21190591? ago

We're all anal-ists. The Feds have had their collective dick in collective our ass since 1913 and before.

21170956? ago


21170628? ago

Buhaha you sexual degenerate.

21170589? ago

I'm a boob guy, please refer to me as nipple lover.

21168263? ago

Only jews are allowed to make these types of claims. whites are supposed to turn over their guns they can't defend themselves from the nigger zombie hoard.

21167330? ago

Ellen Degenerates

21167329? ago


21167084? ago

You're a MAGASexual

21166842? ago

My pronouns are, heil Hitler.

Not letting me gas my enemies is oppressive.

Natsocs are the most oppressed minority on Earth.

Y'all are promoting white supremacy by not letting us have pride in our ancient culture or letting us celebrate our holidays openly in public like kristolnacht and the night of the long knives when we set our people free from cold hearted foreign oppressors who were also pedovores.

21166511? ago

OMG, I'm so turned on by that!

21166285? ago

Sorry, but you need to be re-educated.

21166183? ago

Me also!!!!

21165907? ago

That is called a "Constitutional Literalist with deep Christian leanings".

21165856? ago

Brennan is twitching

21165256? ago


21165224? ago

My sexual orientation is for all jews and niggers to be expelled from America.

21165081? ago

Me too.

21164942? ago

so your attracted to a mixed japanese and iclandic girl?

21164846? ago


21164569? ago

Their self given out is if you are White any position you have is null and void if not anti-White.

21164500? ago

They have a pronoun for that, its called a Patriot.

21164203? ago

Yeah. Does that mean you can shit in any bathroom of choice?

21164278? ago

like the bear

21164189? ago

What should we call you? Sovereign-Nation sexual?


21164053? ago


21163885? ago

So I suppose you have served in the military and are running for election, going door to door campaigning to make this country a better place?

That freedom shit ain't free.

21169663? ago

And it ain't cheap. <

21163827? ago

Yea #MeToo

21163785? ago

Sadly society will never accept us with such outlandish persuasions

21163734? ago

what's our acronym?

21164271? ago


21163672? ago

Oy vey you antisemite!

21163614? ago

So you're saying you're a kike who wants to fuck it all up?

21163597? ago

What are you wearing right now?

21163823? ago

Hugo Boss.

21164515? ago

Didn't they used to make the nazi uniforms?

21167274? ago

Fun fact Hugo Boss also designed NJ State Trooper uniforms. (It's the same uniform, just blue)

21174747? ago

The more you know... so many golden triangles on their uniforms too!

21163538? ago

The electric chair and noose are your Viagra

21163497? ago

My preferred pronoun is wethepeople and my detested pronoun pronoun is themtheevilcommies

21163718? ago

gonna use this one!

21164066? ago

Also, I identify as lifelibertyandthepursuitofhappiness 🤩

21164255? ago

i identify as john cale's song 4-33!

you must sit there for 4 minutes and 33 seconds of silence, in order to have said my name properly!

21163417? ago

male or female?

21163394? ago

You too...😳

21163348? ago

May the force be with you!

21163326? ago

I am a MAN and I am attracted to WOMEN.

21171184? ago

In the clown world you have to be extra clear so the degenerats cant twist your words.

I am XY and I am attracted to XX.

21169491? ago

I have a rather freaky fetish too.

I'm hoping to one day have a long term monogamous relationship with a woman who has never had 2 dicks in her at once.

I know, I know, I'm an old-fashioned freak with my oppressive values. Please don't call vice on me.

21166122? ago

That's some seriously homophobic shit, dog.

21164616? ago

How weird is that.

21164560? ago

you brought this on yourself:


21163270? ago

Are you a Polish-sexual?

21165330? ago

The diseased Negroid fucked 200 to 400, nigger lost count, Mol's trial was suspended due to his severe illness. He died from HIV-related complications on 10 October 2008. There is a 4chan meme Playmobil-jaw coalburner Magda Pegowskaback ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3495727/21160551 single mothers club photo shoot

21163255? ago

I will remember that one.

21169516? ago

as hilarious as that is, I dont think thats quite how it went down.

21163216? ago

restructure society to suit my desire for a sovereign nation free of degeneracy

What that society would like...


21163065? ago

You're not alone. I've seen many other people posting about getting "Freedom boners".

21169474? ago

I too, have been getting freedom boners.

We try to be strong anons, but sometimes the feelz get the better of you.

21164869? ago

I can't lie. Even Hillary Clinton could give me a raging hard on...

If she was hanging from the end of a noose.

21168826? ago

That is a sex appeal that wouldn't quit.

21165791? ago

I would like to see her dance

at the end of a rope

21165916? ago

Toes just touching the ground...

21166923? ago

Like a final tap dancing act

21166964? ago

I'd like to see her have another one of those seizures and fall over dead live on TV. The music video for "Whole Lotta shakin Goin on" will be up on YouTube within 10 minutes I'm sure.

21169970? ago

Pay per view for those that missed it live. You could pay off the national debt. I'd watch that over and over.

21169372? ago

Loves it!!

21163547? ago

The electric chair and noose are freedom Viagra

21163461? ago

Well the system led us to this, time to refresh the tree

21164224? ago

with blood only, please