21107911? ago

Some think Al-Baghdadi was Mossad. I've seen no confirmation.

21106222? ago

And here I thought Trump was talking about the demorats... silly me!

21104737? ago

Everything and Everyone for the Joos ONLY. Nothing for anyone else. They want all the land, money, resources and humans on earth to serve them, and them alone. Talk about a "god complex". And we know which god they serve.

21103760? ago


21103038? ago


21103001? ago


Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

21102752? ago

Noticing things is anti-semitic.

21101816? ago

Feinberg just admitted that Jews are pushing war and mass immigration. He must be a fruit from the Retard tree!

21101810? ago

Just bring antisemitism up out of nowhere that's totally not a defensive admission of guilt or anything

fucking cut dick cowards

21101070? ago

Because they are just confirming what we already know.

21100915? ago

SEE THIS for further information on this tactic:

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"


21100819? ago

Can't we give these commie fucks helicopter rides yet or what?

21100585? ago

Trope, red hairing, coincidence, three surefire signs a Jew is lying to you.

21100449? ago

This stupid Jew just told the world they are behind illegal immigration and ISIS.

21100203? ago

So he is admitting Jews are doing both these thing?


Shall we wait for the "goodjews" to publicly call these people out as not real jews?

21106447? ago

So he is admitting Jews are doing both these thing?

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21108102? ago

And what are you vocalizing about the Jews who make the rest of you look bad?

21100869? ago

Don't hold your breath.

21100190? ago

Also, the Kike has NO awareness.

21099890? ago

Oh look its the usual daily Muh Joo Shill thread filled with replies with other shills [agents, sellouts] replying with "kike" and "MA JOOS!" and "oy" and "goyim" and "vey" and every other tag-word their bosses order them to use, in a panicked rush.

The True Title of this Original Post, as always, can easily be fixed by a simple game of 'word-replacement', observe:

" Luciferian, fake jew and fake journalist, journalist Andrew Feinberg, accuses President Trump of antisemitism. Note that Trump didn't mentions Jews. Why then did Feinberg assume that's who Trump meant? Guilty conscience?"

The luciferians ultimate cover is hiding behind jews while at the same time HATING on real jews. The fake faggots follow talmud and molest babies then say it is Torah following jews doing it also. They think they are clever.

Retarded people upvote these posts.

True anons upvote my post and downvote this garbage + calling it out for what it is.

Fuck you panicking shillfucks, the walls are closing in fast, what will you do??? Say kike some more? Gonna do anything for you?


No it won't.

21101767? ago

You’re about as transparent in jewishness as the Feinberg moron. Keep on kikeing!

21100437? ago

Oh look, its a jew shill. Surprise, surprise.

21099844? ago

Irony is he was talking about Dems.

21099655? ago

oy vey that's a creative imagination !!

21099600? ago

it has come basically this stupid kike admiting

that Jews support illegal immigration and perpetual wars....

waduheck ?

21099832? ago

Saving Israel for last.

21106370? ago

The FINAL Solution?

21099587? ago

It's a trick we always use it.

21099543? ago

Arent kikes just the slimiest fucking thing youve ever seen??

Never ceases to amaze me.

21100730? ago

They know how to give the truth a negative connotation.

21099463? ago

This is the same Feinberg who Kellyanne Conway snapped at not too long ago.

Conway had enough of Feinberg's instigating and cut straight to the chase by asking him "What's your ethnicity?"

See for yourself: https://twitter.com/AndrewFeinberg/status/1151165148217917441

21099764? ago

This guy is the posterboy for 'The Jew cries out as it strikes you'