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21182450? ago

I'm gonna lay this out for everybody, because it is important.

The "Jews" likely the OG jews were obsessed with stealing every type of sorcery, magic, etc they could find. Good OR Evil. Also all the origin stories, names of gods, types of worship, etc. Think of how the Nazis obsession with artifacts was presented in the first Indiana Jones movie. Welp, eventually they got some evil they could not fight, the story goes "imported from arabia" or something like that, and it took a percentage of them over. This split the OG "Jews" into a few differnt eh, tribes as it were. The newly evil jews realized they were were nothing without thier former numbers, and went and recruited gypsies, criminals, slaves, anyone they could lure to the darkside to become the "Jews" of history who got kicked out of countries for killing children. Whole books of history had to be re-written in the torah to keep up the chirade, origin stories stolen to make heroes where there were none.

But heres the thing, the rest of the "Jews" got away with many powerful books, many ways of magic, some went into hiding, some went off and started other great things, some stayed right there, watching the evil ones. Through history until now, we end up with 10 factions of jews down to 4. And thats who you see fighting now. Good jews vs. bad jews vs team i dont give a shit jews,

What took so fucking long? Well, the "good" jews had to figure out how to work the evil jew magic in a good way. Trial and error, this ends up impossible. Finally they realize that its simply a system of power. It does not have to be good or evil, its just that a mighty evil infected the bad ones. So right now, we have good jews using the very same power as the bad ones, only without the whole sacrafice thing. How much saturnian power do you think there is? Theres a limit, and the most efficient way to tap is is not through the middleman bahomet.

Neat eh?

21187590? ago

Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? The masoic square derives from Sakander or Alexander the Great, from his campaigns to the margins of the Hindus.