21092094? ago

How’s the smell?

21986007? ago

Dying smells of rotting human flesh, it lingers for years that smell from moslems killing their fellow moslem islamics for not being moslem enough, also smells kinda like India, similar food and poo in streets

21092898? ago


21091666? ago

My apologies for the ignorant morons from my country. I am a Mormon and they hate us, too. Religious bigotry is still very active in America. I work with many Turkish Muslims. They are some of the finest people I have ever met. I have been invited to their homes and met their families--wonderful families with well-adjusted, polite children. I teach some of the children of my Muslim colleagues in my class at school. Compared to the American blacks and he Hispanic students, the Turkish children are respectful and behave themselves. They have self-control and they have a moral center, which is not true for many of the students. That is because they come from homes where mother and father are faithful to each other and teach them that lying, stealing, cheating, etc. are morally wrong. Americans used to be religious, God-fearing people. The Cabal's corruption has destroyed morality for the most part in America. Even if Trump and Q manage to overthrow the Cabal, unless people repent and DO righteousness, God will let us fall into destruction at our own hands.

Blessings to you and your family.

21986029? ago

founded by masons the Mormons connect to pedos and connect the human trafficking of hordes into the United States... anyways looks like America dodged a bullet https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3591356/21984764

21992322? ago

Pretty lame dropping in your anti-Mormon BS on a discussion that has been dead for two months. Anyways, every word you said about Latter-day Saints is incorrect.

You actually are confused. The United States was founded by Masons, like George Washington.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints became a Freemason in Nauvoo, Illinois around 1842 or so. The Church had already been in existence for twelve years at that time. He was encouraged to become a Mason because it was hoped that it would build goodwill with the nearby community and alleviate anti-Mormon bigotry. It didn't work and he was assassinated by a mob, which included Freemasons, Christians incited by hateful ministers, and assorted ruffians. You can read more on Mormonism and Freemasonry here. You might want to get educated before embarrassing yourself spreading false information.


21995060? ago

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21092851? ago

Fuck Muslims. I hate them.

21091292? ago

Which hadiths do you follow?

21986037? ago

... He reads the terrorist pedophile ones

21091287? ago

How do you feel about the Shia?

21986041? ago

If only the Paki can tell you its another favor of islamist pedo terrorist shit

21091301? ago


21091175? ago

lol you wish. Your sitting in mommas basement feeling all cool though.

21091099? ago

Do you get tired of fucking their assholes?

21091242? ago

We have normal intercourse

21091083? ago

Will you mutilate any daughters you have by sewing up their vaginas so they can barely pee or feel anything except pain between their legs?

21091266? ago

Female circumcision is extremely rare in Pakistan. None of my daughter's nor my wives are circumcised.

21091309? ago

<3<3<3<3!!!!! God/Allah bless you!

21090829? ago

Is it true you guys wipe your asses with your left bare hand?

21090812? ago

It must be nice to be able to name the jew and not be called a nazi for it

21985999? ago

Ask a paki Why do you pray to a pedophile mahomet who founded islam and thought he was demon possessed?

21090836? ago

It is.

21090787? ago

So with 4 wives around, how do you sneak away to fuck the goats at night? Also, will you burn into a puddle of goo if I throw a strip of bacon on your face?

21090802? ago

  1. I do not have relations with goats. My beautiful wives are who i sleep with.

2.No. I will certainly disapprove, though.

21090825? ago

Wow, you are cooler than I thought. Thanks for being brave

21090731? ago

Do You enjoy fucking infidels to death like the Koran commands?

21090743? ago

I have relations with my Muslim wives only. My right hand posses nothing.

21090647? ago

Do you have a suicide vest handy?

21090669? ago

No. Suicide is haram

21090616? ago

Did you ever stop beating your wives?

21090622? ago

They behave. I don't need to.

21090633? ago

Y'all gonna have kids?

21090645? ago

I have 10, currently.

21090578? ago

How do you choose which one of your wives is the first one to strap a bomb on & hit the streets?

21090589? ago

I'm not a terrorist. And there is no legitimate Jihad currently.

21090610? ago

What justifies a "legitimate jihad" if I may?

21090629? ago

One sanctioned by a Caliph. There is no Caliphate currently.

21090660? ago

You're not very good at this.

21090540? ago

Who framed Roger Rabbit?

21986066? ago

21090556? ago

Degenerate western garbage.

21090457? ago

Aged 6 thru 12?

21090468? ago

Youngest was 16 at marriage.

21090487? ago

Kinda old. Mohamed started at 6. You must be a heretic.

21090505? ago

That is allowed, but not mandatory. Muhammad's first wife, Khadijah, was 40.

21090966? ago

And then he raped a 6year old-OH wait, he married her, It's ok now..

21090989? ago

He waited till she was 9 and pubescent.

21091054? ago

Still too young. and I dont believe he didn't deflour her directly after the wedding. too hard to believe.His devout followers would have believed him no matter if he was lying or not.

21090456? ago

What does Allah say about liars?

21090481? ago

That it is wrong. Taqiya is only allowed in times of persecution, such as 1500s Spain.

21090798? ago

Your practicing Taqiya right now...

21090827? ago

I'm not being persecuted. Pakistan is firmly Muslim.

21090857? ago

Sucks to be you

21090871? ago

I am doing fine. Pakistan is a morally straight nation that firmly resists degeneracy like feminism and Judaism.

21090951? ago

Nah...you live in Pakistan....good luck

21090971? ago

Our nation is far more moral than whatever western hell hole you live in.

21090422? ago

Pics. Pussy shots.

21090449? ago

That is immoral. Their genitals are for my eyes and newborn children's eyes only.

21090755? ago

Ass shots then.

21090771? ago

No. My wives are mine. Their bodies are for me.

21090609? ago

You’re saying your wife’s genitals are for children’s viewing?


21090635? ago

At birth.

21090692? ago

I laugh that you think that makes it any better.

21090711? ago

So how else are children supposed to be born?

21090399? ago

What are you planning to do for their 13th birthday?

21090440? ago

My youngest wife was 16 when I married her.

21090398? ago

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

21090447? ago

He was a prophet, though not the final one and he wasn't the son of God.

21090859? ago

Ok, always wondered this... if he is a prophet... then how do you feel about him lying and claiming to be the son of god? wouldn't that make him a pretty terrible prophet..?

21091021? ago

Atheist; don't give a shit. Just curious at how someone rationalizes a lying prophet of god.

21091025? ago

Enjoy hell.

21091089? ago

If that is my fate, I go with my ethics, morals, and honor intact.

I did what was right because it was the right thing to do, not because I was afraid of punishment from an apathetic deity who stood on the sidelines and watched his handiwork suffer.

You still haven't answered my question though... will you?

Follow up question, remind me what the penalty for denying god is according to Sharia? Been a while since I've read the Koran. Pretty sure it's beheading, but want to double check.

21090452? ago

Heresy stupid.

21090460? ago

You're the one that is going to hell, not me. You're the heretic.

God. Has. No. Son.

21090472? ago

And you would argue with me like a JW am I right? Nonstop.

21090489? ago

There is one God, and Muhammad is his messenger.

21090582? ago

"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

There is your prophet, cast alive into the lake of fire. Along with the man of sin, the pope himself.

21090596? ago

Muhammad is not going to hell. You are.

21090784? ago

Nope...your pedophile prophet (fucked his 9 year old bride at the age of 43) is already in hell sucking demon cock for all eternity....

21090813? ago

She reached puberty. She was fair game.

21090841? ago

Pedophile....you might as well pray to Epstein

21090855? ago

My youngest wife was 16.

21090607? ago

Place your bets.

21090565? ago

What do we tell all those thousands of reformers and puritans and Scottish covenanters of the great reformation, the greatest theologians and godliest men that ever walked the face of the earth, that overthrew the papal church and were the biggest part of the enlightenment and were instrumental in settling the new world and bringing the Christian religion to the world, that they were wrong?


The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof.

21090570? ago

Yes. They misunderstood Jesus and didn't accept Muhammad.

21092434? ago

Interesting that you place convenience of lifestyle choices above the moral commands written of in the Bible.

Islam is much more permitting of moral degeneracy.

You say, "God has no Son." do you mean biological son ship or created son ship? Jesus claims to be the Son of God yet also claims to be eternal without beginning or end. Jesus is co eternal and is from the same essence energy as the Father.

You clearly don't understand NT theology of son ship. But that's understandable because you are a fake arse shill.

21090592? ago

Oopsie on them lol.