21170778? ago

what actually is a terrible law, is that a jew can not move to israel if he believes jesus is the messiah. that is persecution of christins on a high level. an jewish atheist, no problem...but someone who belives the whole torah and in the messianic jesus, can not move there. its a travesty.

21170766? ago

gay marriage is not illegal in israel, but the state dont marry gays, so you have to do it abroad.

21169075? ago

Gay marriage should be banned everywhere! Gayhomodogs do not need to get married. Two gay fagdogs cannot form a family!

21168951? ago

"Is okay tho because it's against their religion. Christians are just intolerant bigots, it's different."

21167395? ago

Morality fags

21166984? ago

Israel is a bastion of hypocricy.

21166179? ago

Gays can't get married and they protect their border and are an ethnostate and no one can question them for ANYTHING for all of time. Hahaha the absurdity of it all never ceases to amaze.

21165635? ago

For fucks sake, can't the Nazifaggots get their own board?

We're saving the world from child-raping human traffickers and you Nazifaggots are crying about gay marriage.

21165687? ago

21165308? ago

oh that ziotard knows. He's out to destroy the white race.

21165678? ago

not sure if there is one White race but I hear a mere 300 once stood against many, many armies upon army

21165162? ago

Israel made anti-miscegenation great again.

21164901? ago

I hear they have a border wall too. The people must be demanding it be taken down.

21164954? ago

You'd think so. They're against concentration camps and all ...

21164900? ago

Israel is right about gay marriage

21168159? ago

gay marriage

flat earth

two ways to say the same thing

21170655? ago


21168146? ago

Isreal isn't that bad after all.

21171080? ago

Some of them have sweet dance moves too. If you ever get to witness the spectacle of dancing Israelis, you will never forget it. No matter what else is going on that day, nothing can top the memory of the dancing Israelis.

21165647? ago

Greatest Ally, involved in human smuggling, porn industry, predator loans, sells US tech to anyone for a price? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3496523 DjenkoUnchained?

21164321? ago

You're not allowed to marry a non-jew either.

21165665? ago

Retarded Breaking Bad Fanatic? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3496343/21165470 Can you imagine if one of your people was poisoned by this piece of garbage, and then you read about this after the fact?

21164096? ago

So what? I don't live there. I couldn't give a shit.

21165320? ago

All Americans should care because we pay for israel with billions each year. We own the rats.

21164703? ago

If you pass enough 'Jewish' tests you can get free trips home, maybe you should move back home to Tel Aviv-Yafo? You do so much shilling for them here, they collect so much aid from America, lived in Israel past 5 years, did all your bloodline DNA tests, studied their shit religion, keep applying for permanent residency, paid the zio gov lots of money to get settled down in Israel, studied a dumb cough hacking mumble language knows basic hebrew and have they still refused to stamp your papers? In 1970, the right of entry and settlement was extended to people with one Jewish grandparent and a person who is married to a Jew, whether or not he or she is considered Jewish under Orthodox interpretations of Halakha. With the exception of any Jew who converts to another religion. They will ask you at immigration if you subscribe to any religion other than Zio kike Judaism.

21164316? ago

Kirk's two biggest agendas for the Conservative party are Israel and LGBT acceptance.

The fact that Israel doesn't permit gay marriage presents a quandary much like "Islam is right about women." It's a checkmate that exposes hypocrisy.

21187996? ago

Is Kirk gay?

21164646? ago

Thanks for this. I have no fucking idea who Charlie Kirk is, nor why I would care. But interesting to see the hypocrisy.

21164276? ago

Dual citizens pushing perverted agendas or praying to pervert prophets....Open Borders for Saudi and Israel

21163907? ago

https://tweetsave.com/petersweden7/status/1190059298090618881 :

PeterSweden on Twitter: "Did you know that gay marriage is illegal in Israel?

Someone might want to inform Charlie Kirk."

This has been an automated message.