21162134? ago

President Richard Nixon was and still is the only elected US official ever to have made any attempt to get to the bottom of the JFK assassination, in 1970 Nixon brought Justice Dept. lawyer John Dean into the White House to "clean up the mess" of the Watergate burglary, of which he knew nothing.

Dean's disloyalty toward Nixon identified him as the most vile actor in the entire drama, he was to go thru the available evidence, identify the White House ppl responsible and recommend their sacking thence prosecution .. instead of doing that he hopped onto the play dumb bandwagon and left Nixon to stew in his own juices.

Had John Dean fulfilled his obligation to Richard Nixon the entire JFK assassination conspiracy which Nixon called the "Bay of Pigs," would inevitably have come tumbling down, insofar as lead Watergate burglar E Howard Hunt also took part in the assassination .. see the hatted figure in the Moorman Photograph firing on the President in company with Martin Luther & Coretta King, black Secret Serviceman Abraham Bolden and Andy Warhol.

It is likely RN was "under the gun" of his Chief of Staff HR "Bob" Haldeman, who is alleged to have in company with Watergate conspirator G Gordon Liddy, murdered Police Officer JD Tippit in Dallas at around 1:08 pm Nov. 22, 1963, in a crime that was blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald.

Despite photographs and film show LHO standing in the doorway of the TSBD when the shots were fired at President Kennedy at 12:30pm the same day, and show him still in the doorway when the Three Tramps were marched by hours later.

That the ppl at FamilyOfSecrets.com spurn the evidence that inculpates the Luther Kings more particularly that has been in the public arena on this and numerous other sites fr ten yrs, not to mention they seem to have nothing to say re Jewish culpability for the 911 attacks says controlled opposition to me.

21161574? ago

Fiona Barnett said she was raped in the back of an airplane by Nixon

as a child

21160902? ago

Bill Binney talks about Nixon being taken out by a military coup in Behold a Pale Horse.

21160458? ago

One thing is for certain, Woodward and Bernstein are complete frauds. They aren't "investigative journalists", they were handed the Watergate stuff on a plate. Like every other prominent MSM journalist, they're just playing the part. They've totally blown their cover since Trump became President. Trump has a knack for getting people reveal themselves and ruin their reputations. The best is yet to come.

21164260? ago

You make a great point but where does Bernstein's expose of Operation Mockingbird in the late 1970s fit in. Was it a limited hangout, misinformation or something else?

21167698? ago

Telling 99 truths makes telling 1 lie much more convincing. And these limited outings make them immediate gatekeepers - "he revealed X, so must be telling the truth".

Like Alex Jones and his "Bohemian Grove" reveal - that place is literally guarded by CIA. You can't get in unless they want you to be there.

21164870? ago

A piece on Op Mockingbird might have been inevitable and greasy Bernstein got out in front of it to position himself as one of the legit ones? After he and Woodward were given Watergate I'm sure they were allowed to do some legit stuff on selected things. Even Fredo and Cooper do proper news from time to time and they're obvious propagandists. However, when the time comes to lend weight to an important agenda they'll be called upon. TDS has caused Woodward and Bernstein to crap on their legacies.

21160068? ago

I thought a dinosaur ate him.

21159946? ago

As I've watched Woodward and Bernstein lie about Trump, I realized maybe they aren't the heroes they've been built up to be..ie All the Presidents Men. I wonder if Q is Trump's way of giving the finger to them and their source, "Deep Throat", who turned out to be FBI agent Mark Felt...ala...Peter Strzok...maybe?

21159676? ago

Nixon wrote trump a letter that supposedly hangs in the oval office saying he believed he would be president one day. His medium told him.

21159506? ago

Just a reminder that the Bush family are nazis. Literally. Prescott Bush supported European fascists, including Hitler. Prescott Bush was an admitted Nazi. Hitler too spoke of a NWO for Europe. His son, Bush Sr., spoke of the NWO 200+ times while POTUS. Hitler's NWO is the EU today. Hitler's Nazi NWO, exists today.

They don't care which ideology is used. They only care that they hold the reigns of power and that we are their slaves.

21167720? ago

A lot of people here might think "well nazis were the good guys!"

Not true. The german people? Yes. The nazi leadership was ABSOLUTELY compromised though. Hitler is a rothschild puppet - nazifags today hate hearing this truth. Hitler was controlled opposition. Jews subverted the Nazi movement and took it over.

21159532? ago

No.. Bush's are Satanists and share solidarity with Satanic AshkeNazi Jews

Synagogue of Satan

Temple of Set

21159132? ago

.....or, The Illusion of Democracy: A More Accurate History of the Modern United States.

21158532? ago

My favorite comedian is named Tim Dillon. He’s got a great podcast where he regularly goes in depth on conspiracy stuff. He’s wicked smart and has on some great guests, highly recommend checking out some of his episodes. He’s obsessed with Epstein. But he regularly suggests this book to people and it’s about time I read it.

21158910? ago

Do read it, it's great.

21158586? ago

page turner

You will walk away from this book with a much better understanding of how these corrupt systems work with each other in controlling events and shaping ( brainwashing ) public perceptions.

21158370? ago

Another good book to read is “Mary’s Monkey”

Excellent account of sons research from his Dads death bed account of the polio vaccine and how it tied together with the supposed JFK assassin Oswald that worked with the company/ government on polio and cancer. It will blow your mind.

21159036? ago

Thanks, fren. Ordering it now.

21158827? ago

Ed Haslam will make a very rare and possibly last appearance at the JFK conference in November in Dallas, I hope to see him.

21158323? ago

Read the book years ago and it is excellent.

21165015? ago

https://voat.co/v/8chan/3496450 Saoirse Kennedy Hill, dead at 22, a granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy, dies accidental overdose? test found methadone, fluoxetine, norfluoxetine, diazepam, nordiazepam and alcohol in her system??

21158007? ago

They also killed Mary Pinchot Meyer. She was married to a top CIA guy and messing around with JFK, what could go wrong..

21158075? ago

Skull n Bones, an old Egypt and Roman cult, Mauna Kea is so much more than a mountain

21163613? ago

Can you share more about the Egyptian roots of Skull n Bones and Mauna Kea?

21158340? ago

What kind of information do you have on Mauna Kea? First I've heard of it.

21157981? ago

People still believe the 'deep throat' story lol. This book really makes you feel for Richard Nixon.

21158062? ago

It's been said Trump and Nixon were friends. I'm sure he told Trump all about what the DS did to him.

21158497? ago

Nixon was also involved in operation Paperclip and new the original names of the nazis that formed the cia. Trump knows who the traitors have always been.

21157966? ago

One of the best books you will ever read, absolutely a must-read, and well documented.

21157809? ago

Roger Stone. Is that You?

21158026? ago

Funny you say that. If you talk to Roger he is adamant about this. “Nixon was guilty of panic.”

21157875? ago

Russ Baker's book is 100% footnoted and is the most factually supported political book in history. It is outstanding.

I suggest you read it. You will have a better understanding of how we got here and what President Trump is facing.