21209521? ago

Every one has dead man's switch these days

21212094? ago

Because govt all over the world are murdering citizens who try to expose truth. We live in an evil world.

21207957? ago

Lol did he dieded?

21207425? ago

Godspeed James.

21207209? ago

Moves and Countermoves

21206954? ago

It's LeOn BLaCk

You heard it here first

21206662? ago

Protecting israel and jews is all that matters Amen

21206540? ago


21206375? ago

You are a hero O'Keefe. I salute you.

21208547? ago

We're all about to rock!

21208191? ago

The podesta mail, facebook and wikileaks from instagrams .... #carisjames - code for Little St. James Island Temple

21206357? ago


21206329? ago

This guy has some balls to do this. I don't think they'll get him right now but once this all dies down a bit, out of the public mind, then they'll off him.

21206717? ago

I'm sure he employs very competent protection.

21208537? ago

I would imagine, so did William Cooper...

21205749? ago

Just a bunch of hype over what will amount to another stale fart in the faces of Q tards.

21205746? ago

It doesn't matter what the videos say, no one will listen and it will get wiped into the ether. Ffs the guy got people on video talking and laughing about killing babies and selling their body parts!! And the masses barely even blinked.

21207904? ago

Not true. Just because the mockingbirds didn't report on it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I know several people personally that got red pilled by that. They're now questioning everything. EVERYTHING.

21209675? ago

That's good to hear.

21207433? ago

Pussies too scared to face reality will downvote this.

21207060? ago


21205743? ago

I find it hard to believe that Epstein didn't have a kill switch somewhere to drop info.

21208426? ago

I thought he was saying that Epstein's kill switch had been activated!

21207413? ago

Kill switches aren't 100% foolproof. That's why he sat in prison for as long as he did. He couldn't do fuck-all about it while locked away and probably didn't even have the time to activate it to begin with as he probably thought he was totally fine up until they came for him. Once they successfully deactivated it and secured all the incriminating evidence he had stashed, they gave the go-ahead and had him killed. Simple as that. That's why his death was so brazen and obvious, because the perpetrators no longer had a damned thing to worry about.

21208462? ago

Nonono, you're "not even wrong".

A killswitch is never "activated". It's, "always active".

The user needs to constantly perform some action to prevent the switch from closing the circuit and taking action.

I.e., "I send an email every morning to [email protected]" and this resets the kill switch to another 26 hours (+2 hours so I don't have to keep waking up earlier and earlier!).

To "activate" the kill switch? All I need to do is, fail to send that email one morning. A more robust switch might require two or three "time windows" to pass before dropping the data.

21212633? ago

A killswitch is never "activated". It's, "always active". I fully understand how deadman switches work and they absolutely do not need to be "running" 24/7. There are a million reasons why you might need to temporarily disable it which I won't even bother delving into, because anyone with half a brain should be able to sit there for a couple minutes and think of at least a handful of valid reasons why you wouldn't want it always on.

I mean, James O'Keefe himself just fucking said he just "activated" his switch so clearly you're talking out your ass.

21206612? ago

He's not dead so he never activated it...

21207920? ago

better alert the observing autopsy doc, he missed a detail there

21208073? ago

Ya, because autopsy doctors havent been known to cover for the cabal in the past.

21208936? ago

He's representing the brother of JE

21208868? ago

Shit, they even cover for doctor's eff ups.

21206448? ago

I second this.

21206539? ago

me three

21205727? ago

And so the LARP continues...

21205771? ago

So O'Keefe is now in on the larp? Pretty big larp

21205237? ago

Their CNN whistleblowing was overhyped and under-delivered.

21208266? ago

I don’t think it so. If CNN was doing the same thing to Obama there would be calls for CNN to be closed down. CNN is part of the Democrat Party so they get a pass.

21206538? ago

It was meant for the normies, not us, and i personally know someone who was awakened by that shit. No joke. Remember, we're a solid 2 or 3 years ahead of normies on average, and even 30 years in some respects,

21208802? ago

My big red pill moment came during the 2008 financial crisis, I ran across an 89 minute audio presentation entitled, "The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve", was performed before a live audience in Los Angeles, California on November 18, 1994 by G. Edward Griffin. The talk was given 14 years before and fore told everything that was unfolding. But the real "red pill" moment comes near the end. You can still find it online. Second level of "Red Pilling" came after reading "The Shadows of Power" by James Perloff. These two things lay out the history of the current financial system and foreign policy over the 20th century.

21210566? ago

Jekyll Island video: https://youtu.be/lu_VqX6J93k

Shadow of Power video: https://youtu.be/j_gj1uZ6194

21207391? ago

Truth here. I have been on a journey going back through my fb and deleting or restricting viewership. I never post anymore, but regardless of all this, in my mind I just began awakening about 4 years ago. Anazingly, as I read back through my posts, I realize I was on a path to awakening over a decade ago. It has been a long, slow, painful process. I see it in everyday I travel back through. I have railed against local politicians and have been instrumental in getting some removed. I have been involved in local elections and was unsuccessful in that endeavor. I have watched career criminal pols rise to the top over and over. I have seen many, many, many Arkancides. I have lost friends and alienated family. I have spent many sleepless nights wondering how we got here. All this I found while slowly deleting fb, so I guess it's been worth something, a part of my time I have spent there. The Great Awakening is a slow process of searching, learning, seeing, realizing, and accepting the Great Lie. Then you still have to begin the fight to regain what is rightfully yours. Truth. WWG1WGA

21207808? ago

What led you to Q? Were you on 4chan? Reddit?

I was on 4chan around that time because I was really into the High Level Insider drops a couple of years before Q. It was very interesting to say the least.

21210290? ago

Believe it or not, I saw a post on fb exactly 2 years ago about a group there called the Ready Room. I went there and saw posts referring to Q. I found 4 chan and started reading, found yt videos, and then started researching for myself. It has been quite a journey.

21207387? ago

And in some cases, ten million years ahead, even

21206376? ago

Brown University reveals that Jeffrey Epstein was directing Bill Gates' donations to MIT in secret. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419045/20514388 leon black is also the head of the MOMA in nyc and bought a 100million dollar painting a few years ago

21222677? ago

Never trust brown people.

21205944? ago

The CNN piece wasn't the strongest but he has earned a lot of leeway in my opinion.

21205403? ago

It's not about CNN. He's releasing the Epstein leaks.

21207364? ago

You're missing his point entirely, numbnuts. This guy has a record of overselling the shit he releases, and he'll most likely do it yet again.

21210914? ago

I stopped watching his shit. I didn’t even click on the cnn stuff last time, it’s just a waste of my time. Nothing will ever happen with it so oh well. I was done after the faggot Democrat socialist who was working for the govt was talking all kinds of shit and then didn’t even get fired.

21207856? ago

I can't listen to your post, asshole, because it's text. Second, you're either a libtard, or just retarded. This isn't about personalities. Research is about information. Either review the information, research it against what comes out from another source, or move on. Researching this shit isn't for 2 year olds.

21212585? ago

I can't listen to your post, asshole, because it's text. Second, you're either a libtard, or just retarded.

Who the fuck said anything about "listening" you stupid fucking faggot? I sure as fuck didn't. Learn to read before making yourself look like a subhuman nigger with an IQ of 10.

This isn't about personalities.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about? I never said a fucking thing about personalities. At this point it's clear that the only retarded libtard here is you, since you're doing everything they do - not reading, making up absolute bullshit that I never said, and just being utterly retarded in general.

21214712? ago

Personality politics is a libtard quality. You don't like O'Keefe, therefore you trash his work. Other people who haven't been redpilled, such as yourself, might find it to be the wake-up call they needed.

21218832? ago

I don't give a fuck about O'Keefe. I don't like or dislike the dude, I don't know him. What I do know is that he has a track record of failing to deliver after hyping the fuck out of things. Sure, the things he releases are interesting and good to know, but he really needs to chill the fuck out on pretending he's about to release The Big One.

I'm plenty red-pilled, retard. Why else would I be here? I don't have to gargle someone's cock and balls in order to be red-pilled, faggot. I didn't criticize the dude personally whatsoever, and if you think he's immune from having his work criticized because he's your personal hero, then you're the one playing personality politics, not me.

21220075? ago

I think you've been gurgling a lot of cocks and balls in your efforts to try to get people to ignore this release.

21227457? ago

lol I haven't done shit to "get people to ignore this release" you fucking faggot. I'm just not wearing rose-tinted glasses and fooled into believing everything I hear and read, like you clearly have. You're the opposite of red-pilled. You think you are, but you're just as stupid as any lib.

21227470? ago

You need to go home, and have another drink, Hillary.

21227489? ago

lmao do you ever go offline? You must be a fat fucking neckbeard LARPer, for sure.

21227516? ago

Hillary … play nice. Your lib tard is sticking out in back.

21227534? ago

You already made a Hillary "joke" faggot, get new material

21227544? ago

It was a lib tard joke. By the way, it's sticking out in back. Go have another drink.

21214659? ago

Shill libtard.

21218799? ago

Big ol' stinky meany jew poo

21209052? ago

You can't "listen"? But you can respond? Seems encouraging a text-to-speech interface would be falling on deaf ears...

21209165? ago

This is a research board. Go do your research.

21209224? ago

What the fuck are you actually saying? I am trying to follow, but above you responded saying

I can't listen to your post, asshole, because it's text.

However -- the parent comment did not request you to "listen"!

So, you're retarded, the reading public can surmise!

21209481? ago


21212597? ago

Faggot kike jew, gas yourself and fall into an incinerator.

21208398? ago


21208884? ago

Yes, you are new. In many ways, you are new.

21205557? ago

I think it's about O'Keefe, is the point.

21205801? ago

No, the point is that he's releasing something that causes him to fear for his life. You don't have to read it, but after all that's been going on, don't minimize the danger involved in releasing anything that is damaging to the deep state.

21205873? ago

No, the point is that he's releasing something that causes him to fear for his life.

So he says.

don't minimize the danger involved in releasing anything that is damaging to the deep state

Don't tell me what to do faggot, I've been following Q since the beginning. O'Keefe is too much of a fame fag.

21206694? ago

James O'Keefe is one of the only investigative reporters left in America. He brought down ACORN, got top Dem operatives on tapes talking about sending thugs to Trump rallies in order to paint Trump supporters as violent, and has done great damage to the media, among other things.

21207833? ago

He dances like a faggot, imitating Michael Jackson, screw him.

21206559? ago

Don't be a dick. Anyone acting like you on such a minor side conversation here makes us look unhinged. Gather your emotions, son.

21207380? ago

Shut the fuck up, bitch, I'll do and say whatever I want. WWG1WGA

21206228? ago

And so are you …. "I've been following Q since the beginning."

I've been researching this shit, without Q, since 2001. Be thankful for others' shoulders to stand upon.

21207855? ago

I go back to the eighties, researching JFK, I know many of the historical figures personally.

21207876? ago

Sorry, JFK was never in the Cat In The Hat series.

21205276? ago

Exactly. Like it came and went with a whimper.

21206583? ago

It was for the normies. We know all of this shit already. Nothing big is going to be released for awhile. They're saving that shit for fall of 2020 and fall of 2024.

21205227? ago

I pray the full armour of God upon James O'Keefe. I ask his body, mind and spirit and all those known to him to be protected. Steady as she goes. I invite others to join me in prayer.

21211035? ago

So Be It 🙏🏻

21210982? ago


21210346? ago

He is DS, foo.

21208327? ago

Dear God, Please protect James and all truth tellers . Amen.

21208303? ago


In my Father's name I do pray.

21207761? ago


21207540? ago


21207475? ago


21207232? ago

God protect this man and his people who are on the side of truth and justice. Provide the paths for his truths to be delivered to the masses in such a way as to not be doubted. In Jesus' name, Amen!

21207051? ago


21206621? ago


21206027? ago


21206025? ago

Prior to the internet and social media, praying was the original slacktivism.

21207495? ago

Setting your mind on something. In other words focusing is not useless. It is how things get done. Being mindful and living with conviction is what got us so far and will get us out of this mess.

21206140? ago

Prayer absolutely can be slacktivism. But, for those who prefer to reference psychological, philosophical or even stupid bio-hacking, the difference between prayer and looks-like-prayer can be discerned and explained. And then there is the directly observed aspect of the power of real prayer that shifts one out of monkey mind into something more like connection to infinite love/peace/knowledge/compassion/truth which is very, very convincing especially to skeptics. There is nothing as lovely as a skeptic becoming a bemused enjoyer of mystery.

21206171? ago


21206343? ago

yesssss yeeeessss come over to the spaghetti monster side and fly, fly, FLY.

21208814? ago

I prefer the pink invisible unicorn.

21214292? ago

All hail the holy ‘corn!!!!

21205497? ago


21205302? ago


21205157? ago

Please tweet tick tock next, ffs.

21205170? ago

tick tick fag

21205520? ago

Ve have vays to make him tock.

21205126? ago

https://archive.ph/zgYXv :

James O'Keefe on Twitter: "Deadman switch activated.

#EpsteinCoverup… "

This has been an automated message.

21205122? ago

I'll not forgive this faggot if it proves to be a dud.

21206419? ago

And what have you given to the cause? Just a bunch of negative energy? Wow, you're soooooo edgy.


21206489? ago

If you only knew.

21206773? ago

Only knew what?

21207453? ago

How much he loves it when you're gagging on his cock and balls.

21207638? ago

Oh. So you're saying he's a faggot

21207819? ago

If you only knew how much I've done here and in pizzagate, and for Trump, for almost three years.

21205181? ago

I will. I say he can call 911 a lot of times. He's earned it.

21205261? ago

We'll see what happens, he's really hyping this.

21205932? ago

I understand you not wanting to be duped. Definitely. But, as someone who has had a long term credible threat to life (so much so that the Assistant District Attorney took me aside and advised me to take out a hit), you have to honor your instincts. Sometimes they are all you got. Sometimes you were right but you cannot prove it. So it is forgivable to me to trigger what is or seems like a false alarm.

21207448? ago

so much so that the Assistant District Attorney took me aside and advised me to take out a hit

LMAO shut the fuck up, you LARPing faggot