21162523? ago

Pakistan. RSS

21158801? ago

CFR cunt...

21158032? ago

Gabbard voted FOR this sham impeachment inquiry. She’s no Patriot standing up against corrupt Democrats for the Rule of Law and America’s Constitutional Republic.

21157827? ago

Note that this is an imgur link.

21157799? ago

sadly too many people think with their dick not their brain. they will vote her just for fapping even they follow Q

21157647? ago

Be very afraid of Tulsi - she is a card carrying Illuminati puppet - a little more presentable but no less dangerous. A satanist through and through.

21157577? ago

Right. RIGHT! It MUST be Illuminati! It must be! what else could it BEEEE!?

...Unless it's actually the Mauna Kea hand sign. Which it totally is.

21160089? ago

They hide behind false causes to do crap just like this.

21160140? ago

No they don't, dumbass. The entire state of Hawaii is not all in on the Illuminati conspiracy to fool the world.

21161147? ago

Don't call me dumbass you fucktard.

They hide behind shit all the time so they can make excuses for what they do to signal each other.

Go eat another blue pill. Don't choke on the silliness of it

21161190? ago


21158821? ago

Shhhh. Why interrupt a good session of group cult-think with basic facts?

21157807? ago

Which is likely yet another Illuminati op. lol

21157505? ago

Oh shit, she's got the triforce!

21157933? ago

Harry S Truman was 'Shriner'? Why does a Jpn video game promote the symbols .... Underneath Tokyo Tower in Japan you have this Egyptian Pagan Babylon crap. Symbols in many parts of the world, Shibakoen under a Watkin 1st Baronet Tower, Lahore Paki Fez Tower. An Ugly version of the Eifel Tower hides a Mason Temple...mystery babylon https://www.bitchute.com/video/S3vuQM8174Ks Nagasaki a city of Christian heritage they wanted to Nuke

21157497? ago

Whats with Tucker Carlson having Gabbard on his show now almost every night? Why prop her up? She is just Hillary 2.0 disguised as harmless.

21157831? ago

Because he's a puppet.

21157534? ago

Tucker works for a network. He has a choice.

All MSM is controlled to stand against America and control the dialectic. This isn't rocket science folks.

21157352? ago

Is a Freemason?

21158000? ago

Goes all the way to the top, Presidents even and the Fed and their weird Bohemia abuse gay drug blackmail club. https://files.catbox.moe/d35x35.jpg Mystic shrine? The space rock in that black box in Mecca? The Vatican, the Arab rituals, the Royalty of Europe its all the same old mystery cult. Shrines and Jesters run back to the secret orders. Rothschilds and English Crown have strong ties to these orders. Free Mason / Past Master / Shriner - On back of Car. Any thoughts?

Masons are everywhere.

It's a secret society (religion) based on ancient forms of initiation dressed up in Jewish symbols and words and their central theology is based on the Kabalah. It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. It is more like, rather is Gnosticism.

If you want to know what they are about read:

John Q Adams letters on Freemasonry

Morals and Dogma

Mackey's Encyclopedia

A Bridge to Light


Duncan's Masonic Ritual

21157320? ago

Ring finger

21157370? ago

Could be a dude.

I’m not kidding.

21157443? ago

It is a dude.

21157428? ago

OMG, enough of this crap already. Not everybody is a trans.

21157506? ago

Its these people religion to be both sexes since Baphomet to them is both. It isnt out of the norm for them at all.

21157499? ago

I didn’t come to this opinion lightly and not attempting to convince you of anything.

Regardless, she’s not a serious candidate and whether she’s “illumined” (sic) or not is retarded.

At this point if I see you on the TV, I’m just assuming your bought and paid for by the Satan.

21157283? ago

Triangle hands. It's normal. Everyone does it.

21158420? ago

Just like the lady in charge of the prison where they murdered Jeffrey Epstein.

Everyone does does do it.

21157113? ago

That one picture was a mistake on her part. She might have had me fooled otherwise.

21157879? ago

she plays a lot of zelda? .... Anyways a big Masonic Babylon symbol, once you see the triangles, the pentagrams, the eye you start seeing the stuff everywhere... looks like FBI just declassed a lot of Bill Coppers Mystery Babylon stuff.. I'm not America but I like the States I worked there I've friends there and I guess Americans in a ways do have their own great history, idenity and freedom and if they check stuff out they can decide themselves. Sometimes she seems genuine in her patriotism, seems real other times she looks or feels like a fake ... for example ... Pedosta donated "ten's of thousands" to Tulsi's campaign, a wolf in sheep's clothing, She talks out of both sides of her mouth? most attractive global world trotting communist-esque social candidate on the Democrat stage...more deep state shit? February 2016, Tulsi Gabbard got an email from Darnell Strom (Former Bill Clinton staffer/Clinton Foundation staffer, etc) stating that she was a traitor for supporting Bernie and that HRC WOULD BE the Dem nominee (this was MONTHS before the Dem primary btw) Is she Hawaii? Is she White? Is she Philippines? Is she Hindu India? She is a manchruan trained by her guru Kris Butler and brainwashed in Science of Identity cult, don't know much about this Mahaprabhu a Bengali Hindu mystic, does anyone else follow these global political and religious networks, religion and politics a powerful mix.

21161298? ago

jews play a sides.

21157286? ago

It's just triangle hands. What's wrong with that? Dont you pose for all your pictures with triangle hands?

21157830? ago

Oh she made a triforce !

21157096? ago

evidently it's just some nigger sorority hand sign.

21157292? ago

Sororities and Fraternities are Masonic preschool.