21986148? ago

Place is over run with ragheads and how gay is CI Gay ? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3591456/21984933

21123105? ago

I don't know why you folks keep whining about the people voting these fucks in. They told you about how they intended to handle voting a long long time ago.

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. -- Joseph Stalin

21122252? ago

She's as much a woman as the prime minister of New Zealand is a woman... and that one has a cockbuldge as big as Big Mike's.

21122061? ago

So, shes not white?

21120973? ago

Wow, what fucking morons will vote for.

21119937? ago

If the wider world only knew how many of these people occupy top positions they'd be dumbfounded. If only they would step away from their smartphones, trash TV, their own reflections, and other meaningless bullshit to take the time to see it, huh? Brave New World. If only...

21119723? ago

Looks more like HIS identity.

21118919? ago

Fucking hell. What's wrong with voters?

21118375? ago

It should be illegal for Jews or niggers or ANYBODY (Warren) to conceal or claim a different heritage than their own.

21118196? ago

Can Belgians do recall elections?

Even the filthy terrorist Invaders would be on board and if they weren't it's proof they are working together against the European people.

21118177? ago

How did people miss that nose?

21121898? ago

And the close-set beady eyes.

21118094? ago

Belgium's done

21118071? ago

Bitch look like Geddy Lee

21117928? ago

I'd hide it too with all the low class bigotry against them. This is not about behavior. Those tharmr behave badly need to be brought to justice, but too many just want to blanket condemn them all.

21119206? ago

A race of people doesn't get kicked out of 109 countries for having big, ugly, noses. Learn the history because it's happening today.

21118387? ago

I don't know why people like you don't understand stereotypes stem from truth. Because of this, people sharing certain tenancies are treated with more or less criticism, broadly or in specific ways. This is because of the probability being higher that certain groups will do certain things.

For example, when you hear "Woman in Europe chopped in broad daylight by man with ax" - There is an image that comes to your mind on who may be doing the chopping. You are correct, btw.

A group of 15 people ruthlessly beat and killed a man at a bus stop in Minneapolis. I bet your mind displayed the right image in your head of who would perform such an act.

No different with Jews. Just like illegal muslims in particular need a 1-strike policy (violent crimes = immediate execution), Jews need to be very closely watched and heavily scrutinized.

I'm not saying ALL of them are bad or are trying to ruin the world. I'd bet the ones who seek a position of power and influence on a global scale are though. They should NOT be elected in the first place...but since we haven't understood that yet, they should definitely not be trying to hide it if there isn't anything to hide.

It's not bigotry to understand certain races act certain ways.

21117908? ago

Looks less like a "sophie" and more like a samuel to me

21117850? ago

What was nonames secret service code name? Was it a dog?

21117703? ago

What the fuck you talking about Nazifaggot?

I thought you Nazi fuckers could tell whether someone was Jewish by the color of their skin.

You trying to tell me that she fooled you that she's white? How is that possible?

21117584? ago


21117489? ago

I've seen more feminine looking men

21117454? ago

He is pretty

21117400? ago

Welp there goes Belgium. Unless it's already gone of course, in which case this is the final nail in the coffin.

21117868? ago

Lol, Belgium is home to Brussels, which is home to the EU. Haha, Belgium was gone before the Jew “officially” took over as obviously, the Jew had already taken over behind the scenes decades ago.

21117332? ago

deceptive man jew standing in front of satanic looking painting.

21122300? ago

deceptive man jew standing in front of satanic looking painting.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21122377? ago

Well bring it up with the Belgian PM. S/he's the one who concealed (her) jewness for political reasons.

21117556? ago

and Macron? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457619 Macron Silent?? 5 Police Stabbed in France? 4 Cops killed by Attacker, the Paris Police HQ Stabber Was Recent Convert to Islam. Michael Harpon attacked Station next to burnt out Nottre Dame.

21117484? ago

Yeah that's a man baby.

21117314? ago

How could she hide it, i see it immediately!

21117616? ago

Who are the British German Belgium Shape Shifting Royals?? https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/cbxabp/here_is_a_list_of_all_us_politicians/ Pedo-ocracy? a list of all US politicians Charged/Convicted... 2 Party Pedo System?... also happens overseas see Haiti, Roman Catholic Church, Dutroux (Belgium), Arabia, the BBC & British Royals

21117296? ago

better than being muslim...

21117311? ago

Muslims are the biological weapon of the Jew.

21117849? ago

muslims are a biological cancer on earth

21118095? ago

Jews are a biological cancer on earth

21118812? ago

muslims deserve nothing but eradication

21119052? ago

Na just send them to israel.

21117305? ago

A Jewish prime minister will fast-track Belgium becoming Muslim majority.

21117841? ago

like the london mayor?

21117882? ago

The great grandson of the first king of Afghanistan? That London mayor?

21117895? ago

the muslim, american hating mayor? that one?

21118322? ago

That’s the one. We traced his lineage to the first king of Afghanistan. We can go further but the proof starts becoming unverifiable.

21117281? ago

Sweden you ain't seen nothing yet.

21117368? ago

I'll wager Belgium becomes caliphate before Swedenstan.

21117248? ago

mother of four? I'm 99% sure that's a man... man.

21117300? ago

Has that Caitlyn Jenner look. I checked other photos. The one use in that article is comparably feminine.

21117350? ago

yikes... I checked that myself. you are correct.

any pics of the family? I bet "her" husband looks totally fag (or like a Ferengi) and kids are black.

21117240? ago

A (((Son of Satan))) is a (((Son of Satan))) is a (((Son of Satan))).