21203659? ago

The French despise that little shit.

21203622? ago

Love ❤️ when Trump belittles that deep state puppet.

21203610? ago

French little man complex.

21199459? ago

Soy boy. When djt brushes dandruff off of your faggot shoulder on live tv, you might be a soy boy globalist.

21200353? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/AJ4Idd6Mz1RX/ Francis Kalifat from Oran, Algeria?....He was 15 and she was 39 yrs?

21199256? ago

He immediately calls George Soros, we're gonna need mo' money.

21199209? ago

The shocker is that Macron is still alive.

21199584? ago

easy to say. I'm french, I fight every day for truth but the brainwashing has been very efficient here. What should we do ?

21198970? ago

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell stroll the streets of Paris with their underage sex slave in unsealed photos which also show the apartment where pedophile housed teen victims in NYC https://voat.co/v/QRV/3394816

21198257? ago

That's not what it says.

There two round in France for presidential election. According to what's in the link you provided here are the polls

1st round

macron would be between 27% and 28%

Lepens would be at 28%

So they both go to second round and then :

Macron 55%

Le pen 45%

So the article actually says that Macron would beat Lepen again despite everything he did and is still doing wrong.

21198945? ago

Paris? Royals, scientists, artists, politicians, businessmen, connect to Avenue Foch. Tony Blair, Israelis, Moslem Royals, Bloomberg, Murdoch, Ecclestone, Jagger, Spacey, Naomi Campbell. Elie Wiesel .... From Rachel Chandler's MySpace, Is This Photo From Epstein's Paris Apartment? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591

21198737? ago

(((They))) did it with the media: First, of course, the media bashed Le Pen ('extreme right wing ... Nazi') all the way. Then in the time before the 2nd and even 1st election there was a media blackout for LP, whereas M got featured and praised 24/7.

So what happened at the 2nd election, which was LP and M only, is that many of the excluded parties' voters (socialsts, communists, ump, ...) voted Macron because they had been sucessfully brainwashed into fearing the 'Nazi' front nationale.

Especially in the cities, eg Strasbourg (big university), 91% voted M in the 2nd round.

21199193? ago

indeed Macron was set to be elected for a while and Lepen even sabotaged herself in last debate...

21198132? ago

This was already trending that direction when he won his last election and Pen did quite well. There has been no reason for this trend to reverse with his handling of migration issues and the Yellow Vest protests. People do not seem happy with his governing, so it is natural that they will drift to somebody totally different.

21198957? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3449696 "A whistle-blower has told police in France that Prince Andrew had been a regular visitor to billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's £7million apartment in Paris."

'Now a key witness has claimed that he spotted Prince Andrew at the building on more than one occasion. '

'The US law enforcement agency expects to interview alleged trafficking victims over the next two months, and Scotland Yard is ready to assist. ', "It is claimed that the sex trafficking ring also included 12-year-old twin girls that had been 'recruited' in Paris."

'It was also reported this week that guests at the apartment had included people such as Bill and Melinda Gates. '

21198828? ago

Maricon Macron

21198077? ago

Le pen does not want France to leave E.U so she's not going to change our country for something better. Here, in France, she's seen as racist by the media and a big part of the public so if she ever got elected France will be torn apart and it will only get worst (doesn't matter if she's racist or not or even if this word means something, my point is about the way she's seen by french)

I know that most anons see Le pen as Patriot but she's not, she wants to keep € and stay in E.U. Given that basic fact she can't be described as a patriot.


She says the same thing that Macron says : she wants to negotiate E.U treaties.

Those treaties are what makes E.U, they are very liberal. It's possible to modify a treaty but you need the gvt and states of each country to approve and even the irish to vote, she never explained this this fact to the french people.

I know that I'll get lots of downvote as each time I've tried to explain that on Voat, my opinion is that she's just a fraud designed to let her opponent wins (which has happened each time she was on second round).

I don't want to got too far explaining my opinion although if you feel like asking me anything I'll do my best to answer.

21198328? ago

Lepen is a euro MP. She wont leave Europe. Theyre paying her.

21198372? ago


21198134? ago

Which leader in your Country is opposed to EU that’s interested in PM position and has some chance? Who are the freedom fighters?

21198180? ago

that's the issue : none.

There's only on political mvt that clearly wants to leave E.U, € and NATO. It's called UPR, leader being François Asselineau. Here's a link to the UPR founding charter in english.


This movement is black listed in MSM. We got 0,91% on presidential first round. MSM describes us as conspiracy theorist, racist, nazi or whatever helps make UPR and its leader look like a fool. We're in deep shit ! French are sleeping and I'm afraid we're going to pay the price at some point.

21197903? ago

I doubt he’s even surprised. Been one of the most unpopular leaders in Europe for quite a long time now. And not many European leaders are particularly popular.

21197886? ago

Macron's Parents https://voat.co/v/QRV/3398558/20319876 Explains everything.

21197891? ago

Macron says that he would prefer legal migrants from Africa over "illegal Ukrainian or Bulgarian gangs". https://voat.co/v/news/3496765/21168717 I'm Starting to think these people just want to impose their own rape fantasy on the people.

21197827? ago

For all we know she may have really won the first time for the left is great at voting fraud. I truly hope she beats Macron and makes France great again. Imagine a world where the people actually have government that represents them? WWG1WGA!

21198121? ago

Le pen does not represents french, she want to stay in E.U so she's a liberal and will most likely be pro globalization. Also she never won a n election and never ran a business either, we have no idea if she's even able to lead our country !

21198423? ago

Sorry for my ignorance. The rest of my statement i truly meant as in making France great again. With fake news today it so hard to know who is good in other countries and i thought she was a patriot.

21199174? ago

No worries, it's quite hard to find a way to real news. We're for each other !

21198019? ago

Le Pen is pro E.U so she won't make France great again...

21197894? ago

You can call Macron many things but “the left” is not one of those things. Le Pen is a lot more left wing than him economically.

21197870? ago

People fought and bleeding on beaches for this frogistan faggot? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3470488 Why is Macron redecorating the French Elysée Palace?

21197627? ago

Sacre bleu!

21197833? ago

France is dead. Anonymous - When Macron redecorates the Elysée Palace.... And yes this is 100% Real. https://voat.co/v/8chan/3449704

21197623? ago

When half the country has been protesting for like a year, what do you expect?

21198129? ago

It seems we should not expect too much if people want to vote for Lepen...

21197879? ago

He met his 'wife' when he was a school teen maybe child and she was already 39 maybe, they still go on these weird trips for example the French Caribbean island of Saint-Martin surrounded by hoodrat neroes while another President, Frédéric Mitterrand admitted to paying for "young boys" in Thailand", the little Olsen is with Olivier Sarkozy https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457619/20840462 Macron Silent?? 5 Police Stabbed in France? 4 Cops killed by Attacker, the Paris Police HQ Stabber Was Recent Convert to Islam. Michael Harpon attacked Station next to burnt out Nottre Dame.

21198326? ago

Frederic is Francois s nephew. Macron is an Mk tool controlled by Rothchilds. His wife is his controller.

If you want to talk about Sarkozy, ask yourself why he got involved with Arche of Zoe scandal in Tchad. Short answer. His brother Francois Sarkozy. But thats more along the lines of bioresearch. Whos counting those kids eh? No really, count them.

21198102? ago

Just so you know Frédéric Mitterand which is indeed a pedophile as you said above was not a president. He was a minister though. François Mitterand was apresident.



21197788? ago

i expected them to rig the poles.