21219069? ago

That excuse would be plausible if they had actually made any effort to corroborate. But since it doesn't involve smearing Trump, no such effort was made.

21218694? ago

Maybe Ronan will describe how she takes care of Hebrew Penis at ABC! Sold Out Ho Ho! She could care less about the Victim. Maybe she was one too. Her training program?

21217972? ago


21217623? ago

You mean corroborate. collaborate means to work WITH someone else. corroborate means to check out the information

21216968? ago

They never thought she would lose.

21216190? ago

Everyone knew about Epstein's island in 2013. Why is this news?

21216110? ago

Remember this ABC headline about the Covington kid taunting Native American? "Viral video of Catholic school teens in 'MAGA' caps taunting Native Americans draws widespread condemnation; prompts a school investigation"

Did ABC collaborate the story?

21215981? ago

These fake ass faggots got caught passing off a legal live fire in Kentucky for a war in Syria. None of this surprises me.

21215885? ago

The Deep State players constant double standard is so over the top transparent anyone NOT seeing it has entered the tunnel to hell with no way out.

21215725? ago

Unlike Kavanaugh the children and sex slaves continued to be abused.

Not stopping Human Tracking is called collusion while actively aiding and abetting pedophilia.

They should, no MUST be charged with contributing to Child Sex Trafficking and have every asset seized NOW!

21221926? ago


21215098? ago

Disney owns ABC and that they had a cruise excursion to that island.

Disney = jew homosexual pedos


21215066? ago

ABC in major meetings with legal no doubt!!!

21214838? ago

I see a raid in ABCs future.

21214777? ago

Corroborate* but yes its a bullshit response considering the mainstream media will run with every ounce of some shit rumor that fits their narrative regardless of truth or the facts.

21214819? ago

They now suddenly have a "conscience?" roflmao

21220242? ago

Even his arrest wasn't enough to get them to run the story. They are complicit.

21215071? ago

They sure investigated anything that had to do with SC judge Kavanaugh

21220322? ago

What happened to we believe woman?

21214877? ago

Exactly. Selective journalistic integrity on clear display. As if we needed further evidence the mainstream media is the enemy of the people.

21214707? ago

Jews control our news and everything else. Until we ban them from everything nothing will get better.

21214688? ago

She wasn't pissed about pedophilia or child rape or even fucking child sacrifice, but from the fact she missed a story that she thought would propel her career.

Any fuck selling out for fame and rothschild money can all fuck off.

21218807? ago

Well, people in the press generally are looking out for number one, and she did feel robbed. However, she is just another in a line of journalists who have tried to get the story out. Thank God for Trump! Otherwise, it would have never made the main stream.

21216636? ago

Self-absorbed and why the metoo movement was ass, because these people are out for their fame and money and will do whatever it takes. Thanks for pointing this heartlessness out.

21215429? ago

That's why we teach nihilism in school. The belief in the dominance of the underlying chaos of the universe tells us that it is okay to ignore horrible crimes and immoral acts because in a world of pure chaos those things are always going to exist somewhere and the best you can do is try to advance your own personal agenda and try to empower yourself so that you can rise far enough above the situation to avoid being crushed between the gears.

Of course she knows pedophiles with political power exist all over the world, her education in that started in college, the only reason she got the job she has is because she was able to accept the status quo and try to make a career for herself inside that system.

In fact, the dumbest thing she is doing is thinking she can advance her career by exposing someone who has committed more crimes than she has. She thinks this is a dog eat dog world and stepping on someone below her can help her rise up. She doesn't realize the world is actually upside down and that person below her actually owns her and controls her livelihood.

21215356? ago

Yep. All about her.

21215901? ago

You idiots are making it all about her.

21221102? ago

You missed the point.

Mirror >> idiot

21224327? ago

Idiocy has no point.

21226749? ago

Says the idiot.

21215060? ago

She was probably going to do the podcast to "get in front" of this shit.. only the timing was a little off.. too late now! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3406463/20393837 Evelyn pokes little Prince Charles in the chest telling him Lady Rothschild got blackmail tapes on him & little brother Randy Andy. Now Eugenie quietly puts back sex trafficking slavery podcast?

21214937? ago

Yeah, seriously. I got so frustrated hearing her endlessly bitch about the credit for the story that she missed, when she only mentions the seriousness of Epstein's crimes once. It made her look like a heartless bitch.

21223952? ago

Albeit, a HOT heartless bitch...

21215975? ago

People who crave and only desire power are to be not trusted

21215062? ago

Not only heartless, but a dumb stupid bitch. I will say tho, that she is in the “journalism” field and therefore ones career is ALL ABOUT getting recognition for stories, in her defense. But yeah, she could care less about the crimes and the victims. Her next step, after the story didn’t air, should’ve been going to the police.

21216469? ago

But yeah, she could care less about the crimes and the victims.

It looked to me as if she could not care less.

21215826? ago

They never think of the police - only themselves - not the kids, not the crimes, only their "credit".

21215103? ago

That would jeopardize her career and career path. You can't maintain journalistic integrity when you are a leaker. Don't you see the irony?

21215206? ago

U can’t be this foolish can you? Did u see the things the anchors were claiming leading up to and during the Russian collusion delusion and mueller report? My god anon, some of these journalists even won Pulitzer Prizes after that display. Tell me you aren’t this dumb?

21215256? ago

This is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned irony. You just didn't get the sarcasm. It's not your fault, I'm still tuning into a sense of humor around all these lies.

21214842? ago

good observation

21214619? ago


Here's your proof, boys.

21217259? ago

That letter has all sorts of keywords and phrases to make the stomach squeamish, even BEFORE you get to the LSJ Island part

21215870? ago

Proof that people went snorkling off the coast of Epstein's island? OK.

21216171? ago

Not just "people", but specifically children.

Also, nice try Agent Brown.

21216294? ago

So fucking what? Children went snorkling on a Disney cruise. Big fucking deal. I think the shills send people like you here to make the rest of us look like idiots for associating with you.

21216303? ago

Cool it, agent. Your emotional investment is telling enough.

21216333? ago

You're still an idiot.

21216455? ago

We can see right through you.

21214661? ago

I'm guessing this was just a form of money laundering, an excuse for Disney to funnel money to Epstein for the use the waters near his island.

21215877? ago

You don't have to pay to "use the waters." Idiot.

21215989? ago

They need a seemingly legit reason to give money to Epstein. It's called money laundering. The money appears to be "clean", and he would then be free to use it to support his evil ways. The same is done with art, real estate, and book deals, among other things.

21216258? ago

There would be nothing "seemingly legit" about paying somebody because your boat or swimmers go in water near them. Epstein didn't own that water, and had nothing to say about it. If you want to find evidence that Disney was making payments to Epstein, then knock yourself out looking. I doubt you will find anything.

21215698? ago

That’s the most reasonable explanation I’ve heard so far. Actual abuse/trafficking would likely be quite difficult in this sort of situation

21214914? ago

Or a smart method to cover up Epstein's prodigious blackmailing operations.

21214585? ago

The question I have after listening is not about Epstein or this shag-headed wanna be journalist's imbecilic pout, it's WHO PULLS GOLDSTON'S STRINGS. Would love to see a topster toppled and all the fallout from that.

21214541? ago

How to kill the mockingbird 101

21214531? ago

Very good point, anon.

21214150? ago

Why didn’t Amy Robach run with the story, just like Ronan Farrow!?! I guess one is a journalist and the other is a pretty face.

21218740? ago

She was busy swallowing her bosses' semen.

21214532? ago

Ronan is pretty.

21214689? ago

He's got Frank's eyes...

21214524? ago

yeah I didn't get that feeling from her at all.

if she wasn't a good person, she would have never even tried to get the story out there, but she did and she was obviously distressed that she was forced not to expose it.

21215259? ago

I would also give her the benefit of the doubt. It is easy to sit back and judge her from the safety of spectators, but if you buck the media king makers they can destroy you, and your family. Let’s just be grateful the story is out and she said what she did.

21215090? ago

How do u deduce that she’s a good person just for simply wanting to run a blockbuster story like this?

21216049? ago

because she was willing to spend so much time with Virginia and obviously tried to get the story out, but was squashed by (((them))).

how can you not see that?...

21214989? ago

I actually had the same thought for a second. Then I thought, if she was so concerned, she would've either ran with it anyway or leaked it to somebody else. It was career move, nothing else.

21216056? ago

seriously? have you not heard of Seth Rich?...

21216132? ago

Seriously? Have you not heard of Project Veritas?

21215219? ago

You can't just "run with the story" when the producer won't let it air.

21216186? ago

And she did nothing with it and moved on. She could've blown the whistle. Instead, she becomes part of the cover up. That's is not what anyone would call integrity or honor.

21214662? ago

bullshit. Why is she still working there than all those years later?

Whatever. She is mad because she didn't credit for the scoop.

That's ALL She's mad about. Don't let these people fool you.

21216084? ago

you're definitely welcome to your own opinion, I just know that most people who have dirt on the Clinton's die, so I can see her hesitancy in this situation...

21214924? ago

Try to find one mention on her twitter account of the name Epstein. There isn't one. So she either never mentioned him or she recently deleted any mention of him. One would think she would have at least commented on his arrest and/or death knowing what she knew. Particularly since that bombshell was dropped in her lap three years ago and abc refused to run it.

21215097? ago

Great point anon.

21215226? ago

It's also not the first time abc has done this. Their show, 20/20, did the same thing in regards to Johnny Gosch when they learned he had contacted his mother. They scrapped the entire show and said they wouldn't air it unless Johnny was interviewed by the House Intel committee...in a case involving pedophiles entrenched at the highest levels of government. Things have been fucked up for a long time. Maybe even all time.

21214320? ago

And now she's whining because she didn't get the "scoop" by following her master's orders to stand down. Fuck this fraud.

21214686? ago

I feel the same.

21214490? ago
