21212802? ago

Solid post OP. How nice is it to get back to redpilling newbies again like in the GA days. Love ya brother(no homo)

21212719? ago


21211900? ago

Glow niggers are the worst.

21211844? ago


21211810? ago

Also if someone quotes Q, ALWAYS double-check and call people out on fake quotes.

Lots of sneaky fucks around here, who will massage what was said to support their narrative.

21213846? ago

great point

21211432? ago

Agreed. After a solid year of being a voat member and regularly posting stuff of Spiritual relevance, I know the paid shills, the Deeplearning bots and the true patriots.

Can't wait until we get the primer that will unlock all the drops. It's coming really soon.

God is here with us all, guiding us. We are the ones tasked with waking up those we love and those around us.

Once it gets going, which it has, I'd say 50& of God's Children are awake and can see the evil and corruption around them

Love you brother. Besides, we've already won. Now it's time to see how Q did it!

21213864? ago


21212827? ago


Bring the Payne.

21213225? ago

The Pen is far Mightier than the Sword.

Only in one case is that different...

The Christ will carry the Sword of Truth and Justice, nothing is more powerful than the unvarnished truth.

God bless and keep us all.

21211291? ago

They need to go back.


21211025? ago

They should first read the Q drops from beginning to the latest like a book. Many will not make sense to them, but taken as a whole, they form the big picture.

21211876? ago

An excellent place to start is with the Q-book, which contains all Q posts and lots of background materials. Latest version is always the pinned tweet here: https://twitter.com/1ambecauseweare

21210863? ago

The "vibe" is douchebag with a side of closed-minded lemming.

21210963? ago

Low IQ comment. Try harder.

21211219? ago

^ case in point.....

21210812? ago

Fuck veterans. Half of them are Nazifaggots, the other half give lip-service to protecting free speech while being so repulsive as to hinder free speech by causing duress to people trying to enjoy their own free speech.

Fuck you goats. Go start your own faggoty subs and stop fouling up QRV with your Nazifaggotry.

21211251? ago

Fuck you niggerfucker

21210972? ago

You're a slave and always were. We don't expect your mind to be able to handle that right away.

21210790? ago

If I can add please everyone verify/research content that Op's post before up voting. Thanks Op I concur with your advise to newbies. Carry on.

21211306? ago

FBI's report concluded there were tunnels at McMartin, which is crazy. They even reported hand painted pentagrams, which they said were likely drawn by adults? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3488983

21210730? ago

Damn straight Fren. <

21210489? ago

Isn't voat currently closed to 'newbies'?

21210057? ago

We have a language. Learn it

Fuck you. Voat is a free speech platform and I'll express myself freely, with or without your permission or approval.

Lick my balls.

21210974? ago

8/10 due to no mention of faggotry.

21210204? ago


Great example of the language.

21210360? ago


21211852? ago

People throw potentially triggering words as this around just to flaunt the fact that they can say whatever they want. It is not racist and means nothing other than exhibit freedom of speech

21211941? ago

No you don't understand. I actually don't like niggers and want all the ones in European countries to be hanged. The rest can go back to eating each other

21210413? ago


That is all

21210441? ago

I hate you guys <3

21211228? ago

We love you too ❤️

21210027? ago

Off to post some bewbs for the night shift...

21210751? ago

Old retired farmerfag here ... where ya posting the bewbs ... I wanna see um ... aint got no teeth but eyes still work

21209992? ago

Succinct and to the point - Good advice.

21210023? ago

Agreed. Might want to repost in the AM in case this one gets killed by shills.

21210031? ago

Why would we kill this? It's an effective marker to point out how delusional you are.

21214122? ago

Here's what i mean by "Reddit grade". Not smart enough to realise that the comment they chose to make undermines the point thereof.

21210080? ago

We? Who knows if you're a shill or a retarded troll, but calling us delusional this late in the game is pretty weak. The jig's up.

21210092? ago

You can't look at the E I M Q U post and come to any conclusion other than "this place is inhabited by retards."

21210115? ago

"this place is inhabited by retards"

I'll agree with you on that. Retards who yell at retards and call them retards. Retard.

21210121? ago

Retard. I don't inhabit here. I'm just passing through. I'm an article 4 free inhabitant under the articles of confederation which means I am granted the protections of your land but I am not subject to her laws.

21210960? ago

Sounds like you're pretty useless in real life with all that spare time on your hands shouting at anonymous people. Do you include that on your resume?

21217408? ago

Doesn't matter, got paid. Who's up for some Foosball?

21210196? ago

Funny, I don't bother "passing through" flat earth forums. Does that make me tarded? I should go there now and shout at the retards. brb