21132053? ago

strategy to disrupt individuals who are mobilizing towards violence....

Antifa too!

21123300? ago

See how easy it is, blow up a few buildings and then THE SHEEPLE WILL BEG for invasion of privacy aka patriot act. Basically, what we need is the DS dip shits to staged a few more mass shootings and then THE SHEEPLE WILL BEG for pre-crime further eliminating all privacy"

21123268? ago

I'm all for stopping shooters before they can act. However, there is usually little to no signs before they snap and start shooting. I don't think this is a good idea, UNLESS they know who all the MKUltra kids are AND where they are and can then go about re-programming them... and that is all that should be done with this. Oh, and don't let the weird kid who jokes about sadistic stuff and disrupts class all day go about his days with no questions. But really, that's a different set of laws, imo.

21124041? ago

They could start by revoking FDA approval for SSRI's. That would be one of the fastest ways to hamper school shootings. The damn drugs disable "call of the void" resistance.

21124359? ago

Oh, now that is what I call an IDEA!! And, one that would work! Too bad we got so many satanists in the FDA.

21122134? ago

WTF we need LESS of these “laws”, not more.

21121826? ago

They probably know who and where all the MKUltra victims are - they are likely going to have to keep a special eye on them. Poor souls.

21121534? ago

Barr is a low profile kinda guy, he could not be who he is today if he sought the spotlight.

'By all lawful means', Barr simply states the obvious here. Ain't it a shame that, these days after decades of double damned corrupt government, these days we have to state the obvious? Of course it is by all lawful means, and that is precisely what we are demanding isn't it; Honest Government operating inside Constitutional Law. Yet our State of the Union is such that we have to state the obvious, remind government and citizens alike that they/we must adhere to the Rule of Law.

Sanctuary cities are rebellion against Law, open borders are rebellion against Law, klantifas and BLM goons and public sector unions, are all rebellion against Law. So we have to pass laws requiring government to obey Law, have to remind government agencies/employees they are bound by Oath to obey and defend Law.

That is what Barr did, it is only Orwellian in the sense of mirrors; Barr reminds existing government and the citizenry at large he insists on Lawful execution of government. The reflection of Orwell is in their eyes, not ours.

Many shooters have been MKULTRA or other known occupants in government files. Parkland comes to kind, the queer nightclub...others.

21122007? ago

A pedo guide book disguised as Scifi Novel? 1973 OSS scifi. Kosar people? Barr wrote Fiction Books on Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Abuse? father of William Attorney General H. W. Bush Admin https://voat.co/v/QRV/3386600

21122182? ago

Fake, numbnuts

21122173? ago

Fake news. That was Barr's father, but you want everyone here to think you are referring to Bill Barr.

I see you stalwarts are getting desperate and just peddling made up stuff at this point.



21122042? ago

If you're trying to say something spit it out, otherwise it's shilling innit.

The Fook does that have to do with shiite?

21122178? ago

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21121533? ago

They should look for ALL people with freaky backgrounds that DO NOT go around shooting up places and people. Are there NONE of those? Do a ratio or shooters v non shooter crazy people. THERE is your indicator. NEVER abandon truth in favor of convenience or popularity. EVER (or you're going to hell).

21121419? ago

There have certainly been more than a few shooters that have been "known wolves" to the people and often police that have been in previous contact with them. The shooter in FL had a mind blowing amount of neon signs of trouble brewing. Like all legislation, this could overreach, but a possible court ordered evaluation might have saved lives in the FL case. I think it's kind of unfair to jump right to Orwell...

21121360? ago

Is Barr a member of SES? I hope not.

21121278? ago

...always fighting the last war until the new war kicks you awake.

21121206? ago

If you don't think this will also be pointed at Militias, you are crazy.