21192144? ago

That dude made videos talking shit about POTUS. I think he may be playing both sides.

21191839? ago

Never trust a jew.

21191092? ago

These aren’t the droids you are looking for

21190654? ago

Who is the jew you speak of?

21190672? ago

Can you explain?

21190620? ago

Careful of that dude, he's not what he claims to be.

21190548? ago

Ohio connects to the Satanic Luciferians. Also Arizona cover up https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498743/21187814 The war is everywhere within the US. If a lefty speaks, he/she/it speaks with forked tongue and openly speaks of war against we, THE Patriots.

21190575? ago

Ohio connects to the Satanic Luciferians. Also Arizona cover up https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498743/21187814 The war is everywhere within the US. If a lefty speaks, he/she/it speaks with forked tongue and openly speaks of war against we, THE Patriots.