21103519? ago

Q's used "patriots are now in control" in full, IIRC, but not sure if same applies to "suspects in child kidnappings". Still, interesting.

21104493? ago

Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053

21103473? ago

What is worse than Pedo-Blackmail?

Pedo-Snuff films?

Or that they eat the evidence?

The questions that require death just to ask.

21105055? ago

Just gotta test their brains for misfolded protein from that kuru heck we might even find DNA from others in their body's of course the only way to verify would be gathering hard evidence and the a dissection just so we could notify the victims family's

21103702? ago

D) all of the above. in the order you laid out.