21170147? ago

What about all the chemical weapons Assad used?....wink, wink

21167623? ago

Assad's Syria is accepting to Christian's an other religions. More so than any other Mid Eastern country. This is why I never believed the CIA MSM version they tried to sell. AND he respects our President.

21167030? ago

I agree with a Politico article....I feel unclean!

21166993? ago

Assad was never the enemy. He did what he had to do to not end up like Quaddafi. The DS was trying to overthrow Syria as they have so many other countries. ISIS fell when the CIA money dried up. Trump then delivered the death blow.

21167639? ago

Assad said no to the Turkey-Qatar pipeline, keeping middle east oil out of Europe. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, United States, and Jordan all wanted it. Suddenly Assad becomes a "butcher" just like Saddam Hussein, and decides to gas his own people like a retard.

21166328? ago

And, in contrast to the respect Assad displayed toward President Trump, Assad refers to Obama and others as "criminals" who received the Nobel Peace Prize while fostering conflict.

“All American presidents commit crimes and end up taking the Nobel Prize and appear as a defender of human rights and the ‘unique’ and ‘brilliant’ American or Western principles,” he continued, “but all they are is a group of criminals who only represent the interests of the American lobbies of large corporations in weapons, oil and others.”


21168001? ago

if you get a chance to listen to any older interviews with Assad, he's impressive. don't forget he was an ophthalmologist living in London with his wife - she is top shelf too and more western than most women stateside, and three kids. his brother was supposed to be the one who followed in daddy's footsteps. Assad bridges two worlds. was celebrated by the MSM until he had the balls to step up to the neocons and say no to running a pipeline through his country.

21166441? ago

Now THIS is how you go from trolling the left to an all-out Orange Blitzkrieg of REEEE

21166223? ago

Read the whole transcript. He has plenty to say about the US and Israel. It is pretty tame considering we are illegally occupying his country to get the terrorists we funded.

21165898? ago

This is not surprising at all. Assad may be an opponent to Trump in a conflict, but he appreciates knowing just where he stands with Trump.

21165294? ago

21165282? ago

This comment will obviously be twisted and used to smear potus by the demons.

21168329? ago

Very true

21168164? ago

Yes, but... that worked for awhile in the past, but a citizenry that knows they've been chronically lied to is going to identity with Assad and agree that even if you don't like somebody/something, it is better to deal with truthful expressions of hatred than with false but beguiling façades. So I am saying that the smears are rapidly losing their old effectiveness; they've reached the expiration date and are weakened. More people are poised to turn on the lying media and I really don't want to be out on the streets when that happens. I want to look down from my tower and laugh at the squawking mockingbirds.

21165042? ago

yet people wanted to support islamists against Assad? Masonic Jesters. Red Ice Radio: Sandy Frost 24MAY2009 Part 2 https://voat.co/v/8chan/3494152