21132088? ago

...Darkness will be necessary....

21117504? ago

Boom. Why would 8chan be such a threat? FB was where the manifesto was first published, yet zuckerBorg is still living high on the hog in Hawaii.

21114804? ago

Best thing that could've happened...we have spread our autism to all chans and all boards all over the internet. At 8chan we were contained to one general area...without it...the autistic fire RISES.

21117549? ago

21116315? ago

\o/ \o/


  • Timmay

21112478? ago

I approve of this post.

21114479? ago

wanted to destroy voat as they attacked 8chan? Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ . , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

21112440? ago

Nice account there....

21112238? ago

Well here’s the thing. Q was defeated almost two months ago. But no one cares about Q because Q is and always has been irrelevant to whatever is going to happen.

Besides, Q himself said that nothing he says can be trusted (“disinformation is necessary.”) So really, whoever takes Q seriously is a fool by Q’s own words.

21112124? ago

Well here’s the thing. Q was defeated almost two months ago. But ultimately one cares about Q because Q is and always has been irrelevant to whatever is going to happen.

21111712? ago

Yeah, it pisses me off that the bad guys know more about what's going on than we do.

21116150? ago

You might want to reconvene with your brain, friend. THEY know what's going on because THEY are the ones doing the evil shit...

21110912? ago

Buwahahahaha .. what PAIN? There is no pain. No one has yet to be charged for shit dumb shit.

21112556? ago

That’s because they are all dying first.

21113923? ago

I'm fine with them dying

21112731? ago

but are those deaths natural? hmmm

21112768? ago

Does it even matter at this point?

21112821? ago

nah, not really, but it would make me feel better knowing they were executed or suicided. its my dark black heart.

21111505? ago

The "Are we there yet?" shtick, when even you can't bear to type "Arrests or GTFO" one more time.

21111115? ago


21112074? ago

Oh sure, pick on a Puerto Rican Jew.

21111096? ago

oh hi bwahafag, long time no see. Did you get any bagels?

21109593? ago

More delusional, nonsensical drivel from a gullible Q-tard.

Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe a high-ranking "military intelligence" insider is posting memes and cryptic clues on an imageboard known primarily for child porn, white supremacy and mass shootings.

21110075? ago

And if it's the Deep State that posting the child porn, white supremacy bs and doing the mass shootings in order to discredit Q?

Use logic. The Cabal does not operate in your best interest. According to them, we're either just compliant citizens or useless eaters. Either way, we're not part of the club.


21109964? ago

yeah since that is all it was used for...

facebook: hosts CP, sells more drugs on its marketplace in a week than silkroad sold in its entire existence...

instagram: hosts CP, white supremacy manifestos, revenge porn...

...shall we keep going? nah cus you are a shill. fuck you and educate yourself before looking like a fool with these comments.

21109941? ago

They're coming for you, fag.

21109248? ago

The child rape drawings didn't help 8chans case either

21111487? ago

Yes because an anonymous board that anyone can post anything to will not have shills doing that shit. Stupid fuck.

21109665? ago

That and worse they can easily place on your devices. Posession. Then they own you. Be careful out there.

21109408? ago

That's one of the first methods they always try to get image sharing sites shut down, or to blackmail them into compliance.

21111553? ago

The stuff they were dropping in 8ch/qresearch just before the shutdown was the sickest stuff I've ever seen in my life. You knew something big was about to happen.

21109631? ago

That's how the Cabal minions got rid of the Q forums on Reddit. Post some CP, which they oddly enough have constant ready access to, and then their counterparts at Reddit run over and pretend to be shocked, and then they ban the subreddit.

21109671? ago

Bingo. Bango!

Here's a Mango

21109082? ago

WAT!? Makes sense, and learn English

21109254? ago

putt said it was persistent professional attacks https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053/21087150 Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators

21109896? ago

Investigate Guiness scandal. Investigate everyone involved and who they are related to in the BBC. Especially Rifkinds and Ronsons. Youve made a huge step forward.

21109474? ago

You are not speaking English. Like, at all

21230522? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625/21187915 Royal Order of the Mystic Shrine

21109160? ago

210 characters to fit it all in, I needed 300

21109219? ago

No, you need to think before you type.