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21211175? ago

Me too. #MeeToo

I have no idea what will be released.

I am keenly waiting because all we'll need is one major Israel scandal... such as a large number of our powerful politicians and CEOs became Mossad puppets after visiting (((Esptsin's))) child rape island where their "pizza party" was recorded by hidden video.

I also suspect all 98 of our Jewish Congress members are Mossad spies, given they (((ALL))) vote for open borders and gun control and free abortions for Americans while demanding U.S. taxpayers fund Israel's border protection.

All we need is one excuse to stop pretending Israel is our friend and stop defending them... and the Temple of Israel would be Cleaned by a tsunami of sandniggers and the world would be free.

Israel would die screaming and the world would breath a sigh of relief.

21211240? ago

Forget the Albert Pike plan, so let the kikes and kebabs fight it out? Podesta-Molesta? ....Or its Epstein's brother Mark?

21212401? ago

Pike? Nobody even knows what you're talking about(unfortunately)

You have to give them a baseline