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21207318? ago

Deep state already poisoned us all with a parasitic fungus that reacts to high frequency radio transmissions. It was genetically engineered based on shit like this Ophiocordyceps unilateralis but changed to respond to radio signals. They've been spraying it on us for long enough that probably 98%-99% of us are fully irreversibly infected. (The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.) Think of it like a fungal spore that infects you and grows into your brain and responds to a 5g signal so you can be controlled like a remote control puppet.

The deep state wanted to create a real zombie plague just like the movies. However in reality it would be like a cross between zombies and the skynet attack from the Terminator movies since the "zombies" can be controlled by AI using every cellphone on the planet to make people murder each other.

That's why the power had to go out in California while Q team killed/captured the leader of ISIS. The digital infrastructure is already deployed there and is still under deep state control. (watch California)

That's the "Z" Q talks about when Q says "avoided Z" and it's the reason declass has to wait for 5g tech.

21208144? ago

Post 144. Goggle

Conspiracy (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

21219185? ago

Yes I am on it Fren as discussed. <