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21162718? ago

The heart transmits (electromagnetic energy, torus field)

The mind receives

21162806? ago

1 in 1000 transmit their thoughts strongly to others > telepathy.

Empathic abilities manifest themselves when tuned correctly > Feel the emotions of others as if they are your own. <

It is like turning on a light when walking into a room > Everybody notices instantly. <

21164756? ago


21168956? ago

Excellent. Me too. <

21170138? ago

Empathy can feel like a curse.. picking up on 'vibes'. Feeling others true feelings or intent, and being able to tell if they are lying or uncomfortable.

Its been very elevated the past year or so...

21170192? ago

"Feeling others true feelings or intent, and being able to tell if they are lying or uncomfortable"

I can read people like a book now. I don't have many friends anymore. <

21170430? ago
