21135041? ago

8/22/2019: ‘As Many as 20’ Corrections Officers Slapped with Grand Jury Subpoenas in Epstein Death Probe: Report

This information was garnered from an undisclosed source per CNN. (I know, take it with a grain of salt.)

21133101? ago

Not living in luxury on some uncharted island, more likely Gitmo.

21132015? ago


He was sprung by black hats who murdered a double to provide a body. Look again at the gurney pictures - ear, nose, eyebrows. He set up his estate in a trust a day or two before so he could have access to his wealth. IMO, he is alive and has escaped justice. He had too much dirt on very high people for them to permit him to spill it. Substitute guards asleep, cameras malfunctioning, alone in cell. There were other irregularities during that period I forgot which involved him in and out of his cell in a wheelchair. Bringing in the body double?

21132161? ago

They really murdered the shit out of that body double.

21131165? ago

This post is a waste of space - you could've just written: "epstein didn't kill himself, nothing adds up"

Why are you so retarded?

21130556? ago

If he was killed, how could this happen?

Thought we were in control, how was he not protected?

21130462? ago

Your theory in the last paragraph is flawed. If they forced him to decide to hang himself then they wouldn’t have needed to create a situation inside the joint for him to do so because he would’ve been able to do so on his own. I worked 30 years in a maximum security prison in Michigan and I can tell u that in a normal, general population housing unit which is the type that JE was in if I’m not mistaken because he was taken off of suicide watch (which would involve him being put back into gen pop), there are 30 minute rounds which means that the CO must walk the cell block and visually inspect every prisoner and identify a sign of life whether it be the chest expanding or them moving or snoring etc. After the round, the convicts know that they have 30 minutes to suck, fuck, smoke, or kill before the next guard comes by. So my point is that all they had to do was convince JE that he had to kill him self (in this hypothetical case to protect his loved ones) and he would’ve done so even with cameras working and two awake cops. Just saying.

21131506? ago

Right. When he was on suicide watch maybe not because they say the sheets are like tissue paper, designed to tear. But he had just been taken off of suicide watch when it happened. He was definitely able to ace himself if he wanted to.

21130197? ago

Dr. Michael Baden will die by impossible suicide very soon, poor guy is toast.

21129945? ago

So this guy was hired by the Epstein family to perform the autopsy? Yeah, this pretty much convinces me that Epstein is still alive. The only question is whether he's living it up in Tel Aviv or whether his testicles are hooked up to car batteries in Guantanamo.

21131022? ago

Hoping for the testicles in Guantanamo myself.

21130436? ago

If Epstein wasn't dead, he his friends/family would be the last people who'd want attention paid to this issue.

21130226? ago

Hired by his family, obviously he's in Tel Aviv

21130127? ago

hired by ro yal family ....WHEN YOU'VE GOT A DIG TO DIG...DIG WITH THESE https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486951 Anon, your dig tool list is incredibergable. And you sir or madam anon are fucking awesome to the n-th degree. I hope anons upvoat the crap out of this post.

21129942? ago

Epstein isn't dead

21131515? ago

How did Hannibal escape in Silence of the Lambs?

21131548? ago

Trump & Co. have him

21133119? ago

In Gitmo.

21133767? ago

I heard Germany ... Gitmo would be good.

21129880? ago

Thought he moved to your island. Contradict yourself much?

21129917? ago

EXCLUSIVE: First-Ever Look Inside Epstein's Private Island https://voat.co/v/whatever/3491989

21129937? ago

Was Jeff there?

21129851? ago

And you'll note that I said that Epstein died in the paragraph above, because I'm pretty sure he's dead and not living in luxury on some uncharted isle. It's fun to think about him being sprung in some sort of Hollywood-esque commando raid...maybe Mossad guys dressed as US Marshals slipping into the prison in the wee hours of the morning...but that probably didn't happen.

Guaranteed Epstein is alive

21129842? ago

Finally, a coroner as smart as the average person.

21129841? ago

So if they can get the guards to look the other way and get the cameras off why couldn’t they sneak him out?

And if they forced him to ace himself, why are you promoting the examiner report which says the broken hyroid process is more consistent with homicide than suicide?

I’m guessing your method is to first make some memes of questionable humor value, and then do a write-up to anchor them to. Meme Showcase. Bang up job.

Lay off the PBRs, Cap. Your brain is getting soggy.

21130050? ago

Well, those were old memes I had laying around, so they weren't custom-tailored to the story.

AND...I said either the guards whacked him or he was forced to commit suicide, either of which could have resulted in the broken hyroid bones.

AND...haven't had a PBR in over two years.