack of faith concerns me little.

You'll come around.

21232435? ago

Explain to me how coming around here and calling Jesus a wimp in the comments is helpful?

21234853? ago

Inside joke.

21235927? ago

So is it someone who reads here whom you are trying to ‘wake up’? Was that a friendly poke in the ribs?

21230369? ago

Jesus is not dead....

21230237? ago

My friend, I see you are getting a better response here lately and it gladdens me.

A new story is unfolding before our eyes.

21229702? ago

One article I read yesterday gave a very telling hint at the end.

The reporter admitted that all the pizzagate shit was true. That the media has been silenced."Until now!"

Was she hinting that her colleagues have turned the corner? That they are all about to rebel against the control of the pedo executive class?

I certainly took it as such. The presstitutes know they are just as guilty. They have been gatekeeping on the most serious treasonous acts in history and also deserve to hang.

So what now? Are they just going to report on the pizzagate shit or will they break the other massive scandals like the millions being gangstalked by the FBI, CIA and law enforcement?!

I would think they need to expose it all to regain any respect. They also need to show that they make a break from the cabal camps to save their lives.

Mark my words. The gangstalking networks are next to be exposed and they won't be protected by the msm. They will be exposed by them.

It's ass saving time and these people have no loyalty to anyone!

21230089? ago

Wonder if that means the cabal is less of a threat / less of a financial bonus than the white hats.

21229806? ago

Wait until we "remind" them that having knowledge of a felony and not reporting it to authorities is a Felony in itself.

That might get their motivation level adjusted to "high" settings.

God's love is winning. DJT is a genius and Qteam are literal angels from Heaven, sent to wake up their King.

(that last part is so very true, but no one believes it...yet)

21231684? ago

I've also recently decided that 'Q' is a divine presence of some type.

21232016? ago

Ya. They are Angels. Real honest to god angels.

Take that to the bank patriot.

21239473? ago

The Bible only mentions 5 angels (3 are 'fallen') so which of the remaining two are Q? Both? Perhaps both Michael and Gabriel are Q...

21240992? ago

I cannot confirm or deny your statement.

you're awfully close now. I'd say "hot" if we were playing that game.

21238494? ago

ETs, actually.

21239456? ago

Ridiculous. There are no space aliens, at least not within our system. Interstellar travel is not possible, I don't care what level of tech they have.

21231140? ago

Mind elaborating on that last part?

On one hand I can feel it happening. I feel a calmness over myself when I pray, I've even had several convincing signs when asking for a sign of a higher power. Yet still I become overcome with doubt. It is so hard to focus on work. All I want to do is retreat into nature, because at least I feel calm there. To understand more about my creator, it seems intuitive to explore their creation...

But then you have some issues like race realism. I don't think it's a coincidence that when I go camping it is overwhelmingly a certain type of person that I am surrounded by. In nature I see sparrows with sparrows, cardinals with cardinals, and buzzards flying together - mostly in harmony. I harbor no ill will towards others, but see my friends drowning in delusions. I see no way for the topic to get broached without going through some serious hell first. I guess that's where faith comes into practice.

Anyway, that was cathartic. I hope perhaps you can shed some light on that last part, but understand if you can't.

God's love is winning. DJT is a genius and Qteam are literal angels from Heaven, sent to wake up their King.

21232046? ago

Best I can do is say.... Hi.

Relax, you're in very great company.

21231421? ago

Amen. I feel very calm when praying these days, and like you am overcome with doubt. I live on the borders of town and country and love to walk in the secluded woods around me. Q team is the Archangel Michael, the angel of battle and destroyer of Satan.

21230101? ago

There you go, reporters going to jail for this would wake them up.

21230128? ago

Yes, if that doesn't wake their asses up, nothing will.

21229659? ago

oy vey jews are normal

21229617? ago

She is only upset that she lost the story, we are horrified that she didn't try to save the children!

21235251? ago

Even the Media (the non jews that work in the field)

I disagree


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21235453? ago

Yeah, I wish you'd jexodus right to israel

21229827? ago

Dude. Once she realizes that children were killed and she could have stopped it, she will have a mental breakdown.

Once she learns just how vile and evil the cabal really is, she will absolutely lose it.

21232415? ago

No. She won't.

21232142? ago

There is no way she didn't know what Epstein was doing. We all knew!

21229976? ago

Dude, she already knows, I am praying for her soul

21230055? ago

There's only one way off this planet.

21232240? ago

hint, you are standing on Earth, not a wandering star

21230924? ago


21231119? ago

How did you know?

Bonus points..where?

21231738? ago

Over there.

21230294? ago

I agree

21229547? ago

Permission to share you're opening? Fantastic.

21229843? ago

God's words, not mine.

Ask him.

Pretty sure he'll say no problem!

21236435? ago

Lol, I did. He said it's fine! Thanks!

21229542? ago

Why did she sit in it and not send it to say.. the FBI, alternative news? Anywhere that would print it?

21229868? ago

What she doesn't realize is she just admitted to a felony. She KNEW and had hard evidenced that JE was a serial pedophile along with Bill Clinton.

She committed a felony by not reporting it the proper authorities. ABC is now very liable as well.

21230232? ago


1. Commit a felony that nobody knows about, or

2. Commit Arkancide...

You'd probably keep your mouth shut, too. Three years ago, you blab this to the FBI and you're going to 'have an accident'.

21229855? ago

Because, it seems that at that time they had been corrupted. IE: BO, eric holder, laretta sanchez. Paige, Struck, Comey, Brennen, etc..

21229796? ago


21229516? ago

great post, thanks for sharing.

and I agree, I think Amy R. had genuine intentions to stop the bad guys, but DS was just too much for one women to battle.

21229894? ago

It's easy to tell when people show emotion how they really feel inside. She was pissed that her "scoop of the century" was killed by the brass at ABC.

She also committed a felony by not reporting it to the FBI...She had EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY along with photos and video that would have jailed them all.

21230214? ago

'reporting it to the FBI'???

are you a f'ing RETARD??


21229426? ago

I hope you are right, anon. Thanks for posting.

21229497? ago

It's all going to plan.

Have faith brother, God is in control.

We are winning. You are a huge part of that.