21169561? ago

I have been thinking of the California blackouts, I have a well, it runs off electricity. No electricity,no water. I do know where three natural springs are though, one within walking distance.

Wonder if municipal water runs off electricity? Anyone in California,,,,,,do you have running water during blackout?

21168738? ago

I can say that working in the farming community in California, legislators and county supervisors have been working diligently to blame rural farmers for poisoning the water supply with chemicals like glyphosate, etc. when in reality you can drive down most roads in the late spring and see the county government workers spraying the roadside properties with glyphosate themselves. I can definitely see this scenario playing out in California.

21168400? ago

I said this today. all they have to do is drop some liquid fent in and we are all fucked.

21166657? ago

Where I live (tropics) sucks, but rainwater is excessively plentiful, and heating living spaces is not needed. Rain catchment and sufficient storage is a good thing.

21166585? ago

Multi-purpose water cleaners: chlorine dioxide and the kind of pool shock that is made from Calcium hypochlorite - which turns into hypochlorous acid (totally biocompatible). Neither are "bleach", contrary to all Deep State sources.

21165883? ago

I don't think urban people are that stupid to blame rural well owners for poisoning a water supply, its just irrational.

21168794? ago

Nobody ever lost money underestimating the stupidity of man.

21165850? ago

Assume that every jewish owned/operated business is a cookbook.

Do business with or patronize theirs at your peril.

21165840? ago

With electricity, you can create water from air. Condensers (like in an air conditioner) can create frost in the driest desert high altitude air. Properly modify the condenser and the frost will melt and accumulate as water in a reservoir over time.

21168545? ago

thanks. but then you'd have to create your own fuel.

21169243? ago

Steam engine to turbine. Runs on any fuel. For instance, I own many acres of forested land. Bonus: +2 steam production per steam engine. Heat yer house. Steam yer kids.

21171739? ago

the turbine os overly complex. it would need to be made of titanium to last. generators are just exotic means of power production.

I guess we would have to rely on chemical reactions.

21172613? ago

Sorry, turbine wrong word. Steam engine creates rotational energy. Gear up, spin an alternator. No titanium needed.

Though I guess you’d need water to run your steam engine to run your condenser to get water......

21174725? ago

yeah....now how do your get that steam to spin something...oh yes a turbine...

21165798? ago

Buy a distiller.

Or make one from a woodburning fireplace if you're concerned about SHTF.

Your body is meant to drink pure water. Inorganic minerals found in tap and spring water are not only useless to your body (they must be bound with carbon by a plant first), they're harmful. Consider how many diseases and conditions are caused by accumulation of inorganic calcium. Consider what is the most plentiful inorganic mineral found in water.

The emotional reaction many of you will have to my advice is programming (and the output of the program is NOT to your benefit)!

21165736? ago

I wouldn't assume an EXACT analogy with the Holodomor. That could blind you to the actual plan.

21165428? ago

Remember the helicopter night time raids in LA and personnel carrying out .... something? Supposedly Iran had/has a biological weapon for water distrubition and the C_A is involved with it. Tied to an Ecuadorian gov. House.

21165463? ago

Do you have sauce?

21165639? ago

I have seen this. I was more referring to the water distribution claim. Anything on that?

21169928? ago

Havent seen anythimg.


21165217? ago

"Watch the water" is Q lingo. Doomsday scenarios aren't Q lingo. Stop conflating the two.

If the US faced imminent starvation, Q and Trump wouldn't have taken a long drawn out plan to save our lives and our wealth. They would have just saved lives and let our wealth be destroyed with a shortcut.

We're watching a movie and nothing mentioned by the OP has anything to do with the movie. Trump and Q are in control of the world now, it's a done deal and nothing can stop it.

21165769? ago

And POTUS has said cristal clear water on more than one occasion.

21165135? ago

Water control is definitely part of the overall plan, another chapter of the frog in hot water, slowly but surely infecting the planet, turning people against each other in any way possible.

21164889? ago

I've always said that they won't send politicians to confiscate guns, they'll pit neighbor against neighbor to do it.

21164506? ago

Slow, but LDR?

21164879? ago

Lynn (Forester) de Rothschild

21163707? ago

Water contamination is the likely scenario for sure.

21163701? ago

Never too soon to have this in place. Having enough to share is even better ..


21163632? ago

Combined with weather warfare. Look at the freak below zero weather happening in the midwest prior to harvest right now.

21163577? ago

I have an artesian well. I would think it impossible to pollute all the groundwater in rural areas without killing off life above ground in the process.

21163842? ago

That is where turning urban against rural comes in

21164919? ago

Urban peeps hold their gun on the side and almost upside down...they have no chance.

21164008? ago

And that could only occur after gun confiscation, otherwise urban probably wouldn't have a prayer with pistols against long rifles and 00 Buck firing shotguns in a rural setting.

21163386? ago

If they release Carfentanil into the water it'll destroy all municipal water supplies. The pipes can never be used again.

I found it odd that these "concentration camps" being built in America were often associated with the local water districts.

Maybe the idea is to get people to turn themselves and their families over to the camps to be divided and have their weapons confiscated.

The Holodomor lasted for a couple years. Who realistically has enough water for themselves and their family that will preserve them for two years? Stockpile all the weapond you want but you can't outwit their plan.

21163357? ago

Best go buy a rain barrel.

21165449? ago

2 teaspoons of chlorine per gallon of water. Leave in sunlight for 24 hours to disapate. Filter through cotten and activated charcol. Works in a pinch.

21165054? ago

Can you recommend a reliable whole house reverse osmosis water filtration system?

21165857? ago

No, because reverse osmosis fails to remove everything that is harmful from water. You should be distilling your water.

21165888? ago

Okay, I'll look into it more. Thanks.

21168427? ago

lmfao don't blow yourself up. this isn't for the inexperienced at all.

21166626? ago

15% Lugols Iodine will clean water in 24 hours, you don't need much at all, it's very useful on the move.

21167501? ago


21164301? ago

New Eyes seen a big bang in the Ocean? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3496236 Kennedy checking it out. Prince Ed, Marion Island...Vela Hotel satellite 22 Sept. Dutch S.Africa Order of Freemasons under Grand Orient of Netherlands gave Israel Nuke Weapon, Luciferian Satanic secret of the Order? Vela