21221538? ago

Ok, which one of you fags edited Amy Robach's Wikipedia page this morning? BTW, BRAVO


21217632? ago


21216783? ago

Sauds->Roths->Soros -> ISIS(Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) for last.

21216204? ago

Epstein was all over the news with his mugshot and everything around 2013. How is this news that this lady "knew about him in 2016"?

21214929? ago

This is a great release! Thank you for posting! I'm looking forward to more of this being exposed. Many have tried to expose this, only to be met by a brick wall.

21214868? ago

Is not reporting child abuse a crime?

21214399? ago

My favorite part is that it shows how self-absorbed and vainglorious media people are. She's pissed because she didn't get the glory from running the story -- not because they backstabbed the victims or suppresed information that could have stopped ongoing crimes.

21214314? ago

I would hit it

21213992? ago

I find it to be a bit of a nothingburger. It's nice but we need more at this point.

21213917? ago

She seems real annoyed. But not for the right reasons.

21213865? ago

"ohhh I'm soo pissed right now..." OMG what a cunt!! She knew children were being tortured and killed and sat on her ASS. This is what will wake people up. Her fake anger. She almost smirked.

21213786? ago

I showed my coworker this on the way to the job site this morning. I gave him the whole background He got really quiet and then confused. And then it was like a reset switch was hit and he seemed to forget all about it. So now I'm confused.

21214433? ago

He probably needs time to process.

21213644? ago

Oh look another instance of a coverup... it got buried by the jew media, shocker.

21213506? ago

When will people wake the fuck up??? When??? MSM protected Epstein why??? Money and I'm betting execs have been playing with Jeffrey's 'toys' for years.

21213495? ago

She should be ashamed of herself for not notifying authorities, at least to attempt a breakup of the pedos.

She just looked the other way, and now I'm supposed to be sympathetic of her being pissed that she could have her story.

Goes right in the cunt bucket.

21213718? ago

She and the rest of the crew should to be arrested for obstruction of justice for starters.

21213455? ago

When you live in this sheltered community of people who already know the truth, all of these so-called "bombshells" are dropping NOTHING on the dumb ass general public.

I talk to hundreds of people per week from all walks of life, and for every 100 people I talk to, maybe one or two are awake to ANY of it. The rest are a bunch of mindless sportsball zombies who can't talk about anything that's not related to pop culture or sports. Politics are pretty much done in the workplace, except for when people try dropping little catch phrases or subtle signals as they look around the room trying to figure out who their "friends" are. It could be the catholics running one company I worked for dropping catholic shit around the room trying to figure out who's on which side — or the company run by a bunch of fucking jews, dropping little jew hints to see who their allies are. Or the gay CEO at another company dropping democrat leftist hints to figure out who's who, or the republican-run company where the manager has a photo of general mattis on his wall, and subtle signals of which orientation you're supposed to be to advance at THAT company.

I don't belong to any political group, don't give a flying fuck about sportsball, and haven't watched TV in 5+ years other than an occasional hotel room (to see the same fucking episode of Pawn Stars that was running the last fucking time I saw TV 2 years ago).

The ONLY FUCKING WAY you are going to wake anyone up is to drop something big enough to give these fucking retards something to talk about.

21213752? ago

^^^^ Boom the fuck boom. I had to show my spouse Rachel Chandler's "Island Night" photo to finally wake him the fuck up. He's stopped arguing now and listens more.

21213394? ago

This was more about exposing the fraud in the media than it was about pedo Epstein. It is, however, a great strike when they catch one of their own bitching about it. Thumbs up.

21213192? ago


What is going on here is OP signed up to a website that lets

him profit from getting people to do their surveys.

He tricks you into doing them by luring you with the promise

of a video but heres the thing...


He will use proxies to spam the pages with comments saying the video

is legit

You can tell because the comments are inane

Have a read and you will notice the same IDs repeated

What will happen if you follow his link is you will download a file

that says you don't get the video yet but if you do this survey

first then you will receive it

If you don't want to take my word, ask for screenshots


There might even be a virus that will fuck your computer

OP will say things like qtards are just trying to stop newfags

from getting porn, yeah right like qanon cares about porn.

This is the sad thing

OP only makes a few cents to a dollar a night


He raged one night because qtards stopped his scam repeatedly

and he begged and pleaded for them to stop by proving he

only made a few cents anyway

How can you kill that who has no life?

Well you can't but you can have fun letting him know what he is

he is always here, except for a few hours for sleep you are sure

to find him here trying to get a few cents for a bite to eat

He has no life, girlfriend or job

His parents (if they know) will be ashamed to have this as a son

So report this, let OP know what he is and move on,

21213816? ago

Are you dumb? It's youtube dipshit.

21213283? ago

None of that happened.

A video played at the YouTube link.

Someone else kindly provided an invidio link to same video for those who are wary of YouTube.

Not sure what your agenda is... or if you meant to post this under Caleb's self-serving post on same subject matter, but what you said doesn't appear to apply to this OP.

21213314? ago


21214517? ago

Oh...ouch (Fake tears.)

(Name calling and labeling = no substantive response = losing side of discussion.)

21213374? ago

These people aren't smart enough to know that the video is fake!

21213161? ago

(((Goldston))) yeah... I’m gonna assume he’s the one who killed the story. Probably gets his checks cut by the same zionists who funded Jeffy and his little egg-shaped pee-pee.

21213059? ago

This can only help our cause. One of the biggest obstacles we have to red-pilling the masses is their dependence on the MSM for their information. Perhaps this will open their eyes to the truth. Let this be our hope and prayer.

21213019? ago

It possible n the cabal ordered the false flag to distract from Epstein and involve the US into another war it cannot win?

21212944? ago

Notice the video says PHASE 1. Traditionally with Project Veritas Phase 1 is a opening and the bigger items come when Phase 1 brings all of the eyes. This is to wake up NORMIES not us... we're woke AF already

21213636? ago

Right. First, they dump Video #1. Then, they wait for the news cycle. Rush has to talk about it. Hannity has to talk about it. Tucker and Laura have to talk about it. CNN, pMSNBC and other co-conspirators have to either denounce it or ignore it or call it a nothingburger (like the shills here), and THEN when millions of eyes are on it, they drop the NEXT video.

Way too early to make a call on how big this story is. But already, we have a mainstream news reporter saying (a) she had a story THREE YEARS AGO that showed (b) Virginia Roberts on the record for horrendous crimes that were (c) corroborated by other women about (d) Jeffery Epstein being the #1 PEDOPHILE IN THE WORLD, and he was involved in this actions with (e) BILL FUCKING CLINTON and (f) PRINCE ANDREW and (g) the Royal family (so-called) in the UK made THREATS to stop the story from going live and (h) ABC News execs KILLED THE STORY about the WORLD'S #1 PEDOPHILE because (i) he had connections to BILL FUCKING CLINTON.

This is a MAINSTREAM NEWS REPORTER admitting that they are FAKE NEWS.

May the normies be woke.

21213766? ago

I like your take on it. 100%

21213667? ago


21212938? ago

I don't believe that he received death threats over this video.

21212926? ago

Arrests or GTFO. This ABC video changes nothing and criminals still walk free.

21212917? ago

Another popcorn fart by o'queef

Seriously, learn how to make a video.

Even for the lackluster content, the format is bad.

Hint: There's no need to have an intro where you play half the content as an intro, then repeat it with no clear demarcation between intro and content.

Your videos don't have enough content for that and it's confusing.

21215101? ago

I agree with the extended intro aspect.

21212826? ago

Related Sarah Westall interview with Mark Dougan


21212812? ago

I know I know. I’m the douchebag who comes into these forums when news breaks of clear crimes and says “not a fucking thing will be done, just like the 3 articles a week that comes out exposing clear crimes, not a fucking thing will come of it and in a month we will be the only stupid fuckers who remember it.

21212771? ago

Mark Dougan claims that someone very, very high up at MSNBC is on one of Epstein’s videos having sex with what appears to be an underage girl. Probably a lot of these media moguls are on tape.

The videos Dougan has are dated between 1994 and 2005 or so.

21212769? ago

honest question - what's a journalist's duty of care? if Amy Robach had the information & didn't report it to federal authorities,, she actively allowed for the illegal behavior to continue. (i understand she may have reported it, or may have feared feds would be compromised. but she should have to, right? that should be in her contract with abc at least?)

21213553? ago

State and federal law trump someone's work contract. The bitch liked her money. This whole "I'm pissed" bullshit is just that. She kept her mouth shut because of $$$$$. FFS she isn't a victim like some are saying!

21212763? ago

Keep in mind that if we dumped it all at once either people would not believe it or go into a panic. We need to slow roll the releases for maximum exposure and absorption.

One thing I find funny in all this is...

Epstein didn't kill himself.

21212672? ago

“What we had was unreal.”

21212612? ago

Nothing fucking berder.

21212591? ago

So, this is the reason we've seen an uptick in the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme... they need us all to believe he is actually dead and not secreted away to some damn safe space for sex traffickers and spies. They knew, most likely, this was coming and needed whatever spin they could muster.

21212537? ago

I do attempt to redpill my clients. all are sheep. the only thing they have heard me talk about is epstein. everything else they glaze over... this isnt enough, but for whatever reason people are intrigued and pay attention to the epstein case. hopefully they will hear Bodin...the pathologist from new york. i think what he said hit home. someone with that kind of authority and notoriety they will listen too. i still remember his show on A& E... i think it was?

21212533? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=3lfwkTsJGYA :

VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had Clinton, We had Everything" - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21212510? ago


I wonder where the H*ll Virginia Roberts is right now?

"We have everything, pictures..." Have they turned it over to govt.?

If they have sat on evidence of crimes against children and basically allowed the criminal behavior to continue, Is that a crime?

Can they be held accountable?

I sure hope so. Let's see the evidence!

21215079? ago

If they have sat on evidence of crimes against children and basically allowed the criminal behavior to continue, Is that a crime?

I think the answer is "no". See Seinfeld's treatment of the Good Samaritan laws...

21212887? ago

Question is where is Rachel Chandler?

21212504? ago

Remember this stuff is NOT for those who are already awake! It's for all of those who are still asleep. This was actually a pretty big red pill.

A true whistleblower is encouraged to come forward and then they turn their backs on her. Think about the timing of this! Think of who Virginia Roberts is, what she went through, what she did, what she admitted to doing (recruiting) because she was scared for her life basically, and she came forward. She came forward knowing just how powerful Epstein was. And they TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HER and HID the story!!

We are seeing it through OUR eyes, those of us who are awake and not shocked by things anymore. But look at this story through the eyes of your average asleep person out there.

This is HUGE.

21227911? ago

CDAN gossip site? Drew Barrymore's mum sold daughters viriginity to Epstein...Jaid (born Ildikó Jaid Makó) ... godmother Sophia Loren, godfather is Spielberg. Rehab at 13, a regular at Studio 54. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3502244/21217713 I definitely blame a lot of the parents of these young/underage actors/actresses. You should NEVER leave your child unattended. I don't care how much money is involved. Your job as a parent is to love and protect your children. These parents failed.

21213476? ago

Good post.

21214033? ago

yes yes yes

21212475? ago

google search is burying this story

21212405? ago


21212381? ago

Does ABC crushing the Epstein story really surprise any anons here?.... I think not....maybe a few normies will wake up from this story

21213011? ago

of course not. It's not for "us". It's for the sleeping public.... which needs to be nudged awake. If you go in with bullhorns, they'll just go into shock and willfully put the blinders back on. I tend to see stuff like this as the "pre-fireworks" show.... just a few loud noises to get people prepared and then the real fireworks start. The real bombshells go off. If you don't have the pre-fireworks, people would immediately go willfully deaf and wouldn't hear anymore and they'd miss the whole thing.

gotta roll it out slowly.... so as not to shock the system.

21213181? ago

Makes perfect sense....thx fren

21212614? ago

It kinda feels like a lot of us here already knew about the pedo rings 3 years ago. I'm not sure I knew about Epstein, maybe I don't remember. But this news is so old to me it feels like all I want is for the people behind it and involved in it to start being charged, that's where the story is for me.

21214140? ago

Right, but play out that scenario. Let's say on Day 1, AG Sessions arrests Bill Clinton.

First, can you imagine the outrage all across the TV screens, among the Libtards, etc.?

Second, how in the HELL would the corrupt DOJ actually put on a REAL case? Those criminal lawyers at the DOJ would throw the case on purpose. The corrupt judge on the bench would destroy the case on purpose. And those jurors from Washington DC or New York would be pro-Clinton and you would never get a conviction.

Then what?

Military tribunal would be even worse, as far as how the public perceived it.

This whole thing takes time to get it set up. Success in the end is the ONLY thing that matters.

21218105? ago

I'm waiting with baited breath. Hillary is at the end of her health and Bill as far as I know is in even worse health, it doesn't matter anymore. But getting everyone else would be nice, and communicating to the general public however hard that will be, what happened would be nice.

21212370? ago


While this might not seem like much to those of us who have known for awhile, this is the type of stuff that'll ultimately destroy the MSM. Normies are starting to wake up at a drastic rate, and these types of videos will help us get through to even the most brainwashed individuals (although still acknowledging there will always be that 4-6%). We have to flood ABC's social media and youtube videos with this stuff. Time to hammer the nail in the coffin.

21227924? ago

21212261? ago

new york is one party consent state, veritas could potentially get sued for a "hot mic"

21214157? ago

Who fucking cares?

21212317? ago

They need to be sued for false advertising. This isn’t a deadman’s switch.

21212247? ago

Down with the queen!

21227974? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#72107) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21212303? ago

In the supermarket checkout line it's been proven that the Queen is the most wonderful person on the planet.

21212316? ago

The whole family needs to be strung up. The British are pretty damn dumb.

21213507? ago

Amazing how many Americans are in love with the "royals." Of course, when they find out how dirty, disgusting, and criminal the "royals" really are (except for Di), it will be a rude ... awakening.

21220400? ago

Completely agree! It makes me sick!

21212244? ago

Well when you see the top people running the propaganda fake news media it's clear they are all Clowns/MOS.

21212238? ago

People seem unimpressed by the clip. Oh yeah, you're soooo redpilled so that's a nothingburger! People are missing the point. MSM journalists starting to talk is a fucking HUGE win in the battle against Fake News Media.

21214202? ago

When I posted the FOX cover up of the milk cancer story, it pretty much died even though it went up to the state supreme court.

21213899? ago

Given that most people don't know msm and mossad have been protecting these people, it is huge.

Anyone claiming this is nothing is jaded, an idiot, or a shill.

21213673? ago

You want some real redpills? Where's the fucking NYPD on Weiner's laptop data?

21213668? ago

But the media ISN'T starting to talk. This was captured on a hot camera and not intended for broadcast. It's not like she willingly came forward today and told us this information.

21213419? ago

Disney owns ABC and as well as a children's park.

At the end of the video, Veritas added a phone number and a Twitter handle for top ABC exec, for those who are interested, to inquire about who quashed the story 3 years ago and allowed that many more children to be raped and sodomized and tortured (and killed?) for 3 more years (in addition to not doing their one job - reporting, as opposed to selectively villifying perceived enemies with Fake News and protecting pedophile friends and bosses by quashing real news).

21215078? ago

News is now "infotainment". I doubt they have any legal obligation to report Real News, as sad as that is.

21213585? ago

And iger will claim that he has a right to kill any story for any reason that he sees fit. Big fucking deal.

21214002? ago

Yes -- if lawlessness still applies to cover for the elite. But is that still the case, or will the law actually prosecute for someone KNOWING a crime has been committed and failing to do anything about it?

21213320? ago

It also is potentially actionable evidence showing that insiders at ABC may have info on who might have had a motive to get rid of him later on.

She specifically names Prince Andrew and talks about receiving threats. She also named Clinton.

If I were an investigator who already knew these parties were likely behind Epstein’s murder... and then something like this happen... I’m gonna see it as a lewd to follow up on.

21213602? ago

This is NOT actionable in any way shape or form anon.

21214852? ago

It’s actionable enough to get a statement from her.

21214325? ago

Hey dumbfuck, ANY tip is actionable. Try harder

21215263? ago

Did u know that the info that Rudy was going to Ukraine to gather this past summer was info from a Ukrainian court case that showed proof of dem collusion with Ukraine to affect the 2016 US presidential election and the dems are claiming that there is no predicate for Rudy to do this and therefore that evidence can’t be used here against them? But u think this dumb broad on a hot mic is actionable?

21222232? ago


21224298? ago

Has it been brought to charges yet? Do we even know if there’s an ongoing investigation?

21215176? ago

Weird because I see stupid fucks like yourself come up with all of these intricate ways that evidence has to be “legally entered” into the courtroom as to why this fucking plan has to take so long. So now, with this logic, all Q has to do is drop an anonymous “tip” to the doj that says Hussein and hrc spied on trump illegally, hrc had Seth rich killed, and that there’s currently a foreign led cabal conducting a coup de ta on the president. So we should start seeing arrests today or tomorrow eh?

21213953? ago

Nonsense. A news reporter claims she has FIRST-HAND testimony of a CRIME VICTIM. That is something law enforcement can follow up on.

21215124? ago

Really? Tell that to Richard Nixon you dumb mother fucker.

21216956? ago

the poster above you is a little bit naive about how things work. Calling him dumb mf does not help anyone really.

Tell him about the system that makes it possible for such things to be swept under the rug despite "people knowing" etc. Use your brain/knowledge to help him )

21219724? ago

I’m tired of being called a damn shill.

21227224? ago

then stop acting like one.

21213281? ago

Wow. More proof that the news media lies to us. Wow. I'm so excited I think I'll go take a nap.

By noon it will be forgotten.

21213738? ago

Right, not trying to be a downer but WTF?

21213900? ago

Demoralization shill. Is huge so they are trying to paint it as nothing. That way you lose interest. They are scared.

21212543? ago

It’s a red pill to you that the msm withholds info?

21213722? ago

It's not a red pill to people who post here, but there are many people who think the media would tell us anything really important. This video is very valuable in making the case that they are lying liars who hide important information when it suits them.

21213839? ago

Well no matter what my mother in law will not see it. She watches the 6:00 news for a half hour every day and hates Trump because he fucked Stormy Daniels while Melenia was home and pregnant.

21214544? ago

Who hasn't fucked stormy daniels though? does it even count?

21214818? ago

I am sure I have in my masturbatory revelries at one time or another.

21229260? ago

can confirm I actually have rubbed out to her at some point in time. honestly she's very low on the totem pole though.

I'd watch Trump fuck her though. 100%

21213675? ago

It's not for us. We aren't the people being targeted by this information. This is for the normies.

21212805? ago

Are you retarded? Media can kill their stories if they want. The problem is that this story was killed for the wrong reasons. This could end up implicating new people and expose even more of their network.

21214018? ago

Let's see if it is legal for media to sit on a crime story.

21213887? ago

"Media can kill their stories if they want" At some point, there are laws. If you know that a group of pedophiles rape children in the basement of an Island, you can keep the audience in the dark but you have to report it to the authorities, even if you think it's corrupt. And remember, they are more good people than bad.

21212948? ago

They kill any story that doesn’t fit their narrative. This isn’t some huge revelation and if history proves present not a damn thing will happen.

21213565? ago

How will this implicate more ppl? Did u know that the cabal is arguing that Rudy can’t get info from the court case records in Ukraine where they found the dems guilty of collusion with the previous Ukrainian govt in rigging the US election? But some bobble head ditz from abc saying something on a hot mic gives a legal predicate to investigate? Yeah, uh huh, sure anon.

21212788? ago

No, it is very important to have someone like this on tape saying it because the normies are fucking sheep.

21212507? ago

Uh huh...the way veritas is handling this is beyond shady. Promoting it on infowars which is a guess what??? MOSSAD OPERATION.

This is supposed to comfort the anons who uncover mossad crimes all day long???

21213465? ago

Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. You don’t know dick about Mossad. Nothing except what your fed. Accept a small victory for a split second, and just stop for a day.

21212656? ago

Like it or not, Infowars reaches a large number of people. If they use them to promote it then so what?

21212703? ago

Id like to believe thats the plan

21212350? ago

Hey dumbass.... the msm won’t report on it. The only fuckers really watching this is us. The msm has already trained the sheep to think okeefe edits and lies so this goes nowhere. It doesn’t help our cause one iota, nothing legal can come of this so it can’t result in bringing down any cabal members so therefore it’s all a big fucking nothing burger as u arrogantly accused others of thinking.

21212986? ago

you have to look at this as if you're the stupidest fucking boomer imaginable

just imagine what they think now that their msm gods and ones who they go to for the "news" are all coming out to be fucking crooks.

21213403? ago

“just imagine what they think now that their msm gods and ones who they go to for the "news" are all coming out to be fucking crooks.”

Anon, did u see what happened with the mueller report? The normies were lining up to cut the cord, NOT. They were lining up to switch from D or I, to R, NOT. Look at the impeachment proceedings based on a phone call that we have the god damned transcript of. U think these people r going to wake up now? Because some ditz reporter says something on a hot mic? U are delusional.

21213594? ago

You're confusing the public with the dying msm.

21212875? ago

Yeh thats why ALL of my liberal friends are posting "Epstein Didn't Kill Himself" memes

21212959? ago

Really? They just started doing that after this okeefe drop? Or were they saying this before the okeefe drop?

21213029? ago

Way before. For at least a couple of weeks now. It's gone viral. Even Joe Rogan is doing it

21213422? ago

Ok so my original comment still stands then. The ppl u r speaking of have been questioning, I’m saying this hot mic incident will not awaken anybody new.

21213845? ago

You said, and I quote "The only fuckers really watching this is us."

Go waste someone else's time

21215113? ago

I’m on the same team as u, stupid. I just have a difference of opinion with regard to how effective this will be to waking up the normies. Do u know how stupid u look?

21215815? ago

Translation: You're just being negative, trying to discourage the noobs. Like a shill.

21212601? ago

Hey dumbass. Cram you concern-fag trolling for sharing with your gay child-porn support group later.

The last several months have been very successful, while showcasing how much bigger-than-we-thought that this conspiracy and corruption really is....

Did YOU know that Sessions gave this case to John Durham in 2017? Of course not. Nobody else did either. WAY more going on than you think....

Everybody needs to remember, its NOT Q's job to clue us in on everything before it happens.

Thats tail wagging the dog.

Q wants to build a network of red-pilled folks to help when arrests start coming down...to build legitimacy at a grass roots level. Thats ALL we are good for.

Forget your feelz, k?

21213781? ago

Actually I did know that, and that Sessions started off the leak investagations, CF, and much much more.

21213639? ago

“The last couple months have been very successful”.

Really? Who’s went to jail? Who’s been arrested? Even better, what high level cabal member has even been charged? If this is success to you, then u are a low expectation having mother fucker and probably absolutely loved that participation trophy that they gave to u in third grade.

21213322? ago

Yes.... that's right

21212588? ago

These videos are not created to bring legal action. They are to wake people up... hence the Great Awakening. Not everyone is insane-level left who is on the left. There are people near middle that may see these videos and be like "wtf is goin on?". Some people who are complicit may see this and do some stupid shit or start naming names.

as far as what the MSM is doing... the truth will ALWAYS prevail.

Enjoy the show! #WWG1WGA

21212233? ago

Almost 50,000 views in 25 mins. This one hit hard. People are waking up.

21238946? ago

Disney and Masons? Freemasons swear oaths to not threaten each other's life or property. Therefore if a Freemason swindles you or harms you and you are in court seeking damages, and the judge is a Freemason, you will lose because the judge cannot rule against his fellow brother.

When the Freemasons murdered William Morgan they all refused to testify against each other in court and it was so sloppy and obvious that the whole country found out about it and it caused such an uproar that the people founded the Anti-Mason political party. 6th President John Quincy Adams was dragged into the debacle and wrote extensively about this. You can read his letters here:


His letters are a scathing rebuke of their entire religion. Worth a read.

' Shriners have ALWAYS looked like straight up creepy pervy pedophiles... always doing things with kids and dressing up like clowns while wearing that red Muslim hat... My "satan radar" goes off on the Shriners.'

Masonry, the pagans and pedos in Rome, the Arab rituals, the Jews occult.... is there some link?

Mystery Babylon?

21212409? ago

Meanwhile, potus gets a standing boo at the World Series with a side of “lock him up”. He gets booed at the ufc fight. We’ve lost 3/4 of a whole presidential term and he is currently undergoing impeachment proceedings while millions of independent normies flip left because “well there must be something to it, these ppl are a lot smarter than me, they are congress.” All the while the msm has pivoted to flat out lying rather than just omitting because they can and it works. But yeah optics. Yeah, trust the plan that hasn’t resulted in one charge of anyone of high profile cabal stature in three years, okay.

21212902? ago

Piss off shill. The large majority were cheering and not booing. You're in the wrong forum to try that negativity

21212980? ago

I was there dumbass. The World Series, not the fight.

21213054? ago

Just because YOU were booing, doesn't mean everyone else was. I've seen the tapes that aren't altered to have the audio amplify the booing. Try your BS somewhere else

21213460? ago

Come on man, I love my president, djt. I love America and I love my fellow conservatives. I love my country so much that I’m tired of seeing nothing happen. I’m tired of wondering who is who and being lied to, I just want justice. But one has to have a skeptics eye when dealing with this stuff because I’ve been awake for almost thirty years and I can’t count how many times we’ve been outright lied to and taken advantage of and I’m honestly sick when I have to see thousands of ppl boo an American patriot president because they have been brainwashed.

21222063? ago

... dear fellow conservatives ...

21212603? ago

Recent demographics show 27% in attendance at Tupelo rally were Democrats. People are not flipping left; they're flipping right. Take your doom and gloom elsewhere.

21214240? ago

Need voter ID and paper ballots

21214443? ago

Voter ID, as is the rule in all of the developed European countries require that American libs want to be.

21212599? ago

Rome wasn't built in a day.

21212193? ago

Is this what okeefe was talking about?

21212419? ago

I hope not, this is nothing like a deadman’s switch.

21212640? ago

That was a joke my dudes, he was replying to someone who was saying he mourned Okeefe who had died the following day. It was a joke, the response about a kill switch was a joke. Come on guys.

21212684? ago

So the deadman’s switch that okeefe was referring to was his deadman’s switch in the event something happens to him?

21212877? ago

I'm not convinced he has one, you'd have to have some information to have a deadman's switch.

21212968? ago


21212181? ago

Wondered why the boys had a falling out, one followed mom, the other followed dad. Classic Cain and Able.

21221986? ago

You're referring to which particular boys ?

21212109? ago

This shows that the uk royal family are involved in a criminal conspiracy that trafficked, raped, tortured and murdered unknown numbers of young girls for political power!


21238552? ago

Sirhan and an old Masonic cult, "finders" and a JFK connection? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3504057/21237208 Yes, Yes, Zapruder connection: He was told to film "the event". Jewish guy who got to go on TV, was paid 16 million for his film, (no other photographer got anything), he was allowed to keep his film, the black hats would never let that happen if he were not in on it, he kept filming and never flinched at what he saw, he knew what was gonna happen, his original film was changed that night by CIA, we never got to see the original, there were 2 different sets of prints for boards, made to hide what really happened, how did he get permission to be where he was?, that freak got paid millions for his part in it, the family should be LIQUIDATED financially, of there blood money. Oswald's handler Zapruder's business partner!!!!! Wow, finally, the truth.

21212899? ago

Except in reality, its a MOSSAD operation.

Fuck me this whole PV thing is a set up.

21221966? ago


21213966? ago

Try harder shill. Nobody believes Mossad controls everything.

21213976? ago

Gas yourself kike

21212048? ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaand once again — NOTHING.

21212450? ago

All these bits and pieces getting out to the public help. It’s not nothing!

21212214? ago

Nothing?! A reporter on mic saying they have everything on prince Andrew and the clintons and it was quashed. You also saw her get angry that her story wasn’t first... she did not care about all the KIDS WHO GOT RAPED IN THAT THREE YEARS! this is a big deal. Dip shits in here expect public hangings... half the country still believes these shit heads... OPTICS is not for us.

21212426? ago

Fuck optics. Optics aren’t getting us anywhere.

21212168? ago

That is most definitely NOT "nothing".

21213111? ago

And funny isn't it how the NYPD Commissioner just resigned right before this came out?

21212188? ago

Everyone will forget about it by the end of the day. This reporter's twitter feed will blow up for a few days with q-tard replies and posts and then nothing. Maybe she will lose her job or have to resign.

Then the kid fuckers get to keep on fucking kids.

21212246? ago

No, you're wrong. This is a red pill for sure that will slowly start to sink in.

You're just not getting a broad enough view of what they just exposed.

21212536? ago

Come back in 3 months and tell me how much impact this had.

In the meantime another 10,000 kids will be getting raped by our leaders.

21212044? ago

Not what I was expecting

21212318? ago

I am quite disappointed... I was expecting hidden video of Epstein or the assassination.

21212924? ago

Your expectations are astronomical! Aim low so are pleased with more realistic results such as these

21221053? ago

I saw the live announcement last night... the BOMBSHELL.. #Epsteincoverup... it was a reporter confirming what we all know which may shock some normies but is HARDLY a BOMBSHELL. But what the fuck do I know?

21221854? ago

what we all know which may shock some normies but is HARDLY a BOMBSHELL.

This mixes up two things, hence the confusion.

"We" (Anons, 'journalists', TPTB) ALL know, yes !

It would shock (if actually presented) more than just some normies. It would shock many of them.


It's hardly one for us, but the bombshell is destined to the normies.

21212886? ago

Part 1...

21212312? ago


An anons life. So slow.

21213991? ago

Not lone. She mentioned Clinton, Andrew, and Derschowitz.

21213656? ago

Desensitization anon. All part of the plan.