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21212109? ago

This shows that the uk royal family are involved in a criminal conspiracy that trafficked, raped, tortured and murdered unknown numbers of young girls for political power!


21238552? ago

Sirhan and an old Masonic cult, "finders" and a JFK connection? Yes, Yes, Zapruder connection: He was told to film "the event". Jewish guy who got to go on TV, was paid 16 million for his film, (no other photographer got anything), he was allowed to keep his film, the black hats would never let that happen if he were not in on it, he kept filming and never flinched at what he saw, he knew what was gonna happen, his original film was changed that night by CIA, we never got to see the original, there were 2 different sets of prints for boards, made to hide what really happened, how did he get permission to be where he was?, that freak got paid millions for his part in it, the family should be LIQUIDATED financially, of there blood money. Oswald's handler Zapruder's business partner!!!!! Wow, finally, the truth.