21185052? ago

Beto never had a chance in hell. Anyone stupid enough to tell this country they intend to take their guns by force if necessary is not in it to win. He either really believed the country was far enough down the toilet he could sell it, or the more likely scenario, he was put up as the extreme to get people to accept a watered down version of the same shit.

21175032? ago

He can't even stand up to the evil witches on The View without apologizing for being white. How is he ever going to run the country. What an imbecile.

21175012? ago

Born to lose - go home to mommy.

21170913? ago

Beto comes up in these results from the Rally > POTUS messaging.

POTUS RALLY SPEECH > "Delegitemetize" said very deliberately. GEMATRIA Decode = ?


Thanks. <

21170122? ago

Save your bullets for his firing squad.

21169922? ago

Now its a raçe to the bottom to see who can last longest or who is preordained to become nominee.

21169665? ago


21169462? ago

Oh, but you were doing so well....

21169368? ago

Aw, so sad.....NOT

21168906? ago

Good riddance of this shit eater. Now let's pay attention on whom is the deep state going to appoint to take over this shitter's place

21168522? ago

Shame. Employee of the Month for every gun store in the country.

21168408? ago

He got bitch-slapped right on outta heyah!! Vamoose, varmint!!

21168404? ago

Texan here. I wanted him to stay in the race. Now he'll run for U.S. Senator in Texas against RINO John Cornyn and could well win that race.

21168092? ago

this is really significant: the MSM did a full court press to push their fabricated version of him to win voters by the power of suggestion... it FAILED. MSM is measurably losing power by the day.

21167914? ago

1 real american woman stood up and he quits. What happens when we all stand up?

21167841? ago

This guy thinks he's Presidential material.

Fucking lunatic.

21167788? ago

i shit you not.... beto smells like those diapers that have 'pleasing scents' & are soiled...

21167648? ago

I want my money back Beto!

21167617? ago

He’s said to himself: “hey, since there’s going to be no arrests and shit, I don’t really need to run anymore!”

21167370? ago

"Poor Bastard" "Disgusting Person"

21167079? ago

Well don't forget Q24 Looks like we've got another Trump puppet. Will be interesting to see what he says/does leading up to 2020. https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/#24

21166978? ago

Initially read this as Bye-Bye GTFO...frankly, I see no difference

21166432? ago

I am personally SHOCKED! I thought he had real staying power.

Nah he a bitch!

21166383? ago

i am literally ashamed he is irish

21166371? ago

snow-flake melts after confronted with TRUTH

21166237? ago

Bill Kristol was just opining that Beto should be THE candidate

21166124? ago

Good riddance cunt.

21165778? ago

as if he actually stood a chance in hell !! LOL

21165625? ago

Bah-bye. Get off the plane. Bah-bye.

21165471? ago

Liquidate all his ill gotten wealth, satanic psychopaths should not have this much money. Return it to the people.

21165448? ago

Too bad Daddy didn't withdraw and prevent this scourge.

21165279? ago

If you up-vote this, you have a bigger dick than Beto.

21165235? ago

Bye Felicia!

21165209? ago

I wonder if anyone thought that this weird fuck would make a dent in the campaign? He's withdrawing because the few supporters he had suddenly listened to his idiotic platform. He is like that splat of bird shit on your windshield when you're out of windshield washer fluid. Once you get home or to a gas station, it's easily washed away.

21166229? ago

He quit because a single trump supporter confronted him and he about shit his depends

He’s a cunt cuck that did shit like this



21165131? ago

I still want to see this commie try and come door to door and take AR-15'S lol

21164866? ago

full on faggot

21164819? ago

Beto: I will take those guns by force if necessary as no citizen should be owning these "weapons of war"

1 month later

Beto: My service to this country will not be in the form of campaigning for president

Weird how that works.

21166144? ago

Politicians and Hookers you can trust what both say equally

21185081? ago

I've always said there are three kinds of people you can expect to try to play you; politicians, whores, and junkies. There is a lot over-lap in the three categories.

21169678? ago

Are you serious?!! Hookers are waaaay more honest than Politicians. You are comparing apples and oranges fren.

At least with a hooker, there is no doubt she is fucking you for money, unlike Politicians who seek to hide that fact.

Have a great day! .. <

21166339? ago

hookers are far more honest & less diseased

21169427? ago


21164818? ago

The Friday date fag got lucky... something actually happened.

21164808? ago

This idiot never had a chance lol.

21164797? ago

Beta used campaign money for his own business

Unethical behavior? Illegal behavior?

21164690? ago

When Soy Boy found out Americans wouldn't give up our guns.

He shit his pants and gave up.

21164670? ago

bye bye Bob!

21164611? ago

Damn, and I was so ready to give up my guns. <rolling eyes>

21164412? ago

Beto O'No.

21164286? ago

Next Butt - edge - edge !

21165421? ago

Pete Bootiesex.

21164284? ago

I am very glad to see this gun grabbing commie isn't going to be the President.

I am however grateful to him for bringing the truth out in the open. The Democrats can never again claim they are not trying to take our weapons. They admitted it, very candidly. That will haunt them for a generation.

21164256? ago

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Good riddance.

Yet more reason for Cankles to get in. I think she's chicken though.

21164044? ago

I was looking forward to the confiscation.

21164003? ago

Just heard it announced on the news.

21163965? ago

I'm trying to think of a more beta-male, uninspiring candidate............................

21163930? ago




21163791? ago

F A G G O T gone!

21163760? ago

I say we perform a 21-gun salute with our AR15s to pay homage to this fallen patriot. And I mean fallen in the sense that Lucifer is a fallen angel.

21166136? ago

Meet me at Dicks Sporting Goods I need to buy one.

21166327? ago

dicks is now called twats....

21166292? ago

You're too late. They already laundered them to antifa members while claiming they melted them.

21169899? ago

Nah selling to the Cartel is more profitable, they may pay you with drugs, drugs you can sell to the rich middle class antifa kiddies at inflated prices. Then you can profit a second time if you have stock in any "rehabilitation" scam that libshit cities pull, ambulances, hospital stays, non profit for homeless/drug addicts to launder money.

21163971? ago

HELL YA, we're gonna have a 21 gun salute with our AR-15s!!

21169867? ago

21 guns giving 21 salute shots in half a second with your big scary high capacity clips.

21163746? ago

WOOHOO!!!!! I heard Kamel-toe is on her last legs too.

21165553? ago

You mean on her heels!

21163719? ago

Fuck that puto

21166154? ago

Kayate cabrone

21166362? ago

Robert, is that you?! Confiscate twice for yes you fucking mick...

21163675? ago

Reading between the lines, he'd be saying "the fund raising has run dry and I am out"

21163810? ago

He still has it, didn't spend shit skateboarding around in TX.

21163649? ago

This lemming can go jump off a cliff for all I care...

21163641? ago

Created a lot of Trump voters.

21164407? ago

Yep, he stupidly made gun confiscation a Democrat issue which will move a lot of Democrat gun owners (yes there are millions of them) away from any Dem candidate who doesn't oppose it.

21169906? ago

Yes and the Dems know this so now that he "droped out" (to no trop from sucide) those dems may come back.

21163607? ago


21170947? ago

Beto - pull out, cum on his back

21166349? ago


21170096? ago

And a user!

21163606? ago

https://tweetsave.com/betoorourke/status/1190380118511902720 :

Beto O'Rourke on Twitter: "Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively.

In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee. /8jrBPGuX4t"

This has been an automated message.