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21157352? ago

Is a Freemason?

21158000? ago

Goes all the way to the top, Presidents even and the Fed and their weird Bohemia abuse gay drug blackmail club. Mystic shrine? The space rock in that black box in Mecca? The Vatican, the Arab rituals, the Royalty of Europe its all the same old mystery cult. Shrines and Jesters run back to the secret orders. Rothschilds and English Crown have strong ties to these orders. Free Mason / Past Master / Shriner - On back of Car. Any thoughts?

Masons are everywhere.

It's a secret society (religion) based on ancient forms of initiation dressed up in Jewish symbols and words and their central theology is based on the Kabalah. It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. It is more like, rather is Gnosticism.

If you want to know what they are about read:

John Q Adams letters on Freemasonry

Morals and Dogma

Mackey's Encyclopedia

A Bridge to Light

Duncan's Masonic Ritual