21199230? ago

He is using his art, which I admit I thought was funny in the past, to spout the big lie that we are nothing and all is ultimately meaningless. I agree that nihilism like this makes people vulnerable to any scheme of corruption and keeping people ignorant of their true worth most likely leads to slavery of the masses.

The truth is that we are something, flawed to be sure, but beings of infinite potential — and by building knowledge and character, we have to choice to become something more and greater.

21198869? ago

He's only talking about the meaninglessness of life on Earth. There are more stars in the visible Universe than grains of sand on our planet.

21198800? ago

Vile, disgusting sub-human.

21198883? ago

Woddy Allen and the island? his 'little black book' including Mick Jagger, Tony Blair and Richard Branson, FBI files reveal. The book lists 16 phone numbers for Prince Andrew Duke of York, 18 for Duchess of York & her court...also CFR, Bronfman's, Zuckerberg, Ehud Barak, Ruth Westheimer, Saudi Royals, Spacey, Jagger. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657 This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts? Do they Connect to Judges, Euro Royalty and FBI? The Trouble With Occult Jesters, Masonic, Vatican, Jewish, Arabic Rituals?

21198874? ago

He's pretty funny

21198233? ago

I would not spend 1 second with that non human.

21198899? ago

and the Epstein Polanski connection. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3396784 Frogistan Model Agency Group - ONE THOUSAND girls

21198889? ago

I'm a lot stronger than you. I would probably spend an hour.

21197951? ago

"The heart wants what the heart wants."

We all know it's a different part of his body that wants his step-daughter.

21201351? ago

What step-daughter?

21201526? ago

Isn't that Soon Yee chick Mia Farrow's adopted daughter? He dumped Mia for the girl.

21201546? ago

Yeah, but she wasn't Woody's step-daughter. She has a father.

21197818? ago

Photos Videos INSIDE EL ZORRO https://voat.co/v/8chan/3397369

21197420? ago

Love doesn’t choose age.

21202366? ago

Love doesn't choose species

21197086? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3KTNmhiEkhA :

Woody Allen on The Meaninglessness of Life & The Role of The Artist - YouTube

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