21140915? ago

Vindman's name right now is about whether he is Jewish?"

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21132690? ago

So , it looks like the brother is connected to the central banking system. Vindman himself boasts his participation in the illegitimate war in Iraq. It is very fitting, in the article he is seen painting a picture of a fox. I assume that to be him and he is guarding the hen house(America).

21132262? ago

imagine the redpill potential if big tech just let the algorithms work instead of trying to control the narrative all the time.

21130920? ago

We need to eliminate all catholics in positions of power

21131968? ago

That's not explicitly wrong, but its so far removed from the root of the problem that its not worth focusing your efforts on at this time.

21132140? ago

I upvoted it for the satire. It is eye-opening!

21130812? ago

Checks out.

Is jew. www.nytimes.com/2019/10/29/us/politics/who-is-alexander-vindman.amp.html

21139940? ago

Thanks pal! I gotta start using archive, but I posted this while taking a shit at work so got lazy.

21140570? ago

No worries. Your URL didn't hyperlink for some reason, (probably the missing "https://") so I figured if I was gonna have to copy and paste it anyway, I might as well paste it into the archive box.

21129704? ago

pretty much google knows when i put a name in im trying to figure out how jewish they are. if they are not jewish usualy they are gay. if neither of these they are almost always at least a liberal communist or socialist. last and smallest number are just useful idiots that are too stupid young or nieve to understand what they are being used for.

21129526? ago

Now that’s funny.

21128950? ago

I hope they can prove to the normies that the jews did 9-11. Then we can exterminate them.

21128840? ago

So.... is he jewish or not?

21128876? ago

He is...

Did you miss my post yesterday??


21129298? ago

Every fucking time

21128783? ago

Stop projecting your anti Semitism.

21129713? ago

Stop using made up words

21129293? ago

Well, it is not anti-Semtic to point out the dancing Israelis that video taped and recorded the 911 attack.

21128891? ago

We call those, "hate facts".

21128842? ago

It's mainstream, not just on Twitter but general news headlines too:

Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and the Questioning of an American Jew's Patriotism


Trumpists Hurl Desperate, Despicable Dual Loyalty Charges


It's all over Twitter:


Some tweets have tens of thousands of likes:


21129385? ago

Is "Trumpists" supposed to be insulting? Liberals can't meme and Demsheviks can't label.

21128716? ago

No, it's based on your past search history.

21128885? ago

Disinfo scum

21129028? ago


21128819? ago

^ That's a lie. This boomer doesn't know how Twitter works. Suggestions based on what search terms are trending

Confirm via VPN/proxy if still in doubt.

21129013? ago

False, you're an idiot.

21128682? ago

Names ending in -man are Jewish.

21135207? ago

Superman was created by a couple of jews, checks out.

21132120? ago

Peter Venkman! "Listen! Do you smell something?"

21130543? ago

He-Man, checks out.

21128659? ago

Shut up about your Jew shit. That algorithm is designed to show the user what might be interesting to them. It’s not what every user sees. He is most likely a dumbass goat Nazi fag like you

21128763? ago

Bullshit. The subject matter of his Jewish ethnicity is mainstream not just on Twitter but general news headlines too.

Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and the Questioning of an American Jew's Patriotism:


Trumpists Hurl Desperate, Despicable Dual Loyalty Charges:


It's all over Twitter:


Some tweets have tens of thousands of likes:


It's disgusting how you defend Jews without any regard for the truth.

21128786? ago

It’s disgusting that the accuse the Jews without any regard for the truth

21128823? ago

We were all once where you are. Keep trying, you'll eventually break the programming.

21128980? ago

Keep trying, you'll eventually break the programming.

21128676? ago

^^^dirty kike

21128695? ago

Not a Jew. You small minded dumbass

21128832? ago

You're either a jew or a useful idiot.

21129301? ago

Absoultely . There is no in between.

Jews that like Western populaton are like 1%

21129684? ago

Jews should all move to their Ethnostate, Israel! GFFO!

21128652? ago

Even the sheep have to notice by now, it's every fucking time.

21128887? ago

Hey.... I did my part, yesterday.

How did this post not sit at the top of QRV ?? 14 likes??? WTF lol


21129588? ago

Keep it up, there was a long downtime on VOAT here at least when you posted that. It always happena when (((they))) don’t want us to see something.

21129735? ago

Definitely. The question is rhetorical and I knew the answer.

I do believe this is the post that crashed VOAT yesterday.

Look at the brigading on this submission. 8 Downvoats ? lol

The entire Impeachment process is hanging from a thread and it's last name is (((VINDMAN)))

21128681? ago

Every damn time, a dirty jew is involved.

21129957? ago

Yep 270k Jews died of Typhus in concentration camps run by the half Jewish son of a Rothschild who is confirmed to have gone under MK-Ultra style hypnosis treatment for PTSD, and now it's a crime, globally, to question them.

21132108? ago

...and that's how the rest of us ended up with PTSD.

21133485? ago

That would explain the epidemic of LGBTQ.

21130775? ago

And those are (((Red Cross))) numbers. I sometimes doubt they were even labor camps. Not like Jews are good at doing physical labor. The real labor camps were in USSR.