21192631? ago

I would be careful about associating with Richie From Boston (the channel that posted this video).

He steals from his subs. He takes them on journeys having them pay, promising he'll hand over the donations from other subs for the trip -- and then stiffs his sub, then attacks the sub turning them into dust, then moves on to his next victim. I've seen him do this to at least three people, who are no longer on YouTube.

Hey Richie, did they ever find those illegal weapons you're dragging around in your truck?

This guy is a caricature of a patriot; he's a money-grubbing thug. He publishes "fear porn", and says, "this isn't fear porn."

He brags about breaking someone's jaw, then spending years in prison as a result. He's not supposed to have any weapons, but, they're in his truck! If any law enforcement is reading this, check Richard Joseph Comito, Jr. He has two residences, one his father's which he does business out of. The truck is a Jeep of some sort.

Follow him at your own risk, I lost a lot of money doing so! (His "survival packs" aren't worth it.)

21193986? ago

I was not aware. Thanks for sharing mate!

21189269? ago

if smart guys like this guy says 'its all downhill from here' then how the fuck do we win? He says we (the US) needs to cancel all debt to bankrupt those who run the FED.

I mean, all of the complex lawcraft and how convoluted the process / elections are. Trump will fix it? Trump will do it in the next year? Or few days if you believe the date fags in here.

I"m just saying all...this is going to take a lot longer than we have and these people are playing on a 100 year timeline. We have people who don't understand that if you're born male you can't switch to female just because you want to. Like, people BELIEVE that we can do this. Honestly. Completely fucked.

21189537? ago

Only one way. A Great Awakening!

21189223? ago

I concur. This video is a must-watch for anyone who believes they are a patriot and is here on voat. Q told us about the book behold a pale horse. He was a man larger than Life that was attempting to tell the sleeping American public the truth. Q and President Trump and their supporters are trying to complete the history lesson. Take time to watch this 39-minute video it is well worth it and will give you an understanding of how we've been lied to our entire lives.

21190547? ago


Name the jew, or get out.

21190432? ago

Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799/21188437 ... All Intel agencies, non military, at least are cabal imo.

21189068? ago





21189159? ago

Cool thanks for sharing

21188287? ago

Excellent video...was going to share but VOAT said it already had been...so thought I would add to OP that it's def worth the time. Thanks for sharing

21188454? ago

Yeah, people are quickly at forgetting things. We have to continue reminding what is at stake

21189197? ago

That's exactly what Hannity does and he gets attacked for his efforts.

21187401? ago

It's difficult to respect William Cooper when he's too scared to name our (((enemy))).

21187521? ago

What do you mean?

21188598? ago


21188711? ago


21188784? ago


21188839? ago

are you 12?

21188444? ago

This muhjoo thinks Jews are like Pandora’s box, the source of all problems in the world.

I do not believe that. But I think the major conspirators have attempted to impede justice by misdirecting simple minds to just blame the Jews. It takes a higher caliber of reasoning to understand and oppose the foe we face. Once we overcome, all peoples will be the beneficiary of the victory— all nations, World Wide.

21190529? ago

fuck off JIDF MOS ADL.

Everyone knows what you people have done. The world will deal with the (((parasite tribe))) soon enough

21191124? ago

I’m an American, and a citizen of the US. I’m also white dude. I’m not a Jew.

You’re weird, bro. If you’re sincere and not some type of shilltroll, get help. You’re unwell.

If you are a shilltroll, help will eventually find you.-

21188482? ago

Cooper does not states that the Jews are the culprit but the groups that constitute the Mystery schools which are fro various nationalities

21188724? ago

And he’s absolutely correct about that.

Just as he was when he stated on his radio show, The Hour of the Time, “By telling you about them [the mystery schools], I have already sealed my fate.”

21187192? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Sxl1TztFFWo :

BILL COOPER: NWO System, Secret Society Control & Israeli,Russian Roles in it - YouTube

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