21209563? ago

I hope everyone on here is supporting both James O'Keefe and Tom Fitton. If you have a few extra bucks, please send them on to these titans. They are carrying a huge part of the load for us in the public sphere. God Bless them and Protect them both and their teams!

21207846? ago

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

21208235? ago

The podesta mail, facebook and wikileaks from instagrams .... #carisjames - code for Little St. James Island Temple ? Lean-Luc Brunei (model agency owner)

Alberto Pinto

Yves Pickardt

Fleur Perrylang

Sean Koo

Pete Rotholg

Geraldine Layborne

Kit Laybourne

Steven Pinker

Nina & Tim Zagat

David Rockwell

Carolyn Miller

Michael Wolf

Daniel Dennett

John Brockman

Karina Matson

Kelly Boving

Sloane & Spencer Barnette

Joe Pagano

Doug Bands

Nicole Junkermann

Pete Rathgeb (same as 24?)

Laura Hames

Julian Borees

Melissa Stahl

Frederic Fekkai

Laemma Simon

Dara Lynn Pregle

Dr. Henry Jaracke

Nicholas Jaracke

Julie Concebaugh

Kristy Rodgers

Greg Holburt

Dan Maran

Nick Simmons

Diane Fleetwood

Andrea Mmirovel

David Slang

Jim Kennez

Eric Nonacs

Rodney Swater

Ira Magaziner

Gayle Smith

Edwin A Simmons

Mark Potter

Ryan Dionne

Anna Hanks

Juliette Bryant

Kelly Mccarthy

Michael Liffmann

Frederique Todd

Gary Rosburgh

Magali Blach (MAGALL BLACHOU?)

Evelyn Boulet

Patrick Ochin

Deborah Amselen

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Naomi Campbell

Kevin Spacey

Alan Dershowitz

Sophie Biddle

Larry and Lisa Summers

Mark Lloyd

Ed Tuttle

Prince Andrew

Princess Sarah Ferguson and kids (mentioned in flight log as "met on the ground")

Chris Tucker

Chauntae Davies

Ron Burkle

Casey and Laura Wasserman

Shelley Lewis

Sarah Kellen (Epstein assistant!)

Nadia Marcinkova (Yugoslavian model)

Dean Ramon

Emmy Tayler

President Andres Pastrana (former president of Colombia)

Svetlana Griaznovc

Kathy Alexander

Stacey Igglucksengh ...

some more by submarine or boat? Epstein, Jimmy Savile, Pete Townshend? Kevin Spacey, Woody Harrelson, Michael Jackson? Saudi King and Saudi Prince a British Prince. Alberto Pinto Died in 2012. Was a photographer and interior designer based in Paris. He designed the interiors of apartments, corporations, hotels, yachts, and jets. Geraldine Laybourne former TV executive and an American entrepreneur in media and technology. She led the team that created Nickelodeon in the 1980s and '90s, worked at ABC/Disney purring the Disney Channel and co-founded Oxygen Me. Fluer Perrylang

French artist does a lot of traveling when she was young. Reminds me a lot of the Rachel Chandler crowd. Divorced her famous chef husband Adam Perry Lang (Jimmy Kimmel show) of over 20 years this year. Ed Tuttle



a German-born American academic, psychiatrist, entrepreneur, producer and philanthropist.


Jarecki is a leading advocate in Germany and the United States for refugees

Here we go

US Virgin Islands Little St. James....had been to Little St. James as part of Epstein's circle, the Maxwell woman, Woody Harrelson, Duke of York, Saudi Prince Solman, Maria Shriver, Kevin Spacey

21205415? ago

He got threatened! He tweeted Deadman switch activated!


21205105? ago

The cover of The Economist Magazine had 2 dates. 11.3 and 11.5. The Patriots win was already symbolized by the Seahawks (Eagle) winning against the Bucaneers (Skull and Bones 233/322, the score was 34, 32+2)

So I was sure there was going to be another big event tomorrow. Seems like this is it.

21205454? ago

Wait, you don't actually think NFL game outcomes coincide with happenings, do you? I'm not going to insult you, but I feel like this might be stretching it quite a bit.

21208380? ago

By their own admission, the NFL is 'entertainment' so the games can end with any score they choose.

21204416? ago

His last stuff wasn't much, he hypes too much, but I'm hoping this will be good.

21204052? ago

Haiku time, folks. Gather round.

Arrests where are they

Haven't seen a fucking thing

Get the fuck out now

21204904? ago

wasn't that an 80's song by Extreme?


21204565? ago

Crybabies cry

Cuz no patience have they

Shut the fuck up

21204675? ago

That is a fair point

I have run out of patience

It is hard being a boomer

21204342? ago

Your time is near

Panic is real

Shills are everywhere pretending to be normal people, but they are in fact smelly neck bearded faggot that everyone detests except their own kin, who mostly have no choice...

21204650? ago

Haiku fail.

21204549? ago

And that is where inbreeding started.

21203914? ago

No matter what comes out, it doesn't mean shit if President Trump doesn't take decisive action against the guilty party(ies)!

21204672? ago

Duh... Patience brother

21206568? ago

keep trusting that plan goy

21210999? ago

You know it

21205567? ago

We’ve lost a whole precious fucking term already. And we don’t get patriot presidents except for about every 30 years.

21205813? ago

LOL as if there is another president who will get elected in 2020

21205447? ago

the time of being patient is over, the more patient we are the more they screw us over

21205803? ago

What are you gonna do otherwise? Get so fed up that you write a letter to HRC? Just don't stress is all I'm saying

21203874? ago

I'm just thinking WHY would you announce this a day early? If he really has something this is like begging for a "suicide" or at the least some sort of legal injunction to stop him from releasing whatever he has. Looking forward to tomorrow, but wondering if this is just a big play-up for a dud.

21204119? ago

because NSA tracks moles who are scurrying ahead of the report. its a technique to get someone who may be hiding out to make a dumb move or a panic communication.

21204785? ago

Does the sudden resignation of NYC Police Commissioner have anything to do with this report?

21204823? ago

ahh interesting news, there are no coinkydinks. sounds like the new police commish is straight from the streets and not a bureaucrat.

21204526? ago

This^^^^ They are dumber than fish...always chomping on the bait and getting their liddle moufs hurt.

21204098? ago

Exactly. Never say you're going to release something, just fucking release it. Otherwise pay the consequences, which usually means sudden death.

21203742? ago

Looks like this is how Project Veritas is going to be fed to the normies since the one thing we agree on is about Epstein.

21206390? ago

Serious question had been asked, why does Bill Gates do what Jeffrey Epstein tells him to do? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3443581/20723431 blackmail

21204178? ago

It’s one of the few times that both sides can agree that something nefarious took place. Using the Epstein death can be a solid way to bridge the gap to new audiences.

21209575? ago

Using the Epstein alleged death can be a solid way to bridge the gap to new audiences. - There I fixed it for you. I would say a good chunk of people on both sides who think he didn't commit suicide also think he didn't die

21203662? ago

When it comes out I might care.

21203981? ago

Gee, thanks so much for sharing that....

21203419? ago

Please be something good!

21206310? ago

I am betting its video from the cameras that were not working. getting rid of this evidence is real hard because it is digital and probably stored at multiple locations. if it exists on a server for law enforcement. those trying to get rid of it probably only had enough access to the server to delete the header to the file and it was still on the hard drive. if this is the case the whistle blower is probably one of the states it guys taking care of the server

21211659? ago

If they were Chinese made cameras ..... somebody already has the video.

The earlier power outages near the jail....

....to pinpoint which cameras to later tap.