21212823? ago



21212756? ago

OP is filth.

I wonder how the OP will respond when, on his day of judgement, Jesus names all of the children he was complicit in hurting because of his endless spamming?

No amount of crying will save him then.

Human trash.

21216785? ago

Nearly 1000 views.

10% of viewers (104) felt it deserved an upvote.

38 people downvoted.

38, out of 959.

Complicit in hurting children because of "spamming"?

Spamming would be if you clicked on captaincaleb.com and it took you to an online dating website.

Please...explain to me how offering a link to my site, which features edgy right-wingish political humor is harming children.

Really, I want to hear your logic, and if it makes sense I'll stop posting.

21217598? ago

So... you like money?

21212716? ago

Im just waiting for the 18 threads that'll make front page.

21212680? ago

TIL: Caleb is a shill whore, willing to slide legitimate research to promote his online shop.

21212266? ago

This might seem like a small information video but it goes to the heart of how ABC has not been about news but how it is about protecting the guilty. This means that fake media is in on the coverup when they should be reporting the truth.

21212227? ago

ABC likes to do this. They did a story on our family member years ago. NBC had also wanted to do the story but ABC came to do it first. They spent 2 days with us. The whole story was shelved and the reason, we were told was that the President of ABC did the story first just so they could shelve it because he didn't want the story to effect what he liked to do and the story would have damaged the sport he liked to be a part of. NBC would have aired it but ABC did it and put claim to it so they to shelve it. That isn't being a news organization. It’s a protection agency for the rich.

21212221? ago

It’s never what we hoped for. Meanwhile, the president is being impeached, the msm won’t talk about dem corruption, JE case is dead, and we’ve lost almost a whole presidential term. When is enough, enough?

21212134? ago

There’s probably going to be more. That was no dead mans switch.

21212081? ago

Site is 503

21212144? ago

WOW...that didn't take long!

21211993? ago

seriously thats it? a reporter saying she had all the dirt 3 years ago.....

21212023? ago

Yeah...not all we were hoping for.

21211965? ago

Not sure what's going on but I can't even get their site to load.

21211857? ago

Captain Caleb is a troll. Godspeed, sir! Keep sailing on those waters and trigger all of the feminist sharks that you see!

21211802? ago

No one like a namefagging, famefagging, productfaggung shill.

21211727? ago

Anyone think maybe the clowns feed PV disinformation and acting that might make us settle for a story that is in fact quite less outrageous than the real truth?

21211753? ago

Yeah, definite possibility...I take everything with a grain of salt.

21211585? ago

45 minutes, lads, let's hope it's good!

21211565? ago


Caleb Rothschild still pissing his pants

21348585? ago

Prince Andrew to be quizzed on Epstein in Britbongistani Propaganda BBC Newsnight special (((Emily Maitlis)))...aka "whitewash" Jim-Will-Fix-It part 2 https://voat.co/v/QRV/3517881

21211493? ago

It's happening.... no really it is. I swear it's happening. Well, soon. Very very soon. Okay, not very soon...but right around the corner. If the lid isn't blown off at 9am today...just...wait....longer.

21211485? ago

Capt. I'm sitting here, in a pair of diapers waiting on the news to come out.

You never thought you'd be called to save the world did you?

Reminder, you are like Matthew, Mark, John, Luke....

Give me some memes that say you know who you are.

Anything weird been happening around the island since we last spoke?

21211570? ago

Save the world? Little old me?

Only odd thing lately here on the island are the helicopters. No kidding. Last few days I've have fucking choppers roar over the house at very low altitude, by the time I get outside they're beyond the treeline. It's Cape Cod, and we do have a fair amount of Coast Guard choppers around, but usually not buzzing my house at treetop level for days on end.

Kinda weird.

21212582? ago

Weekend commuters from manhattan?

21211627? ago

Shine lasers at them next time. I cannot tell you how much those pilots love lasers, especially at night when they have their IR glasses on.

You'll be making friends left and right with the coast guard if you do!

Wait until get an angel showing up in your dream, then you'll freak.

21217561? ago

Woke up this morning from a nightmare. Was on a shore, watching a plane coming toward me, and has a fright as it looked like something dropped from it, but it was just the plane's shadow as it came over a cloud. But then looked closer, and saw something shiny falling from it! Then a close-up, it was shaped like a "bomb" (like in Bugs Bunny). I started running to higher ground, thinking, there's no way to outrun this.

The first shock wave hit, lifted me a few feet and threw me. I got up and started moving again, but then just laid down behind a small building. To wait for the heat to overcome me. There was no "proper position" to be in. It was weird. I don't think it "ended" with the fire and everything, I think I just woke up.

21211709? ago

I once shot at the Goodyear blimp, me and my buddies were drinking and shooting out in the woods and along comes a fucking blimp! "Hold my beer!" I said as I did a mag-dump from my Ruger Mini-14. It was pretty high, not sure if I hit it, and if I did the bullets probably just bounced off. Please note that this occurred 30 years ago and I assume the statute of limitations has long since passed.

21211870? ago

You know? You just created another argument FOR gun control.

21211452? ago


21211463? ago


21211446? ago

It's too early for me to eat a nothingburger.

21211396? ago



21211448? ago

Try more bold font....

What a fucking LOSER you are, dude...

21211563? ago

look in the mirror

21211390? ago

Not me, I won’t even watch or read it. I quit veritas after the democratic socialist faggot that still works for the doj.

21211386? ago



Fuck you Caleb, we're sick of your endless spam.

21214446? ago

Try to get the moderators to do something. They refuse. They're as fake as this asshole.

21212186? ago

Who is this we? Do you presume to speak for me?

21212251? ago

I agree - every day you smap the shit out of QRV.

There's nothing lower than someone who uses a forum dedicated to saving child rape victims to advertise their website and shop.

You are more filthy than a Jew.

21212229? ago

Stop attacking this sub.

Go suck Jew cock somewhere else.

21211961? ago

560 people didn't seem to mind...

21212075? ago

You think like a jew.

21212153? ago


21211557? ago

Mike Rothschild is bored

21211555? ago

Your shilling has been reported to the mods as a violation of Voat's core principals.

21211577? ago

Ouch...my fucking sides hurt! Stop it!

21211646? ago

advertising is like one of the 3 things you'll actually get banned for lol

21211735? ago

Well, I'm not advertising anything. The t-shirts are a JOKE...they do NOT exist! I sell nothing from the site, nor do I make a fucking penny from it. If a link to a little home-brew website disturbs anyone that much they really need to get a fucking life.

21212243? ago

So the products don’t exist? But then why would u claim to post home brew sites then? U don’t seem to make any sense?

21212315? ago

There are no products dude...I have told you this a thousand fucking times. Go look on the site for God's sake...there is NOTHING for sale. The site is a hobby, I do it for fun, I make no money from it....how many times more can I say this? "post home brew sites"....attached my site address to the post.

21212508? ago

If there’s no products then why did u say that u advertise “home brew” sites?

21212619? ago

I place a link to MY homebrew site...like I might attach a link to the Drudge Report or Breitbart.

21211764? ago

really need to get a fucking life

How much time do you spend here?

21211854? ago

Probably less than you, and I'm retired, I really have nothing better to do than hit the bong, watch Netflix, and fuck around on the innerweb.

21211435? ago

hee hee

21212199? ago

You laugh, but the topmost comment of this post is a warning to every patriot that you are a Jew cock-sucking slide shill.

This is something we can agree on - very, very funny!

21212257? ago

People read that shit and laugh, faggot.

800 people viewed the post, a couple of hundred visited my site, and 27 people downvoted me.

The math is on my side...go rope yourself.

21212623? ago

You are filth.

21212689? ago

Something seriously wrong with you...

21212356? ago

My website!

My shop!

My clicks!

My sales!

My site!

You sicken us.

Reported as spam.

21214425? ago

I've reported this cocksucker, twice. The people who moderate this site don't give a shit. They just let this asshole continue. Rule enforcement seems to be arbitrary.

21217474? ago

So fight fire with fire. Pretend to be him. Post ridiculous comments, like one I saw not long after I got here with the Q wave, "I like to sniff my farts -- edie"; there's also doglegwarrior who's trying to "make a name for himself" kek

21219244? ago

I take a shot at puppyscrotumsniffer when I see a post.

21211373? ago

Looks like Podesta, the quality of the clip isn't great so it's difficult to tell but one of the main Q pointers was to watch out for Podesta's arrest which would mark the beginning of their end.. If this exposure reveals something about him, perhaps it'll lead to that..

And just because it's amusing.. https://twitter.com/Crazycudi/status/1191603154661462016

21211450? ago

Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3501635 Old money...consider the strong European/Mid East ties, Rome/Hollywood/Royals...look at the symbols in NYC, the Ranch...Jewish Occult, Marduk Enki.the Cult of Dionysus. Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras

21211369? ago

One word: POPCORN

21211366? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk comment.

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21211362? ago

Betcha Hillary is biting her nails in anticipation...

21211421? ago

Why? With the amount of shit she has gotten away with, why would this be any different. She's delusional for sure, but history tells her, and us, she will never be held accountable for her deeds. At best she will pass away some day, which will provide endless "true stories" of the reasons why uncovered by internet celebs who know "the truth".

21211685? ago

Because she is a narcissistic psychopath. Her worst fear is being exposed for what she is for all to see.

21211740? ago

I agree she is, but she has no fear of ever paying for her sins. She recently said God sent her to save humanity. She knows that she will never be held accountable.

Maybe this will help you feel better.

21214421? ago

Ha ha! Fleetwood Mac. You're older than me.

21214509? ago

Maybe, maybe not. Thanks to the internet we can hear stuff from the late 1800's up to now.

21214601? ago

I know very few people my age that have even heard of Fleetwood Mac, way fewer as they get younger. I've had to explain who the Doors were to people in their 20s.

21215230? ago

They would be shocked then to find the original FM with Peter Green was completely different than the pop version. And not having heard at least one song by the Doors is almost child deprivation.

Your comment has made me sad :(.

21216498? ago

Sorry that made you sad. It is sad. It gets worse as time goes on. There are kids alive today whose parents don't know any music from before 1980.

21211374? ago

In between slugs of vodka...

21211327? ago


21211350? ago

CALL TO DIG: New Jeffrey Epstein files in the FBI Vault. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3476892

21211331? ago

Maybe...we'll see.

21211304? ago

https://archive.ph/1PZAU :

Project Veritas on Twitter: "Tick tock...



This has been an automated message.

21211266? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0l7V10eM9aNk - ( Project Veritas - Tick tock... #EpsteinCoverup )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ma6phXDfHTb1 - ( Trump Rubberband Man 2020 )

21211243? ago

NOTHING will come of it. Some cops will find jobs in other states, Cops look out for cops, NO investigation will lead anywhere, 2 days later you all will be on to the next distraction like good little sheep.

21211379? ago

ExposeCNN has already faded

21211284? ago

.... 07:20 Tue , 5 November 2019 (GMT-5) https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=r0uVJSirCuU .... Twitter censorship, #EpsteinCoverup was just now trending in the United States. Finders General Anonymous - FBI recently disclosed a document on a group of satanic pedophiles called the Finders. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3489632

21211175? ago

Me too. #MeeToo

I have no idea what will be released.

I am keenly waiting because all we'll need is one major Israel scandal... such as a large number of our powerful politicians and CEOs became Mossad puppets after visiting (((Esptsin's))) child rape island where their "pizza party" was recorded by hidden video.

I also suspect all 98 of our Jewish Congress members are Mossad spies, given they (((ALL))) vote for open borders and gun control and free abortions for Americans while demanding U.S. taxpayers fund Israel's border protection.

All we need is one excuse to stop pretending Israel is our friend and stop defending them... and the Temple of Israel would be Cleaned by a tsunami of sandniggers and the world would be free.

Israel would die screaming and the world would breath a sigh of relief.

21211240? ago

Forget the Albert Pike plan, so let the kikes and kebabs fight it out? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3501611 Podesta-Molesta? ....Or its Epstein's brother Mark?

21212401? ago

Pike? Nobody even knows what you're talking about(unfortunately)

You have to give them a baseline


21211104? ago

Me! Me! Me!

21211185? ago

Same here, I think they gotta have something, just wondering if it's gonna be a let-down.

Guess well know in an hour and 43 minutes, but who's counting?

21211530? ago

There is an awful lot of hype going in to this; I hope that isn't an indication of a nothingburger.

21217417? ago

it's a beyondimpossibleburger!

21211214? ago

I'm hopeful the resignation from the NYPD Commissioner yesterday will turn out to be related. Fingers crossed!