21192508? ago

Transgenders are on the frontline. They want their dicks chopped off.

21189564? ago

I'm not at war, I walk with Jesus Christ and he has defeated the world.

21189462? ago

I think Cali is gonna have a huge comeback. Less illegals coming over and Ice taking them out. As soon as arrests start happening higher up on the food chain you will see it turn around. Hang in there guys we are praying for you!

21190481? ago

Masonry, the Jew Occult, pedo Vatican, Hollyweird and Arabia ... is there a link? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799 Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols?

21189361? ago

Founding fathers didn't fight their war with memes, trolling and key board. they fought with guns and bullets and blood.

stop self importance self congratulating BS like this

21191746? ago

Okay, come up with a plan or program that gets RWDSs out into the streets.

21192545? ago

Think JFK, think war.

21189508? ago

Dont tread on me is kinda a meme

21188868? ago

This is the way Chinese have fought over time ... covertly ... you wake up too late and they win

21189506? ago

they are exposed.i hope trump never stops the tarriffs on them till we get all the stolen money back. let them be a third world country where they belong

21188816? ago

Jews VS goyim as always.

21188575? ago

Very true statement. I know I'm in.

21188433? ago

Not my original idea but,

There are only two pills... (S red S) or (((blue)))

21188359? ago

Yes we are at war. How long will it take if we aren't allowed to fight back? Until we start eliminating the enemy we are at extreme risk. And I'm talking about eliminating the NPCs, antifa types, purple hair nose ring gender dysphoria fags who are propping this ridiculous shit up. If they are allowed to live the problem doesn't go away.

21188487? ago

Nah, need to kill the overlords by destroying their manipulative narrative.

I feel sorry for NPCs.

They want us to fight each other.

It brings their plan along.

Peaceful resistance works.

Ghandi proved this against an empire.

Love you!

21189373? ago

I feel sorry for no one as to the current political positions. We are all given the ability to reason and investigate, then make choices. Everyone is responsible for their current actions. So it is my position that we need a good cleansing before we can be whole again. Just like we would eliminate vermin that threaten the village with disease. No difference.

21206043? ago

Very good point.

21187814? ago

The war is everywhere within the US. If a lefty speaks, he/she/it speaks with forked tongue and openly speaks of war against we, THE Patriots.

21190585? ago

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21190553? ago

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21187766? ago

OP is correct. Been saying this for quite some time. Except now, more and more are awake. Welcome to the party. It sucks having apparently everything everywhere being political and politicized. It is all being done by the radical left and the MSM, but I repeat myself. The MSM needs to go.

21187761? ago

We're at war and we have no commander. We've been banned from numerous sites and no politician has done a single thing to help.

Vote accordingly.

21189475? ago

I may be misreading you, but you have NEVER**** had a better Commander in Chief than you do now...

21191709? ago

The jewish supremacist in chief? Yeah, no thanks. Just being the lesser of two bad choices is not enough.

21189515? ago

And he's done what to help in this online war? Ignored the fact that the CIA is controlling all online platforms and silencing people who support him? I mean what a fucking fantastic job he's done of normalizing socialism and white hatred. I'll be forever grateful for that. He's almost as good as Hitler so far. Let's see if he finishes the job.

21189172? ago

In canada we had politicians willing to stand up. they were silenced and ridiculed. The election was not fair and balanced, it was outright stolen.

21189650? ago

Praying for you, Canadian Patriot.

God bless Canada!


21187512? ago

The Joossss (Jews) are only soldiers on the field. The majority (American for example) have no clue what the Elite Jews are doing. Nor the significance of their evil.

We must be United for this Battle against True Evil. Maybe then, we can go back to hating on each other. I think not.


21191672? ago

I want us divided. Claiming THEY want us divided is a trick. "Damnit, if THEY want us divided, I'm going to show them by letting niggers fuck my daughter!"

How many here actually want to associate with or be surrounded by your enemies?

21187879? ago

You mispelled (((THEY)))

21187124? ago

[They] are individuals who will be held accountable for [Their] actions.

21186891? ago

God is at war. Q is at war.

We own them patriot.


21187497? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498064 Ex-teen model claims NYC executive tied to Ghislaine Maxwell used her as sex slave

21188303? ago

Read it. These men and women need a culling in the worst way.

21186574? ago

In California we can hear the underground battles as things intensify.

21194462? ago

Don't give up on California just yet. There is a fight going on. Check this out.

At the New California State 5th Constitutional Convention in Irvine, CA on October 26, 2019 both the Assembly and Senate unanimously voted to approved a resolution seeking to make current Energy Secretary and former Texas Governor the New California State interim Governor.

https: // www.newcaliforniastate.com/ single-post/2019/10/27/Rick-Perry-Governor-Resolution-Approved-by-New-California-State

https: // clarion.causeaction.com /2019/10/23/rick-perry-nominated-as-interim-governor-of-new-california-state/

21199222? ago

New California is not the answer, we need to take the state back as it is.

21191262? ago

can you tell us where without doxxing yourself?

21189989? ago

In N. Cali and there is strength building outside the cities... WWG1WGA! Central Valley reps fighting the swamp. Let’s rally our support.

21190494? ago

Oh, even inside the cities and traditionally deep blue zones. Even Santa Cruz has a lot of classical liberals who are super pissed and now find themselves on the right.

21191603? ago

I never talk to those people. We really have classical liberals here?

We should have a Santa Cruz Goat Party one of these days. We could invite all those goats who've never been to a nice beach town.

21189646? ago

Are you saying that there are forces in the tunnels? Can you update with more intel? Getty related.

21189761? ago

We've been occasionally hearing gun fights in the wee hours since 2017; in recent weeks it's more consistent and lots of random people mention noticing it as well as the small never-reported earthquakes after the inexplicable booms. Sorry that I'm just a random observer and don't have further intel with specifics.


21189895? ago

Don't be sorry, please. We can only share what we perceive. If anything comes up further I hope you return here. Cheers.

21188397? ago

NorCal here..We too are looking to leave as soon as we can sell and find something that feels right. Thought about Nashville, TN area but it looks like there's a huge Middle Eastern/Somali community taking over around that area. Anyone out there that can give me a heads up on that?

21188418? ago

Don't go, anon! Stay and fight, things will turn around here and you'll be glad you stayed. There's really nowhere to run, Traitor44 made sure of that. Each area has its own unique issues for Whites and Patriots.

21188858? ago

My husband wants to but we're both in our late 60's and don't know if we're up for what's coming. The recent power shut off which was so arbitrary and the expenses to live here makes it hard to stay. Some of our neighbors in our rural area have already sold out and moved to Idaho. Don't know how old you are but we don't have the energy for fight anymore. As a DAR it kills me to say that.

21189602? ago

Thanks for sharing; whatever you do, may God keep you both in grace always.

21189487? ago

try to let out a room. not to an immigrant of course. lots here on the east coast have to rent out a room in their house to make ends meet. no where is safe from them!

21187581? ago

Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799/21187133 The masoic square derives from Sakander or Alexander the Great, from his campaigns to the margins of the Hindus.

21188951? ago

Pakistan is mostly goatfuckers.

21189468? ago


21186912? ago

Cali anon here, I was just looking for other places to live LOL.

21192378? ago

I'm in a relatively small town in the "Conservative" South, and if I had the means, I'd move to someplace like the Montana or Wyoming mountains (except for the wind!) and find me a nice mountainside & build a simple cabin with a fireplace and have a big supply of firewood to keep warm, stay the Hell out of the way of crazy "society" as much as I could.

21191525? ago

Do you live in the wrong part of California? There is a 1 to 5 mile wide strip along the coast between LA and SF that's the 'correct' part, unless you like horrific conditions.

21189500? ago

Come to Texas anon - we need every Patriot we can get to cancel out the votes of the libs who fled to here escaping CA taxes.

You'll get more house for your money than just about anywhere else, jobs are booming, and the people are freedom-loving & friendly.n. (Our "beach" in Galveston sucks by CA/FL standards, but other than that, it's a great place to live. I fled a socialist state to move to the Lone Star State and have never been happier. Two sets of friends trailed me here for the same reason.)

21191557? ago

You'll get more house for your money than just about anywhere else,

Because who would want to live in Texas? Anywhere, really. Who would leave the Cali coast to go live someplace in hellish weather?

21192030? ago

I have traveled all over the United States visiting friends. Texas has some beautiful places with solid homes, unlike out Calif bungalows. There really are pros and cons in all states, but Calif is starting to find a way to make beautiful beaches seem less desirable and certainly very costly.

21193299? ago

What do you believe is less desirable about these beaches? the google images link

The cost is based on more people wanting to live here than can, although it's already far too many. Also note that the main beach is for the tourists, who are mainly inland dwellers escaping their stifling heat. I mean, I can see how some of those people wouldn't see much difference in Texas weather. But I would not live in their California locations either.

Honestly, I believe this is "the perfect location" that isn't matched anywhere else, even on other parts of the coast. Which is kind of a bummer, as there's simply no place to go from here that wouldn't be a terrible downgrade. It's way more crowded than it was 40 years ago, but the other places are worse!

21194051? ago

I guess that's why it's crowded and very costly. Sigh.

21191473? ago

Tell me about it! Moved to DFW and more libtards here IN TX versus San Diego, CA. The housing prices here are a little cheaper. Between the property tax and the homeowners increase we saved nothing moving here. In addition the schools test high but are full year behind the worst schools in SD. It is like being the smartest kid in special ed. I moved from a deep red community in SD and now living in deep blue pretending to be red. Texas is going the way of CA in 10 years if nothing changes.

21189252? ago

I was looking around too, at least to see housing and rental prices. Oh wow, soo much cheaper. Don't know about jobs, pay, and things like the weather. I've lived in Cali since 3rd grade. My parents were Mid-Westerners glad to be away from snow. I'm in a 'safe' area now with like minded really nice neighbors. They do make it worthwhile. So I'd hate to bail out and not stand my ground. So will be staying thru this horrible period and hope for the best.

21191232? ago

Does it snow in Phoenix AZ ?

21191949? ago

I'm in So Cal and it snows only in the mountains. It was was fun skiing in Big Bear and then go home to easy roads.

21190877? ago

Nothing wrong with snow! It's great to have 4 seasons and be away from that liberal cesspool 😂

21191970? ago

I had fun making forts and snow balls with it before I was 8, but then it was my Dad who had to shovel and my Mom who slipped on ice by the trash can. My very old Michigander Aunts never let it stopped them and loved the seasons!

21187240? ago

Please stay and fight with us!

21187173? ago

You at Not alone Patriot. But if we run, they win!

We can't let that happen, nor can we allow [them] to continue their Marxist Agenda unabated. We must fight for our future!

21187299? ago


21186572? ago

No we're not. Your Nazi paranoia Bullshit is not reality

21187402? ago

Fuck off kike.

21187436? ago

Not Jewish. Just not a conspiracy theorist.

21187534? ago

You haven't a sufficient love of the truth.

21187543? ago

No. I'm not a deluded boomer.

21187633? ago

You are of your father, Satan, and there is no truth in you.

21187629? ago

boomers aren't woke enough to the JQ for your phony characterization.

It's clear you're a kike-subversive

21186880? ago

Wanna bet.

21186679? ago


21186505? ago

And what are you doing to help in this battle?

21186537? ago

Researching, sharing information, waking people up in real life and not just the internet. I am reproducing, and raising my children right. I also know how to use weapons and have prepared myself and my family to survive, if the time comes. I boycott businesses that I know are are complicit in this war. Wtf are you doing?

21187542? ago

They are making sure other people are doing things so they don't have to.

21187116? ago


Love, Not hate.

Leading by example.

Wouldn't hurt to,point out "The 45 Goals of Communist" in America, that was,put out around 1950.

Death by 1000 cuts is a great analogy, patriot!

21186569? ago

Playing video games to train myself how to fight in war.

21186818? ago

Time to sharpen up those paintballs