21200444? ago

Famed medical examiner makes explosive claim regarding Epstein's death

c/p this title into YouTube search bar.

Barr has subpoenaed over 20 of the prison staff for interviews.

There IS an investigation, and we don't need Q and Trump bashing, because it's not their jobs to handle this stuff. Trump hired Barr to do the legal work, remember?

21195223? ago

Q has repeatedly said "we have everything" and "these people are stupid". Any information Epstein had the Q group has as well. I don't believe the hit job was a surprise to Q. The blatantly obvious murder was most likely anticipated and yet another step in the process of slowly turning blue pills purple.

21189758? ago

Samson-option-esque nuclear blackmail / deadman's hand. Had to let him walk. Don't remember Q's exact wording, but 'some things must remain hidden'.

Likely had the good on some important allies or even heads of state.

21191567? ago

if he had blackmail on them, they aren't important and they aren't allies.

21189641? ago

ASSANGE, Assange please

21189405? ago

Qew never dare to mentions Jesus Christ 'name. Go search "jesus" on qmap pub you find zero qposts. Qew is likely a Mossad psyop not the Messiah u guys wished.

21189737? ago

By mentioning Jesus, he further divides the group that is made up of a bunch of ideologies and religions. He's better off saying God as more of a blanket term.

21190344? ago

but spewing scriptures wont ? I know enough people that were driven away by this christanity spewing already. Go find a better spin.

21189376? ago

if no Epstein revelation, then no darkness to light, no patriots in control

21188980? ago


21187889? ago

Who gives a flying f about this dick? He is dead as a door knob and no one will ever bother to investigate further. As the hill trash dog said what difference at this point does it make? Just another successful deep state crime.

21187483? ago

Epstein is the keystone.

Bringing down the deepstate depopulation directives. Sustainable development = agenda 2030. They want to kill off most of the population

21187525? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3489632/21117978 So at some point the parents got Ted Gunderson involved and hired an archeological team to excavate. I believe this is that report; it’s not like the FBI went digging. I wonder if it hasn’t been publicly available hitherto. Anyway, skeptics say there weren’t really tunnels but the report is convincing.

21187016? ago

maybe nobody else gives a shit - but the people sure do

21186704? ago

Q -Its time for israel and jews. Tired of waiting

21187556? ago

Actor Kevin Spacey spotted out and about in Tel Aviv https://voat.co/v/news/3454658

21186538? ago

I think JE is in GITMO

21186212? ago

Fucking idiots

Demand thes truth from TRUMP. He fucking knows

21186101? ago

Watch this video from around the 4 minute mark:

FARSIGHT INSTITUTE: Jeffrey Epstein's Death


21186038? ago

Almost for sure... Epstein is in some flavor of 'Witness Protection'. Don't kid yourself. He was too valuable for leverage to allow him to be taken out.

21187411? ago

I believe they knew a hit was imminent. let it happen to the extent the black hats thought they got him. At first. Till they started looking at the photoshopped stretcher pics and now they know they are fucked and he's super protected now and they'll never get to him.

21186319? ago

100% agree. To have all of the intellect, skill and forethought they've shown, does anyone really think epstein was a lapse in any of these? Hell no. If anything, it was all staged to look like it was sloppy so everyone would see how corrupt everyone is and how it all just stinks. Epstein is alive. Epstein will never be seen again.

21189672? ago

Also remember the series of power outages shortly before all that Epstein shit went down where he was in jail. Q commented about powerful people wanting Epstein. They knew what the deal was. I think he's in witness protection myself. They faked his death.

21189410? ago

Also... Barr personally met with the warden of that facility a few days before the successful suicide. What did they discuss? Was Barr laying down the law that he didn't want Epstein getting double rations of desert? Probably not.

Think about it... If you were the warden and Barr came to talk to you, would you make sure every camera was working and nobody was sleeping on their shift? Most likely.

This wasn't a suicide. And most likely it wasn't a murder. It probably was an extraction.

21199641? ago

Most likely and extraction! Remember (I think) the polish government who faked the death of a journalist, and then had him reappeared as arrest warrants were being executed. Just saying...

21186486? ago

And in doing so degraded the trust in our government even further.....

21186970? ago

you're not listening dipshit.... Epstein is alive

21187057? ago

I'm sure he is. I saw the picture of the body they rolled out claiming it was him. It's wasn't him.

21186956? ago

Has the pedophile nest of elites stirred up making mistakes, just as planned.

21186281? ago

you are right in your point but there is one problem. the type of money that is had by those involved can get to anyone...I think it is possible that M5 "British intelligence" took Epstein out. I am sure that M5 has penetrated are spy service and the FBI.

21188417? ago

MI5 work domestically in the UK. MI6 are responsible for foreign operations.

21186019? ago

Kevin spacey gay, Bill Clinton rumored to suck pole, and chris tucker was on the same plane.... hmmmm

21186128? ago

Bill would puff a little smokie like yours, completely gone.

21185818? ago

I hope there is an investigation. Personally I think he was 187'd. Taken off suicide watch, cellmate removed, multiple guards asleep, multiple security cameras not working. Everybody knew he would not make it to court including Epstein himself I'm sure. If the cabal wanted his death to look credible they could have had another inmate shiv him in the infirmary or something. I think they were trolling us with the manner of his death. These people are stupid.

21190642? ago

Barr is maybe corrupted, muppet show Masonic, crime cartel? The Masonry butt fucking club links to Rome, Arabia, the Jewish Occultists, Freemasonry Shriner Jester Former judge pleads guilty in prostitution scandal. Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters sex trafficking ring https://voat.co/v/QRV/3494145

21186509? ago

Baden dropped a nugget on Piro's show that seals it. He said Epstein was found dead, several hours after he died.

This means the "guards" had to be "asleep" for several hours. Doze off for a couple of minutes on the job? No, not for security guards. But let's just say they really were that incompetent. No fucking way they take a nap for several hours. With hallway security cameras not working. With in-cell security camera not working. With one of the guards not being a "regular guard." With Epstein's broken neck bones not possible to be a suicide.

Either murder or not dead. But definitely not suicide.

21185770? ago

Epstein is dead. Moss owns america and was done with him. He outlived his usefulness. If mos really wanted him alive they would have kept him from getting arrested in the first place.

People watch too many movies where the villain let's himself gets captured to theatrically break out just to keep the movie going

21189489? ago

By that token, why then not just kill him instead of letting him get arrested? ‘They’ then have to ensure 2 cameras fail, ensure 2 guards fall asleep, remove a cell mate after a suicide watch, and . . . If all of that was possible with ‘none the wiser’, then why not a faked death? Sure it is also possible he was removed, murdered, and put back in the cell with the guard/camera taken care of for plausible ‘unknowability’. It’s also possible he was removed and a ‘replacement’ was placed. If 2 guards, why not a coroner (was Sandy Hook so long ago?, knowing what you know now...).

21185684? ago

pedoepstein busy right now hanging upside down from his ankles crying like a bitch singing like a bird just like pedobintalal

21189892? ago

He’s upside down crying? Did lex Wesner get his boy-toy Epstein back?

21186868? ago

Agreed. This is what the digits on QRV were saying all over this board just after it "habbened". The digits said Patriots are now in control = panic for dems. I know we digitfags are crazy already no need to reiterate (it upsets Harvey my giant invisible rabbit fren), thanks kek.

21186907? ago


Digits Confirm..............[BOOM] Hi Kek! Thanks for the back up!

21187962? ago

kek approves this order in chaos

21188043? ago




Entering (so much kek)

21185566? ago


The (((Epstein / Mossad))) orgy island child rape honeytrap was the key to shining a light on how many of our powerful CEOs and politicians became Mossad puppets after hidden cameras recorded their "pizza party"...

...the (((AG Barr))) put (((Epstein))) in a low security prison and we all feared he would be assassinated...

...then (((Epstein))) was assassinated...

...then the court case was dropped because (((Epstein))) was dead...

...which caused countless American preppers to ready themselves for a civil war.

TL;DR: (((AG Barr))) seemed to orchestrate the (((Epstein))) assassination while sleeping through two Trump coup attempts. Q, this is how civil wars are sparked... and if that happens then FUCK YOU and FUCK TRUMP for being so impotent and reckless.

21190840? ago

Thanks for posting. Upvoated and saved.

21188230? ago

Right. Epstein's "demise" was as credible as the JFK autopsy and it was Barr's baby. I can't trust Barr. This article about a new pre-crime program makes me think the political circus is a smoke screen for bigger plans to enslave us in the matrix.


21186957? ago

Shut the fuck up loser

21186383? ago

Please shill. Do better.

Cannot we EVER get some decent shills around this place?

Satanist Pedos: you should dock the pay of your minions until they get better at it

21186370? ago

Don't forget that epstein's "death" (fake and gay) hasn't been confirmed, the "official" picture of "dead epstein" is bordane's face shopped on a stretcher picture from a training exercise years ago. Digits on this board ALL said he was in a safe local under Patriot guards, but I know that's bullshit to most Qanons. So I won't count it against your cred.

Also I WOULD call (You) fake and gay and say sauce or GTFO, but the Digits Confirm your "story", so I'll roll with it, and simply ask why you were fucking slacking you should'a been done prepping when obummer hit office, just sayin' that ship sailed a while ago. I wasn't counting on her losing but it was a nice surprise.

Take your own advice you gave to the anon who you thought might have an uncut dildo on hand to suck, and calm down sir. This isn't Q's 1st rodeo if the results are anything to go by. (JFK's revenge 2.0)

"Plus Ultra" What's this all about? You'll feel better when you find out....

21186405? ago

Wish-thinking is not a valid argument.

21187326? ago

Is this (You) 5566?

Ok I'm game where, in your mind, does the maths of the odds of "getting digits" ever become "wish-thinking" its not even very creative really. It's all in the odds man. To my mind with all the false flag shootings, and photoshoppe fuckery the DS has continually tried to pull on us, the shopped photos of dead epstein are almost PROOF he's alive.

But you add it all up, and what kind of odds would a bookey give you that he's actually dead? Then add in Q+ being in Plus-Ultra, the digit hits, we're getting astronomical odds here really quick. I remind you Q just surfaced again too, NOT silenced by the DS, he was rigged for silent running to get submarine work done, now they are back, right on "Q" after exactly "[ 93 dk ]" = 93 days dark.

Where exactly is my wishful thinking coming in? MY dreamy wishes involve flying-Jetson-cars, free energy, space force, living to be 1,500yrs old, the end of the money systems, and meeting our neighbors among the stars after we clean up this fucking mess, but not much about fucked up pedos in there (they are a distant memory in my dreams).

Please do enlighten me I'm all ears. kek

21185735? ago

LMAO... You want impotent? Go look into a mirror. I am sure POTUS and Q will heed your threat and advice.

This needs a crying baby emoji, or maybe a menstruating front hole emoji.

21185762? ago

I'm sorry you were triggered by what I said.

Go suck on your circumcised dildo and calm down.

21185940? ago

what dildo isn't circumcised you fucking idiot?

21186429? ago

What dildo is circumcised you fucking idiot? Dildos don't have foreskin to cut off in the first place.

21188906? ago

I found that as a straight Male who satisfies my women - I never gave that any thought. Which means you must be..

21188947? ago

You literally asked what dildo isn't circumcised you fucking cuck kike, indicating that you've thought about this, as if that's a meaningful rebuttal to the criticism you stupid fuck. Kill yourself faggot.

21188957? ago

Not me dumbass.

21188972? ago

You're such a stupid Jew.

21195186? ago

I'd show you my attached foreskin, but I don't want you beating off to me.

21193582? ago

sure yeah, we all are, i think your 'they live' glasses are on backwards

21195172? ago

No not me, as in you replied to the wrong person.

21187834? ago

exactly, fool.

21185720? ago

Agree. Time to get locked and loaded. Bring the pain

21188987? ago

Tuff gal, swing that purse alice