21171531? ago

The message is clear. Never give up fighting until the enemy of the Republic is defeated.

There aren't any mamby pamby snowflake slaughter rules that say this is good enough.

Annihilate the ENEMY or the enemy will continue to raise it's ugly evil head.

21171241? ago

Code of conduct is sjw faggot shit. This is not the military.

We have American values. If you don't know what your values are and need this faggot shit, you're useless.

Be American. Love America. Support the American way of life.

If you need more than this, you're a hopeless faggot.

21170236? ago

Joe M just surrendered.

21170260? ago

Ha Ha! Surrender? I doubt that very much.

We are just getting started. <

POTUS is sending us messages.

Did you see this? >

POTUS RALLY SPEECH > "Delegitemetize" said very deliberately. GEMATRIA Decode = ?


Now try and tell me I am wrong. I'll wait. <

21169404? ago

You're not in a war. You're a bunch of boomers ranting and raving about chan LARPS and society evolving.

21169882? ago

Devolving. Faggot. You obviously never achieved anything worthwhile. All those participation trophies mean fuckall. Only larp tis joo. Now self deficate somewhere else.

21169500? ago

Information Warfare > Cyber Warfare > Psychic Warfare > Spiritual Warfare. WARFARE. <

21169517? ago


21169535? ago

While trolly, he makes an amusing point.

He's wrong of course, although I'm certain 'our worst' are easy examples.

Even Mr Troll, knows we aren't all the same.

Still, the COC is a fine code for anyone with enemies and peers under duress.