21191223? ago

Etymology always has a lot of truth about the world hidden into it. I know some people argue (((they))) have to tell you what they are doing, and universal law.

For example, government.

Govern = to control

Ment = Latin for mind

Government means "to control the minds". When they tell you they want to expand the government, they want to expand mind control.

21192176? ago

Wow excellent! Thanks... -op

21189616? ago

Great post.

21189589? ago

Don't forget "Airplane".

The Earth is flat.

21189241? ago

One thing I'll never understand about God.....

is why he would speak to us in riddles.....

21188061? ago

The term fake news was made up by pedos to hide pizza gate. Somehow you made the mental gymnastics to think it's biblical? From actual luciferians? Bible fags ruin this place.

21188201? ago


21215125? ago

I'd say the person that spent hours coming up with this bullshit mental gymnastics routine to twist this isn't the complete opposite of what it is, is probably the triggered person.

I just call a spade a spade. In this case it's a retard.

21187146? ago

I love deep. meaningful and enlightening posts such as yours. Thank you so much for your wisdom and for sharing it!

21186665? ago

News stands for notable events, weather and sports.

21186629? ago

I took the red pill in 1983.

Read the bible as a newborn child. The realization that there is a plan for me was incredible. I believed everything as it was written, verbatim.

However, my child like understanding at the time was impatient and self centered. I thought the time was now and that I was ready.

After many years of being ready I came to the conclusion that it is not now. I quietly drifted back to my status quo routine. I watched the leaders of the world upset all that was good as I learned what goodness was from the bible. I came to the conclusion that we live in an upside down world.

AND then... Q happened and I lit up!

What I know from reading Revelation and all end time material in the Bible has me solid in the Christ camp. It was a long wilderness experience that taught me to be patient and always watchful. The time in right. The time is now. Be a blessing to those who thirst for righteousness. Point them to Christ who FREELY gives redemption. That is all.

21189421? ago

Read the bible as a newborn child.

You did??! I couldn't read until I was about 6 or 7.

21197578? ago

Accepting Jesus as your savior = 'Born Again' ie. newborn.

21201473? ago

You're only a child once. You should say what you mean.

21186062? ago

There’s something to what you say here. I don’t watch tv. I don’t miss it now, but I did. It’s an addiction, plain and simple. I mostly listen to YouTube, and I’m very selective. There are days when I am at work when I feel like I love on a different planet than most of those around me. Mostly men in their 20s and 30s obsessed with video games and women obsessed with stupid tv dramas. They are definitely under a spell.

21190561? ago

Stupid TV dramas and celebrity gossip! Who gives a flying f&ck about all that?

21189551? ago

Indeed, same here. They often try to get my take on a TV show or some pop singer. I just say "Never heard of it, I don't watch that crap". They almost seem shocked and give that fluoride stare, lol.

21186034? ago

According to SNOPES and other Fact check site, that "NEWS" stands for North East West South, is, well, fake news. It also, apparently doesn't stand for Notable Events, Weather, and Sports. It is from the Greek for "daily". It would be way cool if the Fake News Media was indeed the False Prophet, then we wouldn't be waiting for a "person" to appear on the scene, like say, the Holy See.

21185626? ago

What's NEW? = "News/true facts regarding current events" v. What's BULLSHIT? = "Bullshit"/lies&opinion. What's Fact? What's Fiction? Inference is fact based analysis. Learn the difference between analysis and opinion. Put it all on a distributed ledger for truth and play the balls where they land. The rest is either fabrication or history. Blockchain isn't for everything, but it would help with facts and accountability. Dream catchers...go back to sleep.

21185480? ago

This post is fake news,

21185247? ago

From your post that you pointed too, you said we were the 144,000... No, Rev 14:4 will debunk that because anons get laid. You also said Satan does not exist. I wish you would stop spewing heresy on here and go read a Bible. Maybe you’re the false prophet you spoke of in your thesis here, and you just have to tell us you’re full of shit?

21185846? ago

Its not literal virgins.. like everything, it's symbolism. Virginity means purity. It means honor. It means truth. 'No lie was found in their mouths'

Like the robes that are pure white. Not literal. It represents the righteous acts of the saints/anons

21189499? ago

Nailed it! The bible uses physical world analogies to speak of all things spiritual. We use many of these, such as "He's an oak!" meaning deep moral and spiritual roots. Strong to withstand winds of life. Briars and weeds have shallow roots and burn up in the occasional forest fires, but the green trees remain. Many, many more. Read the Bible stories as spiritual analogies and there's a whole new truth, story and meaning. Stories within stories. An amazing book.

21189801? ago


21186021? ago

So the Bible is whatever you say it is, lmao.

21189472? ago

It's been going that way forever, depends on who you listen to, different story everytime.

21184936? ago

Isn't there something with the swastika and the inversion of the swirling Hindu symbol?

21185217? ago

Swastikas are boat propellers.

21184968? ago

Yes, there is.

They inverted a good symbol.

Look into black sun symbols...

21184795? ago

This might blow you away...

Holy Derivation Batman!!! This is the kinda stuff that DOES blow minds. The hidden tricks! Outstanding anon!!!

21184706? ago

The term "fake news' is a literal creation of the media in response to pizzagate. Look at google trends in 2016. Pizzagate first, then BOOM fake news is used across all media

21184951? ago

They invert, we invert.

Lies vs truth. Spinning goes both ways. But only one way is of the LIGHT.

Yin Yang

21185533? ago

Yin Yang? Dude pick a religion and go with it. You have a tendency to cherry pick your doctrines. Your Biblical knowledge is piss poor, yet you often quote the Bible in your talking points. You invert scripture and wrongly divide the word of truth on a consistent basis.

21185862? ago

Youre clueless anon...

Peel the scales off your eyes.

Yin Yang is a concept, not a religion.

21186015? ago

It’s actually Satanic. “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭

Oh! But according to you Satan does not exist, but is merely a “concept”. LOL so the Bible is wrong, and you peckerhead #1 is correct!?

21188398? ago


Learn history

21184690? ago

Gives me yet another reason to make me glad I cut the cord years ago.


21185759? ago

Excellent article. Thank you for posting. Have an upvoat!

I was one of the very first DirecTV subscribers in 1994; had all the channels, around $100 a month. Dropped them in 2002 after becoming disgusted with the "programming"; it turned my wife into a zombie, she painted our kitchen orange and decided she didn't want to have sex any more.

21186130? ago

Not sure what all that means, but it made me laugh. Thank you.

21184674? ago

Also, spinning winds = fake storm = HAARP. They're doing it in the physical world as well.

21185596? ago

Look up Nexrad radars used in weather manipulation. Weatherwars101 on YouTube and NOLAbutterfly on bitchute have great videos.

21185851? ago

I haven't followed in a while. I knew about Nexrad a few years ago -- do you know what the next iteration of the technology is? I mean, do these channels discuss it? Thanks!

21188996? ago

Not sure! Last time I saw anything they were discussing "power plants" pushing steam into the air, and then the Nexrads manipulating that water vapor.... So basically creating water vapor and then directing to certain areas and churning it up to turn into a full-blown storm

21189382? ago

Yeah, I remember seeing videos by ... weather warfare 101, I think the channel name was? Couple years since I've looked, like I said. Oh wow -- now I look up above and you typed exactly that channel name! Either memory is working, or peripheral vision. :) Think I'll check that channel out again, thanks!!!

21189631? ago

Lol awesome!

21193144? ago

Kek, exactly! However, that channel hasn't posted in a year.

21184956? ago

As above, so below

21186459? ago

I was just about to say that. Lot of truth there.

21184672? ago

"News" isn't an acronym. It's information that's NEW, hence all of the collective info being referred to as NEWS.

21184811? ago

It's still what's new in the North East West and South, regardless of how the online world wants to rewrite history and etymology, etc.

21184538? ago

So how do we break the spell that's been cast over the 'marked' people? I've recently come to be convinced that just as WE are unable to fall for the lies, the others are unable to ever see the truth. It is the rare individual who is actually willing to give evidence a chance that could change their mind. Kind of...if you didn't catch the improbability from the start you've little chance of accepting it now. I swear, in all of my life I've never seen fellow humans so dead set on refusing to step back one inch to look at the facts.

21188605? ago

yes, I agree. Some don't wake up, some are lost, but with the truth (we are waiting for it) the great awakening likely will happen, the massive harvesting of souls, people turning to God. The truth is going to be so horrible that many will see. (scales removed from their eyes). God talks about some people are beyond saving.

21184806? ago

Look into flat earth.

21184831? ago

No you look into spherical earth

21188821? ago

I did and found there is no curve. 8 inches per mile squared.

21185207? ago

I did. That's the problem. I proved using experiments the earth is flat. Messed my head up for a bit getting around that. But easy to replicate and once you see the truth, a globe earth is laughable.

21185290? ago

Ok now sail across Atlantic ocean and back without gps

21185841? ago

Well, that's the thing -- GPS doesn't work out on the ocean.

I know a fisherman here in MA who has a "satellite" phone. He tells me the phone stops working 30 miles or so from shore. And that tells me that the phone is terrestrial, regardless of its "satellite" name!

Also you know plane tracking doesn't happen in the southern hemisphere? It would require too many repeaters, since the southern regions are "more massive" than the northern regions, in terms of the land mass at that circumference, since it gets wider and wider until Antarctica the ice wall surrounds.

I'm another anon btw, I started researching Sitchin and the "planet Nibiru" hoax and was pointed to the flat Earth, and though "oh great another fake news that'll be easy to debunk" but, like the other anon, I did experiments and could not prove the globe.

Freaked me out. I'm over it now. Sometimes funny talking to people, my brother the other day said something about space and I said "if you believe in space" which caused some humor, and also discussion.

21189415? ago

New guy here, barging in.... You'll love my story.

So we want to do experiments huh? Well, sir you are speaking to a card holding member of the "Order of Magellan", look it up, I've 'circumnavigated the 'globe''

If anyone could answer this, it would be me yes?

For a long time after I did it, I thought FE was dumb and dusted by my experience, but this was untrue.

I did travel West from San Diego, until our ship was in San Diego again, you can definitely 'go around', I know this as fact and not from hearsay, it worked, and I was driving the ship most of the time (deckape!) staring at the GPS maps on bigscreens on the bridge.

But then something magical happened, while I was relentlessly mocking FE posters, one told me something that would make my journey possible and even make me believe what I had done was on a globe,without any deception required from the other crew or officers.

What If I did not travel around a 'globe', the compasses all confirmed we were always heading west and I can confirm that it was the same San Diego we left from, but what if..... what if the N magnetic pole was in the CENTER of a flat disc? One could easily cruise AROUND that central point, N Pole would always be in the center all the way around and opposite way South would always point away from it. Cmon geometry isnt that hard, we are posed with the idea that we have a central pole and all observable effects support the claim and all previous journeys can be explained by it (ie: how I went around the world on a ship without any truman show deceptions needed).

If this is the case, my own circumnavigation no longer proves the globe, as I once thought it did.

I was a soldier, a sailor and I knew things, I'd been places and I'd seen things (though I never saw a curve).... but most importantly....

I was wrong.

21190245? ago

Agreed. It is dangerous and scary to admit being wrong, but oh-so-refreshing to let the truth in!

East-to-west circumnavigation has been done. North-to-south circumnavigation is impossible. One can travel "over the north pole" and go from e.g. China to the US; however, if one tries to go "over the south pole" one will find one's self in, as Admiral Byrd describes, a place with land masses several times the US and full of natural resources just waiting to be mined.

Not sure, myself, what we'll find if we travel far enough in any "southerly" direction, i.e., "outwards". When we hit Antarctica, there's a 200' ice wall to get up and over first (hence Admiral Byrd's expedition named, "Operation High Jump"). But then there's so much to explore! Is the 200' ice wall "enough to hold the oceans in"? Or is there a much larger, stronger ("firmament") wall found further on, one which stretches up like a tent and encloses this realm?

I don't know, and I am interested in finding out. Too bad every country on Earth has signed on to the Antarctic Treaty System, preventing research by their citizens -- even while several of those countries are at war with each other! Similar to "space" exploration -- they cooperate to keep us unawares, even while they're sending us to kill each other.

Really hoping the truth will be shown to everyone, but then, I guess at the point the curtains come up...

21190656? ago

Precisely my current conundrum, I knew W<->E was easy, but why not N->S etc, only the North.

To prove the globe, one would also need to enter Antarctica by going South, continuing south to the pole, traverse the south pole (assuming it exists), continue same direction and emerge from Antarctica on the other side FACING MAGNETIC NORTH.

So I look it up, certain it has been done.

It hasn't. It's a first no one talks about (until now, I rant about it now).

I intend to send drones to violate the treaty, if it can be seen I want to see it, but am not foolish enough to send the human form. I'm talking about autonomous solar-powered probes about the size of birds or rodents. It's amazing what you can do with a 3D printer and I've got small things walking around the house for now and they're getting smarter every day. Weight and durability are an issue, along with offnetwork navigation, but coming along nicely.

21191254? ago

By the way -- I'm also imminently getting into 3D printing, so I figured I'd ask -- what printers do you use? What's your favorite? What's your least favorite?

I love your drone idea! We swarm them, they can't stop all the rats! :) And a properly-designed bird, when shot out of the sky, would turn into many rodents which start scurrying away as soon as they hit. Or perhaps even multiple birds, and depending on the damage, some of those "lesser birds" would turn into rodents.

This is fun. Throw some nanotechnology into the mix and it's unstoppable!

21191792? ago

Prusa, you build em yourself and can print its own upgrades.

adafruit website has gps for 30bux, all manner of suitable boards from the Pi down to the arduino breakouts, all the needed sensors and stuff. The Vocore is also really badass ($20 linux computer about the size of a quarter,lots of i/o pins).

Anything adafruit doesnt have, digikey website will.

I'm thinking boats (fully submersible (a few feet) ) maybe 1-2 feet in length, launchable from a beach with pre-programmed coords and able to do dead reckoning once gps signal cant be used/trusted. Autonomously, is the hard part, theres no way to radio control this directly, even reporting data would need to be encrypted and shipped away in on-the-sly low energy bursts over enormous distances.

I cant send a probe to the moon from my garage, but I'll be damned if I cant reach the poles with a bot.

21192963? ago


One idea I have had, to "test the globe", is to do exactly as you mentioned, "dead reckoning" -- have boats start at various latitudes, particularly equator, and above and below (perhaps, more data points in the south!), figure out which direction is "east" and then travel in exactly that direction, using cameras in all directions to ensure that the craft stays as "on course" as possible (there'll be squalls, white and other colors :) ), so that it's not "compass-dependent".

Pretty sure that experiment will demonstrate that the azimuthal equidistant projection map is the correct one.

In other words -- every boat will end up at the Antarctica ice wall, rather than "circumnavigating".

The software processing the video from the cameras will need to be savvy though -- at times, it'll be cloudy; and, it'll need to navigate via stars, like in olden days.

Really loving that this is coming to fruition though!

21191189? ago

Nice. I'm just getting into Arduino development, myself. Current project, to have lights automatically turn on as I'm walking around the house.

I've got a bunch of those LED sensor lights, and they work pretty well -- except I have to keep recharging the batteries. Having something wired in makes sense -- or even, something connected to a larger battery, like a car battery (since Arduino is 12v), and then add a low-power detection feature to it so it can alert me.

I really enjoyed reading "My Ivory Cellar", about the guy who pioneered stop-motion photography.

In fact, just this afternoon I set up a camera pointed at dozens of sunflowers that I started from seed this morning, set to take a picture every 30 seconds. I love synchronicity! :) I started a few sunflowers less than a week ago and they are growing really quickly, so my first stop-motion film should be ready in a week or so!

21186238? ago

Ok but all the mathematics that are used to circumnavigate from digital to analog all use the model of Earth as a sphere. If the Earth is a flat plane and you imagine a sphere, or conversely if you went out on a boat and tried to prove the Earth is flat, you get very lost.

21186299? ago

Navigators in the southern regions would get lost when calculating from a globe. Flat maps helped them keep course. It's amazing what you (I) learn after digging in, rather than relying on the lies I've been told while growing up!

21188861? ago

the map is written on flat paper, but where you are on the map at any point in time is learned by using a sextant to measure the earths rotation relative to the sun moon and stars.

21184785? ago

I've recently come to be convinced that just as WE are unable to fall for the lies, the others are unable to ever see the truth. It is the rare individual who is actually willing to give evidence a chance that could change their mind.

I've begun to liken it to atoms vs. dark matter - can there ever be more awake people than there are atoms in the universe?

21185199? ago

Bro... atoms aren't what you think they are. Electrons don't exist. Dark matter and black holes also don't exist.

21185450? ago

Right. Like the zombies.

21184592? ago

It seems that way to us, but think, we were ALL asleep at one point or another.

TRUTH always prevails...all they need is a SPARK. A little wedge to crack that mind open....

21184447? ago

I do not have any upvoats yet this morning or I would give u one. Excellent biblical analogy. Spiritually awake we see clearly their wicked ways, the spin of the truth, the word spell soup broth spinning in their cauldron of deceit. Watching just family movies at home now, I see the truths in plain site. Seeing the massive, blatant double standard of justice & ethics for a specific group, particularly dem leaders, seeing those glitches in the matrix at FF events, 9/11, they shut down any questioning of their narrative news spells, repeating the lies over & over. Evidence disappearing, original 302 is gone for Flynn, blackberries hammered, 33,000 emails deleted(told all NORMAL) site camera videos not working>fuzzy, grainy ones displayed for plausible deniability. Playing an on scene video that didn't fit the plan, then never airing it again. When your human brain is screaming that something you are seeing makes ZERO sense, & the NEWS go full monty telling you NOT to believe what you saw or heard. 100% awake & waiting for the boomerang of EQUAL justice & full exposure of the truth to the WALKING DEAD.

21203140? ago

Amen to that. I just can't watch any of the movies anymore. Even watching older movies I can see all the little programming moments where they are telling us how to think or feel. Even the Christian ones are concerning, as these are Hollywood productions, so It's not Christianity on the screen, it's Plato's shadow analogy of Christianity. I'm having such a hard time now because it's so hard to tell good people they've been had. Think about all the favorite shows around the Holidays. Watch them and you see the symbolism, hear the fraud and negative programming, then see those little kids and wonder if they're ok. This is tough.

21212047? ago

True anon. Every movie I watch with children, or child music, TV, & even Disney stars, I wonder what they lived through to get to that point.

21187784? ago

Lying press (German: Lügenpresse, lit. 'press of lies')

"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived" - President JFK

21185551? ago

word spell soup broth spinning in their cauldron of deceit

Well-said. Everything they say has double meaning.

21184823? ago

I'm right with you

21184792? ago

This is a quality post, just make a few of them on theawakening, GA or even politics and news - if they're all this quality you'll have your ccp covered in no time.

21184601? ago

I appreciate it, thank you Patriot!

21184374? ago

Or it's that the NEWS IS 100% FAKE.

And Trump and Q are lying to us using the media to force discredit itself. Justice has already been served, now we're just sucking the dick of this shitshow.

21184609? ago

Why stop an enemy from destroying himself?

The art of war...

21184353? ago

and we are on the internet , inter meaning into the and net which is another item found in the sea , we are being lured into the net of satan perhaps . seriously dude lay off the meds and spiritual middle eastern mythology

21184352? ago

The real story is much shorter. John Podesta invented the term and told mainstream media to start spreading it, as predictive programming, when Pizzagate awareness was first picking up. He was probably concerned that damning evidence could drop at any moment, and he wanted to have a discrediting tool, the concept of fake news, ready to go. He didn't count on Trump picking up the term and using it against the mainstream media itself, judo style. Coining the term might be one of his greatest regrets.

21185391? ago

Thank you for a sensible response.

I also just wanted to say that news is not an acronym for “North, East, South, West.” That’s absurd! It is clearly derived from new as in “new events.”

21193383? ago

No, it is NOT so clear. There are double meanings everywhere. And with the number of meanings associated with news & media, I'm of a mind to go with the acronym over your claim. But your claim also has some merit, it's just that there are usually 2 or more meanings for nearly everything. This is a spiritual war going on.

21193665? ago

What if I said it stood for Never Eat Weasel Shit. It’s just as valid as claiming that it stands for North East West South.

21194479? ago

And for you, it just might. That isn't my problem if you need to be warned not to never eat weasel shit, though.

21189386? ago

It is clearly derived from new as in “new events.”

Please explain how what you're claiming is clearly factual. Do you have a source to confirm?

21193681? ago

The Burden of proof is on the one who made the claim. In other words, since the obvious etymology and the one in the dictionary is from the word “new,” whoever is saying that it stands for North East West South should back you that claim with some kind of evidence.

Every dictionary I’ve consulted says that it stems from the word “New.”

21186564? ago

Double Meanings Exist.


21185028? ago

I remember Obama saying it, and even giving a list of fake news websites. Was that before or after Podesta? I don't know.

21185434? ago

I clearly remember that it was a way for the left to attack the right and to slander certain outlets as conspiracy theories, and to set themselves up as gatekeepers and arbiters or the real, serious news.

By popularizing the phrase Fake News, they did the hard work for Trump, he just picked it up and ran with it once it was out there in the public consciousness. They basically handed trump ammunition. Big mistake.

21203153? ago

And don't forget Hitlery's "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"

Now that was special

21189670? ago

It was created the day after we discovered the pizza-code in the podesta emails.

"fake news" usage correlates with usage of the term "pizzagate"

21184812? ago

I think you're missing the point of this post.

It's not the name "fake news" it's the news itself. Another of their manipulations to control us pushed onto our faces that we just never saw

21185452? ago

Patriots were calling the msm fake news long before they hijacked and inverted the term.

21189647? ago

George Lincoln Rockwell was talking about "managed news" in the 60s

21189270? ago

Hell our parents told us the news was fake DECADES ago.

21189353? ago

I remember hearing the National Enquirer called fake news back in the '70s.

21185813? ago

Actually, before the term "fake News" was coined, I called it bullshit news, spewed from the mouths of assholes.

21184351? ago

Sensational. Thank you Sir. <

Will include in my next work.

That is going straight to the Pool Room.

'o-o' <




21184642? ago

Thank you NMBRFG

Pool room, Camp David... ;)

Corona offline, inverted middle fire (pyramid), 13 head, C before D, watch the water, would you like to play a game?

Peace and love, patriot!