21161079? ago

Yup I bet they all watched Hannah montana

21171604? ago

Op is right. Any female that has had sex with any male outside her ethnic group has a history of taking miles of white cock beforehand. Problem is, any female who's loose with her favors is mentally ill and it's likely the result of past childhood molestation trauma. Which is also the case for gay males.

My advice to anyone who encounters a slut is the same Ash gives the King. They see themselves as filth, treat them accordingly, excise them from your social circles and do the same to any friends who cavort with whores.

21168505? ago

I've banged some asians

21165787? ago

My wife was white my ex was korean.

21161041? ago

Their parents must be so proud!

21165218? ago

? https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3496470 Commiefornia lowers penalty for exposing people to HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, AIDs. No longer Felony - giving someone else a venereal disease is against the law in virtually the entire nation

21160551? ago

single mothers club photo shoot

21230655? ago

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21169505? ago

I see what u did there...

21165728? ago

Weimar Germany ... maybe it started with the drugs? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3496343/21164385 The most offensive thing about him is he plays Fallout 76. What a fucking cuck.

21165336? ago

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21160309? ago

Funny, the pro escorts run ads that say "No African American men, sorry." They seem to know better than most.

21165460? ago

The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating https://qz.com/149342/the-uncomfortable-racial-preferences-revealed-by-online-dating/ Unfortunately the data reveal winners and losers. All men except Asians preferred Asian women, while all except black women preferred white men. And both black men and black women got the lowest response rates for their respective genders.

21165634? ago

That sounds just about what I would expect.

21160378? ago

probably learned the hard way in their younger days and collected a pair of mud shark glasses .... http://www.niggermania.com/equality%20facts/index.htm can anyone debunk these facts

21160521? ago

Pretty stunning facts.

21159773? ago

Do women ever grow up..... https://imgoat.com/uploads/ff1de77400/23009.jpg and British? BBC? I guess i read it wrong....The BBC tried to make a sarcastic video supporting feminism. Attacking women that want to be a housewife! https://invidio.us/watch?v=UCftJ8Hf0kI

21160536? ago

As the puritans used to say, they are "somewhat between a man and a child."

21159751? ago

Jews have brainwashed these girls.

Their lives will end either in domestic violence or with a herd of nigglet beasts who will drain them into poverty.

21159808? ago

Given that there are 15,277 female students at Georgia State, - nearly one in ten girls at the college are willing to whore themselves out to make ends meet. http://thebeerbarrel.net/threads/why-are-so-many-top-tier-college-girls-turning-to-soft-prostitution.44135/

21159630? ago

Stop giving up on the poor Western women whose minds have been colonized by Jews; without white women the white race goes extinct.

21159847? ago

and theres gonna be over a billion of them, maybe 2 Bill by the end of the century

21159713? ago

I give up on the Swedes, maybe also Frogs and Britbongs .... but as long as some still are alive and woke it should be ok. The first media confusion arrived when they started to call 'Whites' one race, a White can be anything, a White Canadian, a Portugese person, a Polish, Armenian, Danish, a Russian, a Greek, they all look different have a different history and culture, white is so different a varied even the Jew/Arab or Mongolid Russia type can pass as White, as for the race wars on the news who knows maybe look at the Bantus from Niger Congo burning trucks in S.Africa or attacking a white farmer @DinduAfricanus @14Icemonkey88 ! @itsALWAYStheBANKERS ? @goatsandbros @Splooge

21159567? ago

Media ... Of course they are faggots. Feminism? American Women Have Already Taken 10.42 Miles of Cock https://files.catbox.moe/gavdu0.jpg the media message, mix all cultures, all races, Keep watching porn. Don't Make More White Babies. Overpopulation will kill all and it's your fault America. Nationalist parties are strong in Israel and multikulti are weak, the religion of islam calling a black a pug nosed slave and a raisin head so what kind of Negroe moron would follow a religion that calls them raisin heads?

21160100? ago

Followed by Welfare to support what dindoo fucked up situation made by Dindu ...Once you go black we don't want you back @KLDB @0rion ? @DerAngriff @HiJoker and when not following their own addictions, women often follow coins, diamonds, jewels not wisdom or strength, they follow a coin just like a greedy jew worships coin ... some women are different and a unique thing, and others easily distracted like a cat distracted by a ball of wool with bright colors, they always want to fit in and climb through cash or socially see an illusion of status for example a rented 'sports car' or some cheap watch or necklace that looks expensive, there are 'players' out to who take advantage of women because they are easily fooled.

21161228? ago

Schizophrenia....clearly one hell of a drug.

21165196? ago

California lowers penalty for exposing people to HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, AIDs. No longer Felony - giving someone else a venereal disease is against the law in virtually the entire nation

21160221? ago

Coins diamonds jewels are all treasures of the powerful and the strong. If your coffers are empty you have not been taking your opportunities. Strength is power to the brave willing to use it. Go breed an ugly poor wife... or become strong and powerful and have your pick...

21160428? ago

If you have not seen then You'll see an learn the hard way, you might take your winnings but can also watch Bureaucracy the Legal judiciary claim all, take all your hard work, even try take the pet dog.

21159522? ago

Poor walking Daddy Issues. When cutting isn't enough, the ugly and dumb ones chose to be beaten up by black dudes. We should take up a collection for free hangers to save these disgusting things the trouble of going to the clinic.

21160484? ago

https://voat.co/v/NiggersAnonymous/3495801/21160408 At least the mudsharks broadcast it so men know to stay away from the disease ridden whores.

21159495? ago

I guess the yellow or hapa might win, some of the smart ones in California, Portland seem to be from the Far East....some are cold though, almost machine people.

and yet no Open Borders for Saudi and yet Jews banned Race Mixing in Israel?

Sometimes it is women not the men who destroy civilizations. Movies and tv now mindless Feminist trash .... Mudshark Madness, miscegination herpes, #TeamAbsentFathers ... already warning daughter about the Toll? Is it some crazy organized cabal? I doubt it.

Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.

So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting...cleansing of the gene pool, in a way.

most likely to have no connection to their heritage, with weak family bonds, who cannot be bothered with the very high chance of abuse and single motherhood.

21159969? ago

The American experiment has failed? @SlothyC @SerbianKebab ? @shillaccount3344 @SerialChiller