21227964? ago

I disagree, she had an opportunity yesterday to stand up and do the right thing, instead she caved and towed the pedo protector line. A decision she will regret till the moment she meets her maker and has to answer for it....

21227106? ago

Jill Dando, a BBC journalist was murdered for trying to expose the peado's in the media.

21224770? ago

She tried to do the right thing, but didn't have the courage to take it all the way. As for the "accidental" disclosure, I think she staged it to shoot her bosses the finger. She seemed nervous and the amount of disclosure was not natural for the setting.

21223779? ago

She could have contacted mr O’Keefe

21222991? ago

Check her daughter instagram @avmonroe praisin the clintons and tellin them to vote blue... if she was as scared as u r sayin, she should have at least red pilled her 16 years daughter !!! We dont have compassion for cowards.

Her acts speaks for herself !!

21222954? ago

She does for journalism what rape does for sex.

21222919? ago

Yes. The only thing she was upset about was being the reporter who didn't get to break the story, ie: her name and career. And being able to interview a foreign prince and princess. Screw her. How many suffered while she pouted? Fuck her.

21222813? ago

She might not be those most empathetic person in the world, but if it had been up to her, she would have run the story. The bigger story is who shut it down?

21222793? ago

She seemed way more upset about losing the scoop than about epstein raping little girls and pimping them out to his politician, lawyer, and media buddies.

21222099? ago

I don't feel bad for her, she did sound legit but more from an ego point of view, that she didn't "break" the story. She could of gone elsewhere. Hats off to Veritas !

21223763? ago

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21221993? ago

You feel bad for her because you are a typical, weak christcuck.

21222402? ago

I do and I'm not

21222416? ago

You believe as they do. You'll die with them.

21221977? ago

Bullshit. She's a presstitute!

21221766? ago

I agree. In that particular instance, she was trying to do the right thing. Maybe for the wrong reasons but who knows. I can't speak to her integrity before or after those few moments though. Plus, she's pretty fucking hot so I'll give her a pass for that day.

21221647? ago

Those "people" could be shills.

21221383? ago

Didn't hear her say a word about all the little kids getting butt fucked while she held onto the story.......... she's got nice tits though.........

21221341? ago

Could she be the ABC whistleblower?

21221022? ago

She already knows that she's about to commit suicide. She went home early to make sure her will and affairs are in order.

21221009? ago

Amy must be a pedophile rapist too. She knew how to properly pronounce "Jizz Lane" Maxwell's name properly. You'd only know that information if you're on the inside. Watch that video again and tell me I'm wrong.

21220777? ago

that fucking cunt should of came out with it. fuck her. she sat on photographic evidence and did nothing FUCK HER IN HER ASS DRY

21220516? ago

Anyone in her position is there because they are part of them. She is connected, she is compromised, she is a Tavistock Mockingbird.

21220750? ago

She is probably not Mockingbird or she wouldn't have done the story to begin with. Not everyone sucks.

21220847? ago

So I guess that makes her a "look good" little spoiled cunt who couldnt manipulate her "masters" into YES without an explanation to her why NO is absolutely imperative?

21220934? ago

I'm not giving her any awards. Just saying she isn't the devil just because she works there.

21221266? ago

Like I said...spoiled little baby didnt get her story, so she gets caught up in "hot mic" fuckery bitching about her not getting her just due...At the very best, she's complicit in not notifying authorities...at worst, she only cared about herself...She's a shallow piece of shit! Don't waste "ya feelz" feeling bad for her...No empathy for the Disney, I mean, Wicked!!!

21220292? ago

youtube .com/watch?v=vfb9FIpobL4

lol fuck that cunt

21220136? ago

That stupid bitch could care less about the victims or the crimes. She could have saved a LOT of children/womens dignity and possibly lives if she had handed that information even over to authorities. But she did not. She's pissed because she didnt get the fame from dropping the info on MSM. Fuck her. I hope she gets fired and blacklisted from ever working on TV again.

21223542? ago

Which authorities would she have given the info to? Who would have taken that info and gone after Epstein and all the people named? Think before you spew!!

21221673? ago

What happens when the "authorities" are the guilty ones? If she did that, she'd likely be dead. Think b4 you post this crap.

21222385? ago

to be fair we don't know if she went to authorities. We can imagine that is the case since she is still around and we know that the authorities were (and many still are) corrupt. We don't know what all she knew.

I'm with OP and I felt bad for her, even though I also see the side that she likely did nothing to stop the madness after she was shot down by the network and the royal crown (that may have been intimidating enough for her not to think of reporting, or maybe she was threatened- we don't know).

21220738? ago

She might have located the authorities at Epstein's apartment, if she wanted to save the postage. The authorities truly spring into action when you report things. /s

21220775? ago

Right? I can't fucking believe this is the line the shills want to go down.

She doesn't care about the chidlrenz because she didn't surrender evidence to the (((Authorities)))!

I called the cops, once. Never again, that fucking retarded cunt escalated the situation to such an extent her fucking partner started to worry I was gonna let loose on her.

The Authorities are fucking retarded monkeys that have an over inflated ego and the retards who give them that power aren't helping the situation by blindly surrendering their autonomy to them.

21220936? ago

^ Not enough people know how bad many cops are.

21220906? ago

Yep, but when a madman is trying to kill you, then their hands are tied until they have some kind of proof or you are dead. They'll come when you are dead ... to investigate.

21220870? ago

IF a person ever is forced to contact the police and wants them to DO something (along the lines of what you have in mind), you must approach them with documents. You need to spend hours getting the documents just so. You want to do their job for them and let them take the credit. You want to give them something they cannot wait to give to the prosecutor. But you have to do it with humility. Make witness statements. Provide contact information. Include copies of receipts, bills, statements. Give them video. They love video. Bring in a letter from your clergy, boss, impressive best friend that attests to your awesomeness. Bring logs. Logs are the best. I give this advice but no one takes it. They don't really want cops when they call. They want to use the bat signal and they want a hero. Well, we should have thought of that when we made it illegal to be male.

21219918? ago

She was only upset she did not get the creditv

21219892? ago

“ I was just following orders”.

21219630? ago

No, I feel bad for her as well.

21219567? ago

The ONLY thing she cared about was getting credit for breaking the story, in other words, her career. She couldn't care less about victims or anyone else, if she did, she would have gone to the authorities.

21221421? ago

She ain't the enemy.

21220904? ago

What authorities? Rod Rosenstein? James Comey?

21225797? ago

No, they are not the local authorities, although if they squashed to story in addition to ABC, then there would be a reason to investigate within the DOJ.

21220755? ago

It doesn't matter. We all know the authorities are compromised. Someone like Eptstain can only exist in a world where the "Authorities" are looking the other way on purpose.

21225822? ago

So, what you're saying is because we know the authorities are compromised we keep everything to ourselves, spike the information ourselves, without any attempt to get it into the hands of law enforcement? That's a genius idea. If ABC spikes a story, that's one thing, but if the authorities bury it, that's another. At some point these issues will bury the authorities, but we have to put the ball in their court.

21220673? ago

I hear you. I have dealt with both kinds of press people: the kind like crocodiles and the kind who care. You cannot tell in this context which she is because the audience is her producer, not a receptive audience and not an appropriate time to open her heart on the matter.

21225837? ago

She works for the MSM, so she has zero credibility with me. Not saying that makes it so, but she would have to prove to me she cares about anyone other than herself, and in this instance, she failed to "do the right thing".

21227405? ago

That's completely fair. A lot of people who deserved a chance to prove themselves were denied it. I hope many people redeem themselves or show themselves to have been on track the whole time even if she is not one. I met one. He was instrumental in saving my life. In honor of that experience, I try to keep the door open for goodness to pop up unexpected.

21227451? ago

When given the chance, after this video came out, what did she do, did she support and defend the story, or did she run back to her handlers and support their denials the story wasn't ready? Once again, she had another opportunity to do the right thing and she chose poorly. I'm not given people chance after chance to do the right thing, nope, not any more.

21228224? ago

I hadn't seen evidence of her response one way or another. If it is as you say, yes, that is disappointing.

21219911? ago

The authorities are in on it. The police/FBI are compromised.

21225856? ago

Sure, but she didn't know that, and even if she did, everyone is not in on it. You still have to bring the authorities in on it, if they incriminate themselves, so be it.

21219556? ago

Well we know alot of people were threatened not to investigate Barry Soetoro back ground. Breitbart, Hastings and others were 187’d. Mike Zullo said after one of the press conferences he was approached by journalists that they were warned not to cover the fraudulent documents and one person was so scared he/she left the country. Mike said he got their story/statement on a affidavit. I believe lots of people telling their stories under the guise of undercover video for plausible deniability reasons maybe even to avoid being fired or worse.

21222397? ago

now that's an interesting thought- under the guise of being under cover or hot mic...

I personally don't think they are acting, but it is possible.

21219482? ago

The cowardly cunt is trying to back peddle because she doesn't want her career and her head to be lost. This is no time for pussies. She needs to nut up or shut up.

21219474? ago

She didn't try shit. Watch that video again dawg.

What I saw was your average info bimbo pissed off that she wasnt the one who'd get to shake her titties in front of us while breaking the big news story. She doesn't give a fuck about kids being raped.

21219470? ago

Plus, could you imagine fucking that tight piece of ass? Looking down and seeing the pretty face looking up?

21219466? ago

I would hug her. If you know what I mean.

21222790? ago

OK, Joe Biden.

21220819? ago

From behind with a stiff one searching for an outlet??? Lol...

21219464? ago

https://archive.ph/Pd3XA :

Good Morning America on Twitter: "Congrats to all NYC Marathon runners — and especially to our own @arobach!… "

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